News - Is Commander Philip Graves Evil. Warzone 2 Story



Ladies and gentlemen Welcome back to another article on the story of Call of Duty. When it comes to the story of Call of Duty, there are many things that I like to look at. Sometimes it may be a timeline, a specific game, or even a specific character. Some characters are way more interesting, having way more backstory, changing moments, or progression than others, but I think one that is more confusing, and I think a lot of people kind of tend to alleviate to is Commander Philip Graves, and I think the reason for that isn't necessarily because he's that interesting or has crazy interesting moments throughout the game, although I will say his voice acting and the way he's portrayed is really, really well done.

I think the reason for that is that it's very hard to tell what the motivations are. For Commander Philip Graves actually are and you'll see what I mean by that throughout the article but what I wanted to do is kind of try to explain, what those motivations, actually are and explain what he is doing throughout the games that kind of tells us what He is motiv ated to do and why sometimes he is the bad guy and very evil and other times he's help helping out Task Force 141 and being a really good guy what is his deal is he good or is he evil today we answer that question so an interesting thing about Commander Philip Graves is we have no backstory on him whatsoever, where he worked before Shadow company or anything like that all we know is that he is a mercenary for hire in Shadow company working for General Shephard we are first introduced to him providing ac130 OverWatch to Task Force 141 within Mexico.

Graves backstory

Graves backstory

Loaders Get your rounds in the can, yes, commander. Now set a heading for that compound, right? Fire officer, keep a hand on that hot switch. We get started here. Solid copy pilot; you have the con once on Station Circle. The target brings us around, sir. Cal, get me General Shepher Raj. Stand by shephard's up, sir.

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Gold Eagle—actually, this is Shadow One. How do you copy loud and clear if someone sends traffic? I had to bail your boys out. Luckily, they have friends in high places. That's what you're there for. Tell me something good. We got a hit on Hassan as he approached the target location. Now we'll get this bastard rolled up for a little talk.

That's what I like to hear when Hassan's in the bag. Roger, that is out here. All shadows listen to these guys on the ground. Mexican Special Forces, 1411 They are your brothers; now treat them like your own, and let's get this done all right. Ghost is Shadow, orbiting the compound now standing by provision.

call of duty

Shadow one Bravo, 07, we'll mark our position with his laser over. Roger there, 07. Now what we do know is that 2 months before this Shadow company was transporting ballistic missiles and they were doing so in an area that was occupied by the Coney alra nationalists now it's important to state that Commander Philip Graves wasn't here however he was the commander behind this operation so they were delivering these ballistic missiles and as they did they got raided by Coney ALR nationalist they were overcome and these ballistic missiles were taken, it's also important to note that this was a black bag operation completely off the books and done by paid for Mercenaries something that isn't uncommon, and also something to note this wasn't necessarily a bad thing but what followed up was because these missiles were given to Alcala, an enemy of the United States and because of this General Shephard and Shadow company felt as though they had failed so when Task Force 141 stumbles upon one of these missiles and thinks why does Alcala have American missiles, things get a little bit confusing.

And General Shephard and Shadow Company try to cover it up, so yes. General Shepard sends in Shadow Company to help Task Force 141 track down these missiles but also to cover his own tail, so commander Philip Graves works with Task Force One to track down Elsa NRE and then eventually interrogates her and finds out the location of the next missile, and together with Task Force 141, they take out and destroy the next ballistic missile, so up until this point.

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Commander Philip Graves is a good guy.

Graves evil

Graves evil

Commander Philip Graves, but that doesn't last long because after they take out this missile, they go back to the L of Aquera compound, kind of like the Mexican militia, and when they do. My men are inside; I'm afraid not. Your men have been Him, so at this point, Shadow Company has gone full evil; they are literally killing citizens.

At this point, it is quite crazy how they went from 0 to 60 so fast, so at this point. Graves Evil So eventually, working their way through the city and getting to a safe house. Task Force 141 decides to go after Shadow Company and specifically. Commander Philip Graves, and they seemingly do so, fighting him seemingly in a tank.

They blow up the tank and boom, just like that, Commander Philip Graves is dead, but as we find out within, I believe it was season 5 of Modern Warfare 2 that wasn't the case. He wasn't in that tank. Welcome graves heard you died in a tank in South America. Well, I wasn't in that, Tank. What else did you hear?

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From here, Graves now once again wants to work together with Task Force 141 to stop a new threat: Vladimir Maav and the Coney Alter nationalists. As they move into Elzra to seemingly take some sort of chemical weapon that is being held there, they work together and fight together, but like always, the Con Alra nationalists and Marov once again have the upper hand and end up taking these chemical weapons.

This leads us to the story of Modern Warfare 3. Now, behind the scenes, what you don't really see within the campaign is that throughout this time, Shadow Company and specifically Commander Philip Graves have been working alongside each other.

Graves returns

Graves returns

Farah km and the Ulf or The Yhan Liberation forces, he has literally been trying to help them fight against the Coney alra nationalists and keep their land, so once again we've got good guy Graves, so this is where things get interesting because in Modern Warfare 3 Graves is reintroduced, once again by General Shephard, and in doing so he says that Graves waves can help out in this mission that they are going on.

Task Force 141 is extremely hesitant and doesn't want to work with them; however, Verah ends up stepping in and essentially saying he's been really helping us. I really think that we should trust him; he can help us out on this mission, and indeed he does.

Is graves evil

But after this, there is then a meeting where General Shepard and Commander Philip Graves have to pay the piper, and they are put in front of Congress to tell the truth about the Ukrainian Liberation Forces and what happened with Task Force 141.

In this video we look at the character in the Modern Warfare Franchise by the name Commander Phillip Graves.
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