News - How To Have. Perfect Aim. Warzone 2. Improve Your Accuracy Easy Warzone 2 Gameplay Tips

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I focus on controlling recoil with either the underbarrel, the muzzle, or the barrel itself, or all three of them together. I feel like those give the best recoil controls on your weapon, so when creating a class or making a gun, make sure that you focus the bar bar, the muzzle, the underbarrel, all of that kind of stuff on recoil control, range, and all that kind of stuff, and then if you want the gun to be slightly quicker, put on a smaller stock or a stock that's going to make you quicker, put on a rear grip that's going to make you quicker, and if the gun has too much recoil, that's just uncontrollable.

Focus recoil on every single attachment, and the gun's just going to be better, and you're going to like it a lot better too, so yeah, that's recoil control. Let's get that one out of the way as well. Let's move on to number four. Number four doesn't have much to do with actually aiming itself but has everything to do with your placement on the map, and this might sound like it won't help aiming at all, and this Probably sounds counterintuitive, let's be honest; however, if you're a harder target to hit and you make yourself a hard target to hit, the enemies will hit fewer shots on you, and what does that do well?


It gives you a lot less Flinch in a gunfight, and you could remain a lot more accurate as well, and holding head glitches are super nice. A head glitch is basically when you stand behind an object and the enemy can only see your head sticking out, and this is really good because. Cannon literally anything, just hide behind anything, make yourself a hard target to hit, and it's you're going to win a lot more gunfights because you're going to Flinch a lot less, so that's actually really good.

I like that one a lot. Let's go down to number five on the list, guys, before we get to the bonus, and then the last one, number five, is to aim at the chest and not the head, so this might again sound a little counterintuitive. But let's be honest, head shots deal the most damage, so why not aim at the head?

Well, if you aim at the chest, for one, the chest is the biggest part of the enemy to hit, so if you struggle with accuracy or anything like that, aiming for the chest is going to be probably the easiest place for you to aim. It also does the second amount of maximum damage that you could do to an enemy, and when aiming at the chest, if you flinch or if your gun has recoil, it's going to bounce up and automatically hit the enemy in the head if you're aiming at the head of the enemy.

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And you have Flinch or Recoil; it's going to bounce up and you're going to miss shots, so definitely go ahead and do this now. If you're 10 m and closer, like really close range, then I say it's fine to aim for the head. Chances are, you're not going to miss it. It's a lot bigger on screen; it's a lot easier to aim at and stuff because it's a lot closer.

But if you're 10 meters and further from any enemy, go ahead and shoot at the chest, not the head, and not the legs. Please, not the legs. A lot of people. I mean, if you're the type of person who just gets into a gunfight and you're not thinking of it, you just aim and shoot, and whatever you hit is whatever you hit, start focusing on it all, right?

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Make sure that you start saying in your head, at least to yourself or something like that, that you're going to start aiming at the chest when you get into a gunfight. The second you get into a gunfight, make sure that's your main focus. Aim for the chest. Aim for the chest. Make sure you keep saying that to yourself, and you're going to start doing it in game and do that every single gunfight, and you're just going to see that just by saying those few words to yourself while in the gunfight, you're going to be a much better player.

Now let's get into the bonus tip before we get to the last one here, guys. I want you. To go to a private match, take your favorite weapon with you: the gun that you use most times, that you play with, and the gun that you think you need. Better control: bring it to a private match and take off all of the attachments.

Okay, don't turn on any bots or anything like that; don't do any of that. Just take it to a private match and turn on or take off all the attachments. I should say, and what you want to do is find a wall, and this is going to let you see The recoil pattern of the weapon is at every single distance that you want, so go on a larger map for sure.

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Aim at the wall, get pretty close to the wall, go like 5 MERS, go really right up to or your gun's almost kissing it, get close to the wall, start shooting, and look at that recoil pattern up close if there's not much perfect. Back up, go back another 10 MERS. Go 15 meters back, aim at that wall, and if you want to see your meters, just ping the wall and press up.

I think your joystick is on the controller, not your joystick on your d-pad on the controller. Pressing up, I think, is what you used to do to Ping. Go ahead and do that, and then you'll see how far you are going from the wall, so just go as far back as you possibly can on whatever map you're on and start shooting it, and try to control that recoil.


As best as you can with the base version of this weapon that's going to be like the raw weapon, what it is, and how the actual recoil is so that once you actually throw attachments onto it and you know where that recoil pattern is, let's say it shoots up to the right, then you know when you get into a gunfight you got to hold down to the left a little bit on your joystick to control that recoil, a lot easier, let's say it shoots up to the left and you got to hold down to the right, and it's just going to be a lot easier for you to control weapons, and just overall makes it just really easy for you guys now the last thing I want to say if you guys know me you know this is what I'm going to say I've been doing this for years; it's something I find really important—stay in that private match.

Except this time, you're going to play against bots. Put the maximum number of bots on the enemy team. Set it to head shots only, okay? You don't want to set it to anything else; you only want to set it to head shots so that even if you shoot the chest, it doesn't count. You have to hit the head shots, turn the radar always on, and put maximum health, okay, no assistance.

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With max Health, where you have to hit a bunch of shots once you go online, it's going to be so easy to aim and kill enemies, but make sure you turn your aim assist back on when you go online. I've done it a few times where I forgot to turn it back on, and I just had a really rough time online, and I thought I was just horrible at the game, but I wasn't.

It was literally because I forgot to turn an assist back on, and a lot of people say don't use an assist, guys, if you're online. I'm really interested in seeing what everyone uses, and subs to the channel do not turn on. I would truly appreciate that, guys. In the next

HERE ARE SOME TIPS THAT I DO IN CALL OF DUTY MODERN WARFARE 3 AND WARZONE BATTLE ROYALE TO MAKE MY ACCURACY 10x BETTER SO I CAN STAY ALIVE LONGER AND WIN MORE GUN FIGHTS! Some of these tips may take a while to get used to, but they are really worth it in the long run if you wish to do better in Call of Duty MW3 AND WZ BR! Good luck and go get some sick gameplays.
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