News - How Warzone Took Over Call Of Duty Zombies


Black Ops 2, given the amount of Black Ops 2 content that has been added to Modern Warfare 3 lately. I don't think they'll be reconning it the method that Treyarch used to get around this limit is by establishing contained outbreak zones, meaning that the zombies we fight in maps are confined only to that specific area and the rest of the world is perfectly safe story tangent aside the gameplay is even more overhauled than the story is players can now spawn in with any gun they want as weapons are now ranked based on Rarity rather than the weapon itself having any sort of inherent value players now play as random characters which are equivalent to nameless Marines with little to no personality, a mini map is added War Zone's armor system is added the park limit is removed a compass is added onscreen indicators tell players how to turn on the power or get Pack-a-Punch.


Death perception is made into a real perk; kill streaks can be purchased at a table, and self-revivals are unlimited. Out of game progression now exists to upgrade every match interact items glow and are far more apparent than before players can use emotes weapons drop on the ground like war zone ones and the list goes on point is insane dramatic overhauls towards casual players were implemented, going back a bit to the operator selection this is actually not a first for the mode World War I zombies did have a set cast but also allowed players to choose from a bunch of different characters and infinite Warfare did as well the only difference is that world war III's characters are all throwaway NPCs and infinite warfar, are actual characters relating to the story still though both of these games had a main cast.

Cold War technically does have a main Cannon cast, but that is purely because there needs to be one for the sake of the story. None of the Canon characters have any unique dialogue or elements that cement them as the main cast; they are just randomly picked operators that were used for the initial reveal trailer.


The problem with this system is that, as you can guess, it becomes much more difficult to feel attached to the characters in the story. In Black Ops 3, you felt so attached to the story because your journey was killing the characters you played years ago and adored so much. Here like I said earlier, the technical cast is Weaver gray Strauss and Carver these four characters relay all of the typical information, that our player characters would say but over a radio instead referring to the players as Strike Team this begs the question why aren't these for the characters we're playing as that's a great question and the answer is simply war zone I actually wouldn't mind playing as these characters I love Weaver in particular, but the war zone store bundles are the reason why I'm sure we can all agree whether you particular ularly care for the Cold War crew or not that playing as them is more impactful than just listening to them the operators we play as are usually lifeless and have extremely generic quotes which hold no real personality or weight, often times the characters actually don't even have many zombies lines at all this isn't technically from Cold War but Rick Grimes you know the guy from the zombies show only has like literally eight voice lines but I'm getting ahead of myself, this operator talk brings up the Greater topic of microtransactions and zombies and the franchise as a whole in the past microtransactions, and zombies have been mostly exclusive.

cod 2024

Gobblegums in Black Ops 3 and Elixir in Black Ops 4 are wholly unique to zombies, having absolutely nothing to do with multiplayer other than being purchasable with Cod points in World War II. Zombie consumables are obtained via a special supply drop earned specifically in the Zombies mode; they do give you multiplayer items as well, but the multiplayer supply drops don't give you zombie items in infinite Warfare.

You have a card system similar to Elixir, but you also have weapons, which have extreme gameplay-altering effects. Once again, these variants are obtainable in both zombies and multiplayer supply drops. The difference between this and World War II, though, is that in World War II, the weapon variants had no bearing on performance but only on visual aesthetics.

cold war

The variants and infinite Warfare are genuinely very overpowered and go surprisingly unnoticed by the community for doing things like being able to drop a nuke every 100 kills or so cold war zombies has no microtransactions, other than the traditional store operator bundles, which are L cosmetic. This is relevant because store bundles are incentives for new players to play zombies because people who spend dozens of dollars in the store would be upset that they can't use their items in zombies and wouldn't want to play them.

That was just a really quick breakdown of those microtransactions up until the Cold War, but I'll probably make a bigger article on that topic in the future while sure Black Ops 4 and the blackout planted the seeds for War Zone. I think I've made it extremely clear that War Zone had an insane influence on zombies.

I think, though, that Cold War zombies are actually probably more of a reactionary response to the disdain towards Black Ops 4 and just so happen to include War Zone features. Obviously, Black Ops 4 zombies were berated for how unfriendly they were to casuals, and thus Cold War turned the needle and overcompensated towards the casual player.


The addition of the Rampage inducer later in the season confirms that even though the developers thought it was too casual, some of the war zone features are probably intentional, and some of them are probably coincidental. Why it's important though is that this casual shift brought the zombies significantly closer to the realm of the rest of Call of Duty compared to how it used to be.

While that is interesting, what's even more interesting is the Cold Wars DLC 2 outbreak. If you're watching this article, I probably don't need to explain the outbreak to you. The open-world concept of zombies was not created by War Zone; it's been an idea since transit in 2012. It was just finally able to be realized.

Modern warfare 3

Modern warfare 3

Bundles now let's move forward to our next and current game at the time of this article, Modern Warfare 3. Here, the entire mode is simply played on the war zone map with an orange filter. That's it this section might be more aptly named the DMZ ification of Call of Duty zombies, but that doesn't really sound all that cool, so literally there are multiple times where the DMZ logo will pop up instead of the MWZ one.

Mechanically, this game is mostly identical to Cold War, except the armor system is no longer accessible through a menu but rather just by using armor plates on the floor. Players complete contracts, which are taken from DMZ, and that is the core gameplay flow until a storm comes in and pushes the players out to an Xville stash, and looting systems are taken from DMZ.

Call of Duty Warzone has completely taken over the franchise, across all game modes.
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