News - I Fixed The Warzone 2i Campaign

Spoiler warning!

Spoiler warning!

This is about to be a spoiler-filled review, so if you haven't played the game, watched someone play the game, or heard about the game when someone in class was like. then don't watch this because next time I won't blank out Lieutenant Woo's name.


Sorry, that was a spoiler , so I'm not going to bury the lead here.

I didn't like the campaign gameplay-wise. I give it about a seven-story presentation, a six-story presentation, and a four-story presentation, but the ghost mask variety gets a 10 out of 10, and clearly. I'm not the only one who felt this way with IGN dropping a hot new engagement machine sure to make Twitter users dozens of dollars, and apparently there were even review bombings of the wrong game, but I don't blame them honestly because of the branding of this game.

Absolutely, [__] sucks, but before we get into , I want to have a quick little disclaimer.

Plz don't hate the devs

I don't blame the developers for this game. I know, weird. I'm not blaming the people who made the game for how bad the game is, because every piece of evidence points to this game being scrapped together in the last 6 months, and with that, honestly.

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I got to give major props to the developers for actually being able to make something that is even this comprehensible, so even though everything I say in this article is about to be negative as it's all in good fun. I don't blame the developers. Please invite me to Cod next.

Issue 1: it's incomplete

Issue 1: it's incomplete

The issue that I had with the campaign was twofold. I don't want to call them folds; actually, that's a gross problem. It just feels incomplete to me, like the story only serves to set up a sequel but doesn't do that very well. So much of the plot is Marov is doing a bad job, so 141 goes through no swiping, and Macarrov runs away except randomly on one of these ordeals, soap is shot, and they accidentally hit the roll credits button.

honestly, it's the mist potential that I'm disappointed by the most because they had some really good character threads in there if you dug deep, like Gaz becoming Price's moral compass, getting her people killed by her own huus, and the so-called Graves powwow, but none of those points actually go anywhere, so again, they just feel unfinished.

And that isn't helped by the POV swapping between people more than my mom trying to find me a new daddy either in the 14 missions we play as nine different characters, that's Nolan Far Price. Lwell Samara. Gaz Ghost, and the AC130 guy. This constant switch is honestly a huge reason that the narrative feels all over the place to me because you can't connect with the characters in the same way that you could in the previous games where it was either soap Gaz or Alex except for specific story beats that called for it, and because of all that.

I felt zero connection to soap in this game because he was only ever really in Cutcenes or one of 12 different people talking to me during open combat missions, and I would have loved to play as him some more, considering that you know he dies in 2 hours, but the game just couldn't make time for it. I guess.

Issue 1a: the timeline

Issue 1a: the timeline

All right, so I have another issue. I have one other issue with it. This is problem 1A, and it has to do with the story, more specifically with the timeline, so Marov escapes from prison in November of 2012. However, back in the previous game. Lazell went to the guys at that bar in November 2022 and told them that Marov was back in time, that he should still be in prison, and that he would remain there for the next year.

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What possibly put Marov on her radar? Was it so pressing to go to Price about the day that they saved Chicago, but not pressing enough to do anything about it for a full year? And also, how would she not know his name if he was the one responsible for the attack in Verdansk? It's just not making any sense.

Issue 2: open combat missions

Issue 2: open combat missions

I think that they're a good concept that they just didn't quite hit the mark on their feel. I don't know cheap, and now I would have no issues with these missions if they were in addition to a full-fledged, regular narrative campaign, but they just aren't of the 14 missions in this game; six of them are open combat missions, two are walking simulators, one is an AC-130 mission, and that only leaves five for regular, standard linear levels, and honestly, they're all great; all five of them are fantastic.

But there's just not enough of them, like this is a lot of time to dedicate to what's basically just specs. Ops missions, the supply The cage unlock system is also a little bit weird because when you unlock a new weapon or piece of equipment, it's only added to the pool of stuff that you can use on that same mission.

If you choose to replay it, like, what's the point of going around and collecting all these weapons well so that you can use them when replaying? Yeah, but why would I want to replay these missions to unlock the weapons? but please don't.

Fixing ocms

Fixing ocms

If you think about it that hard, I can't help but feel like a better system would have been that you unlock it in one mission and it's global, so you can bring it into the next one after you get it. For instance, if you spent the extra time on the first OCM to find the hidden Ascender, then you're awarded in highrise by being able to skip half the level; that way, you're incentivized to explore and find that silent sniper rifle to make the next stealth section easier, or you hear this mission is all about destroying helicopters.

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So you equip the explosive crossbow that you unlocked two missions earlier. My chat mentioned that it also would have been cool if there were multiple different ways to actually achieve the objective in each mission, so for instance, you could plant explosives on the helicopters to destroy them, or you could hack some Sam turrets to destroy them when they take off instead.

Maybe you can wear a Coney disguise in the Island mission and find out where her name is hiding that way, or you can choose to infill the highrise at night and clear it, like cleaning the house. There's really not a lot of choice when it comes to these open combat missions when that was the entire selling point of them to begin with, and it really just feels like they're Half Baked, which is kind of a theme of the last few years if I'm being honest.

But it's better than mwii!

But it's better than mwii!

To be honest, now getting back to the story for a minute, one thing that I've heard a lot from people who actually think that this campaign is better than MW2 2022 is that at least something happened in this game that at least the plot moved forward, and to that.

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