News - I'm Done Playing Multiplayer Video Games Including Call Of Duty Warzone 2

modern warfare 3 multiplayer

The articles aren't going to be as frequent; you might have three to four articles a month, but they're going to be much longer articles with much higher production quality. Videos, and I'm hoping most of you are going to stick around to watch this content because, again, guys. I cannot keep making the same article talking and bashing Call of Duty every single time unless, something happens new in the community and I feel like there needs to be a article to be made but at this moment in time I've made every article about Modern Warfare 3 what I need to make and ultimately I don't make enough money on this platform just to spam Cod articles to improve my financial situation so I think what I'm going to do first guys is I'm my next article will be an Outlast, article and we will be doing a playing Outlast on the hardest difficulty mode guys we're not going to mess around do it on easy mode we're going to do it on the hardest, difficulty, possible, which I think a lot of you are going to find that fun guys and as you can see here, on the screen right now, there's various different things you can do on Outlast but we're going to actually complete the achievement.

modern warfare 3 multiplayer gameplay

Lunatic, which is finish the game in Insane Mode, which only 2.6% of everybody who's played the game has managed to do, so that's what we're going to do next article, guys. I know a lot of you loved my Outlast content; all you old-school people can remember this type of content on the channel, but again, guys.

I've got to do something that's fun, something that inspires me to make articles, and hopefully the majority of you will stick along for the ride. I don't expect everybody to watch all these articles. I get that you want to watch Cod or whatever, but ultimately, I've got to do what's right for my mental health, guys.

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I just don't want A Bash Cod anymore. I've made enough articles about it, and I don't need to make anymore. I want to make content that hopefully people will enjoy watching, as well as me enjoying making it all right. I love you all, guys. Again, I hope everybody's had an absolutely fantastic Christmas.

modern warfare 3 new gameplay

I'm making this article on the 30th of December, so this will probably be the last article of 2023, guys, so yeah, Happy New Year to everybody. I love you all. Take it easy and say goodbye by now.

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