News - How To Beat The Red Worm Warzone 2 Zombies Greylorm Guide

mwz guide

So just like any of the other worm bosses, what you're trying to do is shoot the weak points on its side as kind of glowing points; you can break armor on them, and then when you're getting the kind of yellow flashes on the itical, that means you're doing extra damage to it, but while that's happening, you're also going to have a bunch of specialist zombies spawning and a bunch of normal zombies spawning; hopefully the turrets and the dogs will take care of them, but if not, you're going to have to manage a little bit of that, and also every few seconds there's going to be a bunch of purple orbs spawning.

mwz red worm

And be constantly tapping the jump button, and you really have to be doing that constantly. And that's because when it spits you out, you'll only have a split second to open your parachute; otherwise, you'll just splat on the ground and it will down you immediately, which absolutely stinks. But if you keep on managing to jump, then you should open your parachute in time, and you'll be fine, and you can get back into the fight.

Keep on reminding your team to keep on refilling their gas masks and their ammo. Every few seconds, you've got two munition boxes, so you can kind of stagger it so you can keep refilling every 30 seconds if you want. Anything like monkey bombs or Casmir grenades is super useful just to kind of manage the zombies a bit so you're still shooting the worm because you really have to do a huge amount of damage to the worm; otherwise, you're simply going to run out of time.

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We found healing aura really useful because there were three of us, so if someone went down, we could get them up again fairly quickly, but hopefully you should have lots of self-revivals as well, and if you've got the Quick Revive perk, obviously you can run around and grab people because you have to be doing as much damage as possible.

mwz tips and tricks

You really don't want to have someone waiting for you to run over for too long, so if you're kind of fighting near each other so you can respond to each other quickly, that really helps too. Whenever the worm goes underground which it does do fairly regularly, that's a good time to just clear up any specialist zombies around especially mimics because they kind of grab you and stop you doing damage to the worm and kill any orbs that are flying around so just kind of quickly clear up make sure you checked your gas mask and then when the worm gets back you can get back to damaging it, once you do manage to finally bring down the worm and get its Health down to zero it will, well it'll explode to be honest it just absolutely pops and then it will drop a bunch of stuff on the floor so it will drop things like weapon cases I've seen the real weapon case Spawn from this before and there will be an eer Rift spawn if you interact with that you should be able to get one of the special schematics.

red worm

Then a portal will appear next to you, as well as a triangular portal. As soon as you interact with that, it will end the game, like you will fill it the second you touch it, so make sure you don't accidentally reload while you're standing next to it; otherwise, you won't get the rewards from your Rift.

But there you go. You have beaten Grarm, and as of the beginning of season 1, you've completed the hardest content in Modern Warfare 3: Zombie, so, GG, well done. Catch me streaming right here on YouTube, but also on Twitch and TV for geek pastimes.

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