News - Getting The Better Dark Aether Loot Warzone 2 Zombies Solo Guide

I think the possibilities are endless with what Treyarch and God could do. I really hope I do not eat my words here, but I think not only is this next year just going to be an absolute phenomenal, year for fans of zombies but for creators, just everybody that's involved in the mode definitely think that this upcoming year is going to be a really special year for zombies fans but check this out guys out of our very last contract we ended up getting those ether blade schematics we got yet another Elder sigil and then we got some golden armor plates we got damn good PS out of every single one of these contracts, now we usually get some pretty good pulls out of the new dark ether as well but I've been finding quite a few dud contracts in there as well lately this could have just been my luck but usually whenever I come into the Elder dark ether especially in this old one it's almost guaranteed.


That we get these legendary. Acquisitions if you're still lacking those schematics, you guys definitely need to come in here and get them. These things are guaranteed. We're here at our Xville, so take a look inside our backpack, guys. We have two ether blades. We have that scorcher schematic.

We got the ether blade schematic dog bone golden armor. We got golden armor acquisitions. We got a refined crystal. We greatly appreciate all the support that's been given to the channel lately. You guys mean the world to me.

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