News - Is Commander Philip Graves Evil. Warzone 2 Story

call of duty modern warfare 2

This is what they say: much has been said about the Ulf. AAR Kareim, and her soldiers as a terror organization; no. Kareim is and always has been an ally to the United States and our Western Partners in the region. How did Commander Kareem obtain American armor? For nearly a decade, I sent weapons to Commander Kareim to support her missions against Alcat and Russian incursions into Ekhan.

Were those shipments legal? No, in order to save lives, I commissioned illegal shipments with funds I approved. Myself, quiet quiet, please, General Shephard, in October 2022, did you authorize Shadow Company to fire on a task force under your command in Las Vegas, Mexico? No, I did not, okay, Mr.

Graves were you given orders to use lethal force against TF1? Yes, I was quiet in this chamber when I gave you those orders, General Hel Shephard. Did you act on those orders, Mr. Graves absolutely not, sir. Quiet So many of you watching this are probably going to say that Graves is evil for this because he lied; he said that he never acted upon the orders of General Shephard.

call of duty story

And this is where we have to go back and take a look because I believe that he is actually telling the truth, and what I mean by this is that if we go back to that scene where Task Force 141 is fighting Shadow Company, they get into this altercation. Graves only ends up taking two shots that graze the arm of soap.

McTavish had the opportunity to take several kill shots at Ghost Soap and Alejandro. And doesn't he actually try to take out and eliminate Task Force 141? However, the rest of the Shadow Company does follow those orders, which is why we see them killing civilians in Mexico. It wasn't Graves doing it; it was the rest of the Shadow Company, so is he responsible?

cod story

I would say kind of, and even though he says that he didn't kill the Aquero, they were detained, so is Commander Philip Graves evil? It's a really tough question to answer, but based on all of the information, including helping the Urakan Liberation Forces, not shooting at Task Force 14 and probably killing them when he had the chance to, and then telling the Congress the actual truth about General Shepard overall.

I would have to say that Commander Philip Graves is actually a good character. He wants his actions to be good, but he was forced and put into this horrible situation because of what happened with Shadow Company, and then he didn't want to disobey the orders of General Shephard. Is money his main motivator?

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probably, but at the same time. I think his moral compass is mostly in the right place, and I think in the future we will see him come back as a good character, and yes. Task Force 141 will probably always have their reservations, as they should. He did some pretty crappy stuff, but as a whole, I think his heart is in the right place.

Peace, we are reaching for the stores, but we're making this too hard, and I wonder where you are.

commander phillip graves

In this video we look at the character in the Modern Warfare Franchise by the name Commander Phillip Graves.
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