News - Is The Kar98k The New Zombies Meta. Warzone 2 Zombies

So, twoot does seem to be the sort of vibe that this car is definitely giving, which you know isn't horrendous, but when you're using something as strong as a sniper rifle. I suppose it's not a sniper rifle, though it is actually a marksman rifle, so it's technically not going to have that sniper rifle damage, but as you see, we took out two zombies there with that one bullet, which isn't too bad.

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I definitely need to get my hands on speed cola and probably need to put my hands on a few other perks, like I said. I'm a little bit disappointed that I didn't actually bring in mags of holding. Could have definitely made a nice difference to this gun because I think that's maybe where this is struggling is the fact that is just a lot of reloading with this gun we don't have of course have five bullets in each magazine so not moving too fast don't really want to try and take on a mega bombination just yet I want to try and get some of those perks that we did just mention so, let me make my way to a perk machine down here and we can just grab some of those that we need, so like I said Speed Cola and Deadshot are probably the two that I want to make sure that I do get simply because Deadshot is obviously going to hit those head shots.

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And yeah, then we can sort of go PhD Flopper. I guess I don't have enough cash; I don't think so. Yeah, I mean, here we are, one shot on that zombie there. I don't know. It seems like, as I said, it's a pretty inconsistent weapon. It seems like there is a mega-abomination here. Let me see if I can do any damage to a mega-abomination.

Of course, with the Instagram kill coming up, it's going to make it much easier. I definitely should have bought mags of holding. I'm really annoyed with myself that I forgot to bring in mags of holding. You know it would have been a lot better with mags of holding, I think, but it's not the end of the world.

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We're still going to do decent damage; like said, just that reload speed needs to be a little bit faster, but Speed Cola is of course helping with that. You can now see the reload speed if I just do it. Yeah, really not a bad reload speed, in all honesty. But hopefully now we can start taking on some high value targets some Mega Abominations and things like that and seeing what this gun's going to do against the bosses because just because it's not the Super strongest against the zombies, really does not mean it is going to be the worst against the bosses you know some of these sniper rifles that we use are sometimes a lot bit better against bosses than what they are against normal zombies so I will see if I can find any boss zombies high value targets any of that sort of stuff and just see how it gets on so we've got a Mangler down in front of us let's try and hit a head shot on that see if we can actually do any sort of decent damage, to a Mangler.

Which it looks like it might do actually lowkey it looks like it might do a decent bit of damage to those bosses then we hit a deciple head shot another one, yeah it looks like against the bosses it lowkey looks like it's going to do a decent little bit of damage I lowy want to try and run off and find a boss Zombie, by myself and just see what it's going to do against one of those without anyone else shooting at it speaking of there is a mangler here there is a dog on it of course But I don't.


I really don't, and I can't work out if this is actually doing good damage. I don't think it's as much damage as I was kind of hoping, unfortunately, and I am actually really disappointed. I was really hoping the car was going to be a lot stronger so it could be like a pretty usable gun, because if you look at some of the bosses, they take down some of the bosses they like.

I think it's the XRK that literally three shots Mega Abominations and things like that, whereas this just doesn't really seem super strong unfortunately. I don't know it does seem to do a decent bit of damage I don't but like I said I don't know if it's the dogs doing the damage if it's the other players doing the damage I really just can't work it out if I'm totally honest, let me see what sort of damage I can do to this disciple decent bit of damage there yeah it does seem to be doing a decent bit of damage on the on the boss zombies, like I said the regular zombies is just where it seems to struggle for some reason I don't really know.

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Why i mean, that's what four shots into the mang look like. I mean, I don't know. I don't know, to be honest. I really can't work out if it's doing good damage or if it's not doing good damage, which is kind of the annoying thing about this, and unfortunately, I don't think it's actually that strong.

I mean, again, it could be the build that I've got on it; there might be like a ridiculously broken build out there for this thing, but I don't know; it doesn't seem like that's going to be the case if I'm totally honest with you guys. The one thing I will say is that it actually has pretty nice hit-fire on it, if I'm totally honest.

It's like getting a really nice, accurate hip fire, which does make a big difference when you're using something like a sniper, because when the zombies do get close, if you need to pull out a hip fire, you quite easily can, and it is going to do some decent damage to those zombies that are around.

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Like I said, I was just kind of hoping for a little bit more damage out of this car; it doesn't really feel like it is that strong. Against much but we're going to carry on testing it out anyway just because it's not been good, so far and not felt super broken doesn't mean it's not going to you know it doesn't mean i' I've fully tested it doesn't mean we've given it the best test possible so we are going to keep running around seeing what other sort of contracts and stuff we can get up to, because of course we to use the entirety of the game to make sure we can actually work out the best possible action to play with this gun if that makes sense but it's also my first game of Zombies since season 4 the drop so I'll be interested to see if there's like any increase in the loot you know any sort of tier three, contract loot increase or anything like that we'll have to have a little look see how it does play out like I say just really wish I managed to bring in mags of holding because I feel that would have made a nice little difference to this gun, but it's not the end of the world there's a mimic down here let me see if I can pop the mimic get his attention to come over here see how quickly.

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We can take down a mimic; let's take out some of these that are near us. I need to be careful here so that I don't end up going down. okay, just chill, pop a quick reload, turn around, carry on fighting that, and mimic. I mean, it's definitely not doing crazy damage to the bosses, is it? It's not like some of the other snipers that we've got in this game that just basically instantly drop them, so unfortunately, that's just not going to be just not going to be the case with this Marxman rifle with the car 9K, which I was really hoping was just going to be really broken, like I was just hoping that the car of all guns was just going to be the broken zombie's weapon to use, and you know, it's just going to be really, really fun, but.

In this video we take a look at what happens when you pack-a-punch the Kar98k in mw3 zombies! Pack-A-Punching the Kar98k in MW3 Zombies This Happens. Pack-A-Punching the Kar98k in MW3 Zombies Best Weapon.
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