News - Call Of Duty Had Something Special Until They Cancelled It. Dmz 2024


I went back to Modern Warfare 2 recently and played a lot well, kind of after trashing the game the whole year, because honestly, I didn't like it. I went back solely for DMZ. I don't even have the other stuff installed because, contrary to my thoughts on MP and War Zone during MW2's year of support, DMZ was actually pretty well done and had so much potential for success.

Then it was just dropped today. I want to take some time to run down with you what I found DMZ to be like in 2024, playing a decent bit, and just have a discussion about the mode overall, so drop your thoughts as we go along. Do me a huge favor and drop a like to support the article, and make sure to subscribe for more retrospective content like this as well as other FPS content with the Cod 2024 reveal of the upcoming X the Fife launch.

I'd love to have more in the community, but for now, let's jump into it.

The growth of extraction shooters recently

The growth of extraction shooters recently

So frankly, we've been talking a lot about extraction. Shooters here in the last month or two months that have piqued my interest are Gry Zone Warfare. Arena Breakout Infinite, and a couple of other ones that I was excited to jump into and check out, but all those disgusts had been focused around, like the hardcore or tactical shooter nature, which made me think of that time that we had a game that wasn't so much of that, an extraction shooter with a much more approachable gameplay set that was the more broad appeal.

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What's dmz like in 2024?

cod mw3

So I kept thinking about the basis of how that game could have been much more than what it was and then it dawned on me that I hadn't really played it at all since the last I guess you could say wipe where it was like I think season 4 or something like that of Modern Warfare 2 so I said screw it jumped in I got some time to play we've been doing multi-game, stuff the last couple of months why not so I set out to do some cool stuff expand my wallet get another Insurance slot all in all experience some of the upgrades and quest lines along the way because honestly towards the end of its support we actually did get a decent bit of updates and actual like gameplay upgrades, for DMZ as a whole but doing things like missions getting rewards done that's what I ended up setting out for it produced a lot of well interesting results first and foremost I kind of set myself up for failure though in a lot of these situations because I was playing solo.

I did that a lot, but I didn't want to just turtle into playing passively. If you get into DMZ today, you're probably going to see a ton of three-man squads straight up hunting players, like straight up beining from infield points to where other players could have no real interest in missions or quests.

cod wz2

Nothing like that; you'd also encounter a few squadrons from time to time where people would assimilate and make solo play, sometimes 1 V4 to six players, so not always a great time, more often than not mostly a bad time anyway. You have gear but nothing fancy. Find gear extract, start a new game, get hunted by a team of three or more, die, start over looting for gear, find gear extract, start a new game, maybe have a good game or two before, but then get hunted again and die, and so on.

You're just in this cycle of, like, finding stuff, losing stuff, finding stuff, losing stuff, but how was the overall playing experience? Connection-wise, it seemed fine. Previously, whenever we talked about other games, like older Call of Duty games, it was something that sometimes you'd find—not so stable connections, laggy lobbies, and all that kind of stuff.


When I was playing, it wasn't all that bad, but again, that's still part of the war zone experience, so it's still technically up to date. In that regard, the player population seemed healthy enough. I mean, I think that's probably what happens when you have a free-to-play element. Even though the game has not been supported for an entire year, almost at this point it is something that still plenty of people are jumping in and playing.

As for your types of players, well, you probably could guess there's two sides to the coin here: you have those very aggressive players and you have those super chill players. I think that honestly, I found through all my games, though, like one chill player out of the play time that I had, which, by some miracle, this article made it to.

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I appreciated it on Asika after I got hunted by a team of three, but I swear I didn't intentionally run off right after you picked me up. I had to heal up and get ammo because they took all my loot right before you picked me up. It wasn't my intention to let you die, but I did come back in the end, so I guess that counts for something, right?

I'd say maybe every three matches or so I had encountered a team hunting me, so it was definitely something that when you tried to progress, you couldn't get too far solo, but that would definitely be a different story if you had one or two other players to fill out your trio. What I did find personally weird, though, is that it does continue Modern Warfare 2's ranking system upwards of 1250.

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Despite still being in this weird limbo where it's in War Zone, it's still in Modern Warfare 2. I kind of figured you'd see that update with a new ranking system because you can still play DMZ. Even though it's not on the new maps and supported further, it's also still part of the war zone, so it's still available and should be a part of that integration. I would think, but it doesn't seem like that's the case.

Call of duty made a huge mistake not supporting dmz more

Call of duty made a huge mistake not supporting dmz more

But overall, I said it from the beginning, man. I've enjoyed DMZ. It's probably the only part of Moder Warfare 2 I actually enjoyed fully. Where Yeah, I had some complaints here and there, but like, I didn't ever actually hate DMZ at any point; I didn't ever jump in, and I'm like, This is why I'm playing this.

I'm still bitter about how much fun Al Focus seemingly took away from the other core gameplay mechanics, like War Zone at launch was absolutely just DMZ, but BR, which didn't make sense, and it felt like the game launched around DMZ. Instead of just being a subsidiary mode, it was a part of the overall experience, but it just wasn't supported enough, which is so strange that again, the development seemingly revolved around it, but honestly, the biggest thing that I can say is that it's a shame that DMZ isn't supported further.

dmz 2024

I genuinely think that Call of Duty's fuel for an extraction shooter could have been a great addition to the genre. I genuinely believe that there would be a place for that if they continued supporting it. I think that it's such a good introduction to hardcore games that you can get your feet wet in that gameplay loop, and if you decide to love it, you can make the jump to other games that are a bit more heavily focused on that kind of stuff.

I went back to Modern Warfare 2 recently and played a lot actually. Well, not in the way you're probably thinking of. Here's the thing, I went back solely for DMZ - don't even have the other stuff installed because contrary to my thoughts on MP and Warzone during MW2's year of support DMZ was actually well done and had so much potential for success, then was just dropped.
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