News - First Look At The Walking Dead Coming To Warzone 2 Zombies

Locker this is something that we haven't seen since Transit, with the idea that you could potentially put a weapon in there, and in a future game, you could just go to that locker and take it out. I think that is so cool because they already have the thing of the graveyard being able to strip your weapon and give you the rarity and the pack-a-punch crystal back.

mw3 zombies walking dead

Although it's completely random, having an actual weapon locker would allow you to have a weapon and retain its pack-a-punch and its rarity, so you could use it in a future game, and potentially, just keep rotating that weapon in and out of the weapons lockers, you can always have a pack-a-punched and full rarity weapon ready to go, which is amazing compared to the others.

I'm not really sure if running the defib machine sounds cool, but if a player isn't pleading, then how do you know you could use that to revive them? I don't know; maybe that equipment could be like an instant revive on a down player instead of having to do the usual black sights and ATMs. Interesting ATMs could be where, say, you had money in a wallet, which is another leaked feature.

Leakers are found in the code where, in the main menu, you can have a wallet where you can hold points in between games. Perhaps this ATM allows you to access the points you're holding within the menu, but only time will tell what is actually coming to zombies, and we should know about that tomorrow.

mw3 zomvies the walking dead

So make sure that you have your notifications on. And subscribe if you haven't already. You can see what's coming as soon as it's officially revealed, but the last thing I want to point out is that the marketing obviously shows that Fortune. Keep, is going to be coming to War Zone in season 2. There were teasers sent to certain creators yesterday about that, but I'm really intrigued if this is going to be a map that is playable with zombies.

I think something like that would do a lot to really freshen up how the mode feels right now, and it can have multiple zones to it just like we have with ö stand. Obviously, it' be a bit of a smaller map, but a more interesting one because it's smaller. We've had the dark EA, which is like a fourth-tier zone of difficulty.

Fortune Keep could fit that very well, in my opinion.

FIRST LOOK at MW3 Zombies Season 2 DLC - The Walking Dead x MW3 Zombies.
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