News - How To Unlock Riot Shield. Knife Camos Fast Warzone 2 (gold, Platinum, Polyatomic)



Today, we're going to be talking about how to unlock gold, platinum, and polyatomic on both the riot shield and the knife in Modern Warfare 2 I myself unlocked Polyatomic this weekend, and it took me about three games in shootouts.


The gold and platinum challenges on both the riot shield and the knife are identical; to unlock platinum, you have to get two kills within 10 times, and to unlock platinum, you have to get two kills within 10 seconds of each other.

It's important to note that those two kills within 10 seconds of each other have to come in the same life; otherwise, they won't count, so you can't kill one person, die, and then quickly run and kill someone on spawning and still expect that to count for your double polyatomic. On the right shield, it's a little different; you have to get 10 kills on enemies from behind, whereas on the knife, it's a little more complicated; you have to get 20 kills from behind.

Now, when I think back to the challenges we've had on past Call of Duty titles for the riot shield and the knife. I know that they've been considerably harder than the ones that we have here on Vanguard. I can think back to having to get killed with riot shields while enemies were stunned, which didn't track properly for a while, and on the knife in Modern Warfare 19. I think you needed bloodthirsties, which is a five-kill streak to get gold on the way as well, so again, much harder than two kill streaks.



That being said, honestly, at all levels, this challenge was a breeze, and the difficult thing was actually ranking the weapons up in the first place so that you could actually unlock the camo challenges and start working towards these mastery camo challenges.

Looking back i know that the loadout that I jumped in with was a big help in terms of how quickly I could get these challenges done, and I wanted to share that with you guys so that you could hopefully take those tips and breeze through the challenge. The first thing I'd suggest when grinding for these cameras is to work on these challenges at the same time the riot shield affords.

modern warfare 2

The second thing I'd say is that if you get the opportunity to run upon someone who's unsuspecting of you and you know that you're guaranteed this kill because they aren't aware of you in the area, the choice about the weapon that you attack them with is that if you're working on your riot shield and you're struggling more, then pull that out quickly and make sure that you get the kill with that.

Take a second to think about what you're doing and what you need for your challenge. Think about where you've been strong, and if you can take advantage of that moment, don't just panic and lunge straight with your knife and get the kill there. The third tip that I give you is to try completing this challenge on shootouts.

Ultimately, these weapons are hard to get kills with; they are difficult, which is why the challenge is there. Neither of them offers you a great deal of coverage. The riot shield, of course, blocks bullets from in front of you, but even when it's on your back, you can get shot in the legs, and anytime that you're moving towards enemies, they can take advantage of shooting your shoulder or your feet with the knife.


Of course, you have absolutely no cover, and you can't kill anybody who's out of your lunging distance. It is a tough weapon to get kills with, so this isn't an easy challenge to complete. That said, you want to be reducing the amount of travel that you have to do with these weapons overall, and that is why Shoot House right now is the absolute best map to try and complete these challenges on, and shipment will quickly become that as well when it drops on December 14th, as it is even smaller and going to be jam-packed.

With players so busy running around trying to complete their own challenges, they don't get the opportunity to think about what's around the corner next. I think you have some flexibility, but what I would suggest is that you play those objective-based game modes rather than Team Deathmatch or Kill Confirmed, where people tend to value their lives a little bit more.

I suggested this in my book. Polyatomic. But one of the things to bear in mind when you're playing in objective-based mode is that once you get a kill, you're able to look at where you are versus where the objective is and have a prediction or an idea of where people are spawning. They shouldn't be spawning super close to the objective; they should be coming from a little further away, and that allows you to predict where your next kill is going to come from and act accordingly.

I personally found lots of joy with hardpoint and dominance dominance, which was particularly good on shootouts because you often find people camping at the back of the lanes, looking to get those long shots from a to c. When people are doing that, you're able to pop around the corner, use a dead silence, and sneak up behind both and get your kills from behind, get two kills at once, or even get one kill and run off to the next side of the spawn where you're waiting for people to come and push.



You have a little bit of frustration that you've just managed to get them out of surprise before I talk about your loadout next. I think this is something that's pretty consistent as to what you want to use across any of the Mastery challenges, but for me, this is the one that I found the most success with and what I'd recommend you start with before changing things.

Up a little in the perks and seeing if you perform any better If you start to struggle as I've suggested, before I run the riot shield and the knife at the same time. I then run a stun and a drill charge as my equipment, and then for my perk package. I have extra tactical, so I'm carrying two stuns, double time, and I move quickly, fast-handed, so that I can swap very quickly between my riot shield and my knife.

This is important if you make a last-second decision as to which weapon to use to get a kill or if you need to pull out the riot shield to get cover. And finally, ghost, which, paired with dead silence, is my field upgrade, has been fantastic at allowing me to sneak up on people, especially on shoot houses where they're using those long shot spots, to get kills and easily pick them off.

I will say when it comes to the perks. I particularly with Perk 2 particularly. It really depends on what kind of game you're in as to whether or not you swap out fast hands. For me. I was using both weapons at the same time, so I knew that I wanted to be able to switch between them quickly, and I was generally leaving any lobbies that we were starting to get really badly beaten in if there was more than one veto called in or something like that.

Unlock your melee weapon mastery camos faster with these tips tricks.
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