News - Get Pro Aim Warzone: 3 Accuracy Tips You'll Wish You Knew Sooner

I'm going to show you a setting that actually is going to allow you to feel a little more quick, responsive, and fluid that doesn't actually hurt your tracking at long range. Now, once we go under the advanced tab, we're going to see that we can use our aim response curve type as dynamic for reverse S curve mapping.

cod aim guide

what that really means for me is that I believe it gives you the best balance of sensitivity, and responsiveness, and then we're going to get into a setting that a lot of people really don't know about and that's dead zone dead zone is going to be what allows you to really respond quickly and have that fluid input the lower you put this the more sensitive your left and right stick are going to be allowing you to straight faster respond faster move faster so my advice for you is if you don't have a new controller you can grab one with code cprs at 10% off from Aim controller.


Com, because, the newer your controller, the more likely you can actually put it to a lower Dead Zone because if you drop a controller use it more you're going to have to actually put it at a higher Dead Zone because there's more dead areas or like more wear and tear in the actual stick of the controller so the way to figure this out is to Simply go into a private match stand still and if your controller moves on its own without you touching it you have to raise this up but we're going to go into lock down quads and look at situations, that we can use these tips and aims to help you and this is going to be the step that really helps a lot of you take it to the next level is figuring out how to incorporate this into your everyday gameplay so we're going to drop in and just try to take out as many people as we can we want to put oursel in the best position which is not Landing directly on a building necessarily, right here we're just using tracking trying to get this enemy.

Here, so far, so good. We're just tracking and noticing that in that situation, I'm constantly moving my left stick. I'm moving around, making it a lot harder for me to be hit, and therefore I'm able to take out multiple enemies. Now here we're going to shut the door, and that guy just gets absolutely dropped.

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I'm trying to confuse my enemy, and then I come out, and I just use my stray thing to take him out. Simple as that, if you do want to improve your aim, you got to remember the process is not always going to be linear. You're not going to just keep improving; it's going to happen over time, so at first you might not immediately improve, but don't give up on it, and you eventually will we're going to dolphin dive off of here and.

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