News - How To Have "perfect Aim. Warzone 2. Tips To Improve Your Accuracy Call Of Duty Warzone 2

It's going to take you a few seconds to readjust that when an enemy does run in front of you, so always have it pointed where you think someone's going to pop out if you're running down a street or something in the game and there's a corner up ahead. Have it pointed at that corner in case an enemy jumps out from there.

All you have to do is advertise and start shooting; you don't have to worry about anything else. Now another thing going on to tip number six here is to make yourself a hard target to hit, and this one's really important. Okay, you can give yourself a height advantage so the enemies can't see your whole body.

cod warzone tips and tricks

You can start your head glitching so the enemies can only see your forehead. A lot of times people ask me what is meant by head glitching; it's when you go behind an object and can see the enemy clearly. But they could barely see you. You're hidden so well. You're like a godhead, and no one can see you.

It's very hard to hit you. You want to do that. It's in the game for a reason. If you don't use it, the enemies will, so make sure you're using the head glitches, and you also want to be constantly moving, so swaying left and right so that you flinch a lot less because the enemies are going to be hitting you a lot less, and it's just really nice.

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It's better to be a hard target to hit and have bad accuracy than to have amazing accuracy and stand still. You don't want to do that. It's just, trust me, guys, make sure that you're making yourself a hard target to hit, and even if you have great accuracy, it's just a double whammy. It's really good for you, and I mean that in a good way.


But anyway, let's move on to number seven here. Then we got eight, nine, and none. You have to anticipate. The enemy's next move now could be really hard, especially if you don't play a lot. If you play for like 30 minutes a day or an hour a day, it might be hard, but it does become second nature the more you think about it, so you always want to be thinking about where the enemy is going to go.

I'm going to try to give you guys an example here if it makes sense all right, so if you see an enemy and he runs behind a rock or something. Try to read his movement and point to the side of the rock they think he's actually going to pop out of, and you're kind of playing wack-a-mole here, like if he pops out, you've got to start shooting him right away.

He's probably going to hide behind that rock again. Is he going to come out on the same side? Is he going to come out on the right side? On the left side, you kind of have to figure this out, and it just becomes second nature. The more you play, the more you will know how people act, how they react, and stuff.


Now, sometimes you will be aiming at the left, and he will pop out on the right, for example, but most of the time you will be able to read enemies pretty easily. If you start shooting someone, is he going to come back out and challenge you? It just becomes second nature; you just start knowing what that is, when it's going to happen, and stuff, so that one's pretty good.

You've got to always anticipate their next move, and it's going to help you guys win a lot of gunfights. And number eight, here you want to crouch or go completely prone when going for long shots. Now again, you don't have to do this all the time, but one thing that's really good about this is that it makes you a smaller target to hit, which is really good, but it also makes your crosshairs smaller.

how to

So that when you do take your shots, they become a lot tighter, the spread is a lot tighter, and it is a lot easier to hit at long range, especially if you go for a hip fire. First, you have your chances of hitting a hip fire, while actually being in prone is a little easier for sure, and your recoil is a lot less as well, so make sure you guys go ahead.

Crouch-prone long distance: you don't have to every single time, but it will help you out a lot, especially if you're camping in a war zone, and I do say camping in a war zone because people do it. It does work. Now the last number nine here is mostly for War Zone, but it works on multiplayer. As well, you got to practice aiming at random objects every so often, and the reason I say this is because, if you're playing War Zone, for example, you could go through a 10-minute stretch without seeing an enemy team, and then you're just not warmed up; you're not ready for those gunfights.

how to aim better

And if they just came out of a gunfight, they're warmed up, they're ready, and they're going to drop you, so make sure that you just start aiming at random trees. Try to flick on a tree; try to lock on as fast as you can as fast as possible to a tiny rock in the distance; try to flick onto that; and because you don't have aim assist on these objects, the better you get at flicking at these objects.

The better you will be at flicking at enemies when you do see them last second, that's going to be it for the article, man. Like I said earlier, if you could go for 1, 000 likes, I would truly appreciate that sub to the channel those notifications turned on, guys. In the next one,

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HERE ARE SOME TIPS THAT I DO IN CALL OF DUTY WARZONE BATTLE ROYALE AND MODERN WARFARE 3 TO MAKE MY ACCURACY 10x BETTER SO I CAN STAY ALIVE LONGER AND WIN MORE GUN FIGHTS! Some of these tips may take a while to get used to, but there are really worth it in the long run if you wish to do better in Call of Duty MW3 and Warzone! Good luck and go get some sick gameplays.
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