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That was a bad mistake by me. I want you guys to learn from that. I do end up getting down, but I've put myself in a bad position. I do not have any more Ste Sun grenades, and I don't have any drill charges. I don't know how I don't get a knock with that simax, but I'm out of PL. Now you're going to see me go for one more row because I have enough plates that I feel comfortable on, but then I end up almost going down.

dmz solo modern warfare 2

At this point, you need to reset the gunfight. They have the better building; they can beat me easily with no plates, and the better building I'm going to go over here to the Bu station reset. Now, after resetting this team. UPS is pushing over, and I want to show you why movement is so important in this situation, because they're probably giving callouts to their teammates, and they're going to have absolutely no idea where I'm at this whole entire gunfight because I'm constantly moving.

I obviously got a knock right there. You're going to see me just moving back and forth. I'm doing little jump spots that you can jump up through that window there, and then I go downstairs. I miss throwing a knife, but I do throw a stun grenade, which was my last one. I end up hitting the guy, but you're going to see he's looking up the stairs because he thinks that's where I'm at.

dmz tips

I end up getting the throw knife on him, and I kill that with the man sub. I'm going to jump through this window here. Like I said, they're giving callouts, I'm sure, but they just don't have any good, consistent callouts because I'm moving the whole time here. Keep moving; keep distracting them.

I hit this with the throwing knife and ended up drop-shotting this guy for the win to pull off the 1v3 situation. And that is how you take out a three-man team using every single technique that I've shown you throughout this whole entire article. get the rat emote. Somebody spammed the rat emotes in the chat.

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Out, playing solo in the DMZ can turn pretty hectic pretty fast, and this clip honestly is one of the craziest 1v3 situations that I've pulled off in the DMZ in a long time. Just watch this clip, and I think it'll explain: Itself, got one with a cluster, mine down, him got him, it's right here. We just took that entire team out.

I thought I was dead, for sure. We haven't received DMZ updates in several months. I truly still enjoy playing this mode, and I'm sure a lot of you guys do too. I would love to see the clown clan tag represented in the game. If I ever end up killing you or you take me out, you can see that the clown clan tag is me.

dmz tips and tricks

I really do appreciate it. I'm going to show you these last few clips with basically no music in the background and me talking overhead. I just want you to watch it and see how I take out multiple operators playing solo in DMZ, and I'll have the class with the LMAN sub at the very end of the article if you guys are interested in copying the tunings for it.

I really do appreciate you having a good one and enjoying the rest of the roof. On get-up B, we need you here. Looking for smoke is what this man just said. Looking for smoke, what are you doing up here? Get off that roof. We got a we got us a whole gang. Now get off that roof. Here, so if you've made it this far to the article, I want to give you guys a basic loadout that I run pretty much every single day that I play DMZ.

dmz unlock

I have the clown, who obviously has a free two-plate. I use the Latchman sub. I use this almost every single time I come in. It's just such a good gun. If you guys want to use it, you can. Here's the build for it. I have the 12-in barrel and the VK LZR 7-m laser. I have the Ft Mobile stock of the Lman TCG1, grip, and then I run a 40 mag.

You can run the 50 mag if you would like, but I prefer the 40. just because you can reload faster. I can give you the tunings for this. You guys can pause the article at any point if you guys want to copy the tunings, and then I'll give you the tuning for the laser real quick also, and then you should have a tuning for the stock.

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And then we have the tuning for the rear grip. Like I said, just pause the article. That way, you guys can copy that down. Like I said, you know the 40 mag; I just prefer the reload speed. Obviously, with this, I use stems. Throwing knives and dead silence stems are something I've just started incorporating into my game.

modern warfare 2 dmz

You get yourself out of so many different situations with the stems, but if you don't like the stems, try the stun grenades. I know that's pretty much the Tred and True stun grenades; everybody runs those, but I really do like that I'm liking the stems so much that I'm learning how to use them. Throwing knives is pretty self-explanatory.

It's one-hit down most of the time. You can quench your thirst with them. They're super good guys. If you're not using a throw knife, you're definitely missing out. Dead silence is one that I don't see a ton of people use, but I'm telling you, if you can learn how to use it, it is an absolute game changer in your 1v3 situations.

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Guys, I hope you like this loadout. Give it a try. There are tons of guns in this game; this is just what I like the most.

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