News - How To Play Like Optic Pred Warzone 2

And see what he can do going forward. And because he knows where the opponents are coming from, he's going to play on his stomach here, go prone, and he's just going to really wait for these angles. As you can see, it's all about the angles. If he stood on the right, there are a lot of people standing right there, and you're going to be exposed from the hole in the front.

Okay, with him standing on the left, he's essentially waiting for a free kill, so right now he's playing for a free kill. There's one he backs off; good discipline there to back off. He dies there. I'm not sure how he probably shouldn't have it over Peak, but they're doing a really good job. You can see they get three pieces, but straight away, this is why it's so important to get spawns.

Okay, look at Illy; he's already back on the hill, so you can see how important it is. Right, Celum got the kill. Illy killed Celium. Now I'm very interested to see when Celium gets back on the hill, because then we can really see how important the spawns are. They go through getting a three-piece as a team PR gets two gets one, and now they're going to spawn behind them, and I'm assuming it's going to SP in the back.

Let's find out there you go takes out one really good kill there gets back into cover now we can look at the mini map for a second, so we can see two players on the middle midle so FR assumes that the middle safe so right now he's going to go on this top area, that way he can watch over with his teammate he's playing a bit of an off angle.

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I was going to say I actually like this play, but the only risk is he has to get there before the opponent, basically get there, and right there it didn't work out. I personally wouldn't take the risk there; I probably would have just played on the left, but right there, high risk, high reward doesn't quite work out, not the end of the world, because his teammate is still there to sweep up the rest of the time going over to the next hard point now he has a pretty good spawn, so he takes out one okay going to shoot MC's body.

I don't know what that's for, but look at him smiling's, loving life shooting MC's body. And they actually have the spawns, so right now what he needs to do is he's got blessed with the spawns okay so he need to go through and he needs to really hold the spawns he need to go to the left and make sure that he gets some kills here because what happens is if he gets kills here it's going to spawn his opponents out and they're not actually expecting him you can see the opponents assume they're on the old hard point he's behind them he's going to wait for a kill and right now when you're in this scenario, you want to be very disciplined with your shot okay so right now if he starts shooting and starts TW tweaking what happens is the Players around will start to find him okay cuz he's not shooting there's no Red Dot on his screen on his body he's just he's okay but as soon as he's not shooting the teammate's going to find him just like that who gets two good distraction from slasher.

And just like that, they're good to go. Really good stuff from the team. Good break with 45 seconds left there goes through let's see what happens. Here, let's see what happens here. Okay, 35 seconds left, 30 seconds left, and three go down. Good i think right now someone just needs to get on the hill.

Yeah, there you go. Okay, interesting he's actually not getting on the hill straight away; he's going to the left. There, really, really fortunate kill there; I mean, good play for Him. Let's see what happens. He's doing a good job with an AR right now, which is interesting to see. Obviously, he's a submachine gun player, but this current meta is obviously quite AR-heavy.

Now with basically halfway through the rotation, he's doing a really good job with an AR just posting up and getting kills Okay so I want to see from him now is I want to see someone else on the team kind of play a bit more on the objective, cuz it's been a lot of times where I feel like no one's on the hill so doing a good job on the hill there and now what PR's going to try to do on this P1 is just watch over the hill watch over the P1 make sure no one pushes through gets those kills and then what he's going to try to do is go through and get the P2 spawns, so right now you can see he's taking his time he spots slasher, really good shots there takes out slasher, great shots there so let's really just go back and see those shots cuz I think they were perfect shots.

So this is the advantage of low sense, so I actually switched to 1414 recently and I've just switched back to 77, and I think shots like this are why 66 and 77 are really good. Look at this: he takes out one, snaps onto the second track, tracks his head, and takes out R out just like that great two-piece, excellent tracking, and you can see he's instantly going left for the rotation.

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This is just great map awareness, so he knows somebody's coming through the middle. Okay, this is so important. He knows somebody's coming through the middle tunnel because of the spawns. Now the player in the middle, when they jump out, is going to assume the opponent from the right bearing in mind.

I don't think this is a good play, regardless. We need to we need to go back to the first hill. Okay, perfect look at this hill. Okay, look what PR does in this scenario. I know I said this is, you know, sometimes not the best play, but let's just for this moment talk about this play. Look at this.

Okay, he kills this player because this player wasn't ready for the gunfight. Now, the reason this player wasn't ready for the gunfight was because he essentially just came from his spawn and was trying to sprint to help his teammates out. Okay, so now let's take a look at Fred's POV and show you exactly why that's so important.

That other player might have spawned hair just like PR and just like PR is running through he's sliding with his pistol and he's not ready for a gunfight if a player right now was pre- aiming PR he would have been able to kill him so the advantage of pushing out certain times is because the opponent might not expect you there because they're trying to Sprint to get to the hard point so that's why was able to catch him off guard Last Time Imagine This player there whoever is, who is that draza imagine right now draza was standing here instead you see face that way imagine draza was facing this way and got that kill he would have had a free kill so sometimes if you're a bit patient you can really play for those free kills and that was a perfect example, but you saw just like that he didn't actually play that well draza, and PR was able to get the kill however they're spawning at the back and this is getting mixy right now hook ble absolutely taken over there nice little two-piece from Hook they go through, and right now all they need to do is trade.

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