News - Characters Failed To Save Samantha Maxis & Ravenov Is Ava's Father Explained (warzone 2 Zombies Cutscene)

We don't know how they got here in this hotel underneath Zakhan, we don't know exactly what this device is for, we don't know why they failed, and we also don't know if they sacrificed themselves willingly or were forced into it, but judging from the Renov statement where he says they vowed to never let this happen again, and some of us took it very hard, it kind of implies that it was their choice unless Renov and other co-conspirators were the ones responsible for getting them in this position.

I don't know who they could be, but we know that after Cod 2024 zombies, Renov went on to become a morb enforcer, and he seemed very down and was not at a good place in his life. I'm guessing that was largely in part due to this failure, and he probably took that very personally along with anyone else who was involved, and again, we don't know who else was involved.


Dr peek, potentially, maybe Eddie Rofin even had some influence; we are not exactly sure, but the thing is, we still do not know the fate of Samantha Maxis because on her profile it says directive, project Janis, which is the secretive project that Eddie Rofin is working on. Days, and people have speculated that could be the amount of time she's been in the dark ether, but that would mean that she would have escaped in the early 2000s.

dr ava jansen

2003–2005ish however, it seems like she is still in the dark if they failed at their mission to free her, so I'm not really sure what is going on here. To be honest, this is another big revelation. Here is that just to provide further evidence that renov and the rest of the characters went into the dark ether themselves, it seems like renov has not aged properly johnsen even points out the fact that you know he basically shouldn't be here that was 30 years ago and look at you and yes he is aged of course he has gray hair now but he looks nowhere near the age he should be and he is still in extremely good shape he's extremely, strong and has aged very well so we know that time passes differently inside of the dark ether when Samantha Maxis was in there in that short period on 5 AC, what was just a matter of weeks was basically months to her and The Forsaken, was in there for 40 years but that was like 400 Earth years so semantha similar would have been in there for like 400 years if she's been in there this entire time so it seems like renov may have gone into the dark ether and for a point in time and that slowed down the rate of his aging, and another possibility is that maybe there's some other kind of exposure to the dark ether that he has undertaken.

dr grey

Whether it be injecting himself or something like that, I'm not exactly sure, but in some way, the dark ether has affected his aging, and that's definitely a very important storyline. Point that's to come, and also in the last cut scene, of course, AA had a hallucination that she killed Renov. We don't know if that's foreshadowing the future, so I do want to stress that potentially, Renov might die by the end of this game.

I could see that being the case now in terms of the rec room heads that are deceased. Like I said, we don't know exactly how they got here, and I honestly think that there's potential that they may even return. In the future, it seems odd for them to reveal them dead, and then that's that, and they just spoil this huge revelation.

And then it's not really continued or followed. It would seem like if they were planning for them to then return at later points, then them revealing them as deceased would still leave us on a cliffhanger with C 2024 zombies only for them to then be brought back later. Potentially, now that ROV does say to AA Dr.

gulf war zombies

Johnson, perhaps when the outbreak is contained, we will talk of the old days, and she says fine if that's how you want to play it, so it seems like they will have a discussion in the future, but something interesting is that he calls AA a Dr. Johnson and then says AA a more personal name initially, and he places his hand on her leg, so he clearly has a lot of compassion.

modern warfare 3

For her and that is because it seems like renov, is in fact her father AA ends up storming out of the room saying if you won't help me I'll find my own answers ravenor says aa, your parents would be and then corrects it to ah they are so very proud of you and that's clearly because he's talking about himself and then of course we get a glance of the screen with renov saying active Samantha is classified of course we don't know what's happened to her then of course gray and Cava at decease now some people have said maybe AA could be some sort of culmination of all of these people and they're all potentially the parents I doubt that is the case though I think it's most likely just renov, and Dr Gray are their parents but there's always the possibility that potentially something with this device for example caused some sort of weird thing with the dark ether I'm not exactly sure but here's the thing Samantha Maxis and Dr Gray had some sort of love interest going on during Cold War Zombies it was heavily implied.

Now, then, of course. Nov and gray and the rest of them were apprehended, in the prison on Terminus Island now it's possible at this prison they developed some kind of relationship, and something went on there and that's how AA was born, another possibility is that maybe some sort of unnatural, forces such as the dther, had some sort of influence in this book because we know that Terminus island is apparently not just a prison but also a laboratory and it seems like of course they have all been heavily exposed to the dark ether that maybe Eddie rofin was experimenting, on them at this island as well to try and harness their powers and maybe he did something with them and that is what created a and maybe that is why she has these dark ether Powers another possibility is maybe they did just end up forming a relationship.

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And she had a normal birth, but maybe, like I said before, because they were exposed so much to ethereum, that just caused the child to have dark ether powers when they were born, and that explains why AA Johnson has these powers now. AA doesn't seem as powerful as Samantha Maxis, but of course these powers will get bigger and better over time as she learns and masters them.

It seems like they're only just starting to creep in now. The biggest thing from this is regarding the entity. Now, I posted a article the other day saying that I think that the entity isn't in fact Samantha Maxis, like I and many others thought, and I personally believe that it's in fact Dr. AA Johnson herself.

modern warfare 3 zombies

I think that AA basically split into to at some point when she was a child half of her is trapped in the dark ether that's like the evil corrupted version and half of her is on Earth there's many quotes in the game that seem to imply this and basically this new Story Mission seems to confirm it with the quotes because many of the quotes say for example this was how you first saw us in a mirror in water just a glimpse so basically, ever since Ava was a child she's had amnesia similar to Samantha.

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