News - I'm Done Playing Multiplayer Video Games Including Call Of Duty Warzone 2


I just want to say a Merry Christmas to you all. I know it's a bit late because we haven't really had any content to put on the channel, and I don't just want to make articles for the sake of making articles. Obviously, everything I've said about Call of Duty, I haven't really got anything to add to what I've said.

You know, I was pretty much uploading a article. Every single day for about two weeks straight, as soon as the game came out, I had a lot of stuff I wanted to talk about, but I haven't really had any real need to talk about stuff. I think everybody's already talked about everything that needs to be talked about with Modern Warfare 3.

So I kind of need to make a change to the direction of my channels. I'm going to take over next year. I'm hoping it's going to work because it's a bit of a risk. Like BL truth type content. I know blame truth gets loads of views and a huge, you know, very popular YouTube channel, but I don't want to make the same articles bashing Call of Duty all the time when ultimately YouTube is my hobby.

cod mw3

It's a pastime; it's something I do for fun. Obviously, blame the truth; I'm not going to knock him; he does it for a job; it's his primary source of income, so it's totally different. Situation to him is the same as eight thoughts he has; you know it as his main, primary source of income, but I don't know how many people get these actual community posts, which I upload on my channel every now and then just to keep you guys updated when I'm not making a article, but I uploaded one earlier today, and this is kind of the reason for me doing this article, so basically.

I go on to say: My first game playing Rainbow Six Sieg in months, and guess what? The first game, A Rage Hacker, So I go on to say that multiplayer gaming is dead to me now. So many people cheat, and what's even worse is that most people don't even realize it. Realize it, and that is ultimately the truth, guys.

cod mw3 multiplayer

There's so much cheating in article games; it doesn't matter if you're playing casual. I think PC gaming is the worst type of gaming to play. I know that for single-player games, if you want the best frame rates, the best graphics resolutions, and all that kind of stuff, yes, it's the best you know for those types of games, but when we talk about multiplayer games, where people want to be the best, let me just Say.

What's on my community post? Because again, I kind of want to keep on point here, so I go and say, I will even say most streamers cheat to some extent too. Macros are some things that streamers even admit to abusing. It's just crazy how messed-up gaming has become. You know, streamers admit to using macros, which, according to you, various article games Publishers and developers own terms of service actually say that you must not use macros, as it's an unfair way to basically have an advantage over people who aren't that sweaty that they're going to cheat.

cod mw3 multiplayer gameplay

You know, playing article games just to try to become YouTube famous, so I go on to say, and this is kind of the point of this article, that I think single player achievement hunting games are the way forward for me now, until game developers at least take serious action against cheats or at least make anti-cheats actually work, because I could go on the internet right now and download and install a cod cheet with a few clicks and not get banned even.

Apex Legends is easy to cheat as well, and obviously there's loads of article games where there's cheating, like Rainbow Six Siege, which I've already mentioned, but you can pretty much say any extremely popular, multiplayer article game has cheats on it. The finals are ridiculous, so go and watch some of the top streamers.

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It's ridiculous, guys. But basically, cheating's a huge problem, but while these money-hungry companies like Activision. Sony, and Microsoft EA all do nothing, with the vast amounts of resources they have available, nothing will change unless you, as the players, stop playing and buying content for their games post-launch.

modern warfare 3

Content is pretty much what I'm aiming at here, but I go on to say that if you buy micro-DL DLC, or microtransactions, as some people call them, if you buy battle passes, or any other postgame. Content. I know a lot of people aren't going to like me saying this, but you are as big of a problem as the money-hungry developers and the cheaters themselves because while people continue to support and play these article games, why are the developers going to want to change anything?

There's no point; you know, they make him record profits year after year. They're not going to change anything as the player base dwindles because people stop playing it. All they're going to do is keep up the prices of the cosmetic DLC skins, like some weapon skins now, like 25, for a weapon skin, you know.

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You know, that's kind of how we've got to go, so moving forward, guys. Obviously, like I've said earlier in the article, I've got no real intention of making any Call of Duty content. It's just not fun for me again if something happens. Major in the Call of Duty Community, you know, they remove skill-based matchmaking.

modern warfare 3 gameplay

For example i'm obviously going to cover stuff like that, and if they remove skill-based matchmaking. Get rid of engagement-based, sorry, engagement-optimized matchmaking to get rid of all these backend Shady things, you know, if they become serious about getting rid of cheaters in their game. I'd happily go back and play Call of Duty, but I'm not playing Cod, because ultimately.

Modern Warfare 3: The game is playing you. You're not playing a article game anymore. With the algorithms in matchmaking, engagement-optimized matchmaking, and skill-based matchmaking, you're not playing the game; the game is playing you. There's algorithms and programming in the game to adjust the difficulty or the experience you're receiving playing that game, and I don't want to play a article game like that.

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The only time difficulty should be an option in a article game is if it's a single-player game like Outlast or, you know, Tomb Raider. you know what I mean single-player games, you would just have difficulty at the start of the game yourself and play through it for an hour. Achievement, so ultimately, that's what I'm going to do, guys.

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