News - How To Play Like Optic Pred Warzone 2

But more importantly, try to fight for that P3 spawn, okay, because the next point is going to be at the back. There she goes through, they manage to take out one, he gets a massive two-piece, and there almost gets a third as well, so really, really good play. There is going to push through, and these 30 seconds are so huge, but more importantly, as I mentioned, are the spoons.

I really think maybe an AR is needed now, but it's still good to have one or two subs here, but you definitely need at least two or maybe three ARS in this scenario. He goes through, and he does get NED there, so you know absolutely one shot. Good job but let's keep going. Let's keep going and see what you can do.

In the back who allergic right 10 seconds left so you know these are Big 5 Seconds to get them you closer to the 120 Mark three go down so right now they really need to push for those spawn so what PR's going to do straight away which I love, is I don't know why he just he just pickle there but as his team's going to the back he's always trying to cut people off okay so he's going through he's trying to watch the front here and he's just trying to see what he can do so see he's in a corner, watching the front so while his teammate are the back he's going to see an off angle, again like we said earlier the players just going to walk through good reaction from that player to even see him there but most of the time the players are just going to walk through there and it's an easy kill for PR gets caught in the reload probably could have won that gunfight.

And once again you can see he gets an AR out exactly what you want to see here and this is what I'm speaking about it's just about switching between sub and AR three go down what does he do he goes through and he watches the reinforcements, again so I'm assuming he's going to get one or two easy kills he's sitting up top third and that's what it's about sometimes okay you don't need every single player flooding the hill you need different players doing different things, my great play from slasher there let's kind of just see what slasher did from PR's POV so slasher got weak here so good shots from so what he decided to do instead of just re-challenging him there he slides across to the Head glitch and basically just fries him a really good play from slasher.

Great shot for him; I just wanted to give him a little shout out there with 20 seconds left. Okay, what you want to do now is rotate as soon as he goes through. In my opinion, you should rotate here. I don't like this play pushing me back for 15 seconds. I really think he should rotate. However, okay, this is important to talk about.

If you're going to stay on this old hill, this is what you need to do: get the kill. Great play like I said, I probably would have rotated, but he's not going to scrap time; he's actually going to rotate here. What that does is, first of all, he's going for Middle. Out, gets two going to watch over again use that equipment, okay so once he STS someone chops a n turns around takes out real just a really good play going for the pre-fire, 30 seconds left IL frying on this hill man doing a really good job and this 25 seconds huge I do think that this hill could have changed the whole game my what a kill from.

Him, so crucial look at this when you're playing some on a head glitch I spoke about this in my coaching article as well wait for them to pop up because most of the time nine out of 10 times they're going to go back to the Head glitch if you're pre- aiming it like that you'll be able to take them out very quickly, that's why you know when you're playing good players sometimes just pre the head glitch there you go again this guy's beaming right now as I mentioned the sensitivity is so important this is literally why I reduced it cuz when you play plays like this that beaming you want to make sure your sensitivity is on point man you can't be wasting your shot so goes through drops a cruise missile on their head and he's actually frying right now doing a really good job of just taking over and getting the.

Kills the trophy again, man. You can't beat the trophy system. Man, what can you do? What can you do against the trophy system? You can't do much. Behind him, one takes him out. His quality is kind of like that of a dog. [__] I'm not going to allow you guys. Quity is kind of trolling me, kind of checking me out.

I'm kind of checking. Look, a good kill takes out one. Nice stuff, okay? So right now, what he wants to do is watch over his team. I would probably watch the left, because he's got three people on the right. I would probably look at the middle map there. That's a good job he's doing. He's doing a really good job of securing both.

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Look at the mini-map. Now there are two people on the right side, so he doesn't need to watch the middle just yet. I would watch this for a second, then go back to the middle. There you go, so just so you know, just so you're aware. When he's not looking to the right, right now he's leaving the tunnel exposed, okay?

So as soon as the tunnel's exposed, they have a chance to push through, and right now you can see the on-celium. But Celium came through the tunnel, so if he wanted to be even safer, he could have checked the tunnel maybe 2 seconds ago, and he would have killed him there, because this is a bit less of a guarantee.

This is a harder gun fight, but he actually wins it regardless, and right now you can see the stun going in. He gets Ned as well. He makes excellent use of sliding across, and I love that I love this play right now. This is excellent use of the mechanic he slides across. Again, you have to remember that, first of all, you're going up against the best players, and second of all, you're going up against players at this speed.

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It's very hard to make this decision. This is all reflex at this point, so he sees that player run across, and as he sees him, he knows he's going to jump through the window because the N hit him. He's actually jumping backwards. As he's jumping backwards, he's just pre-firing the window, and absolutely, shite on him takes out draws.

That play was so good, I started stuttering. I didn't even start, but that's how good the play was. He's making me start. I can't even speak English goes through what a threepiece this guy is on a mission. R I'm excited for him this season Pro yo optic I just had a realization this guy's playing for optic this is my team right now this guy going to be disgusting this year anyways back to it C tomorrow as well man I'm going to be doing a lot of watch parties so stay tuned for that we're going to be locked in for the watch parties and there you go they win the game 40, kills now.

One thing you can see is 37 seconds on the hill, I really do believe, dashy this year.

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