News - Buffed" M13b Setup Is Now Meta Ranked Play. Best M13b Class Setup Tuning" Warzone 2

I usually like having really good teammates and things. It's when you get to those ranks that you really have to use the meta weapons. I pretty much main in SMG, and the only thing I use in ranked play is the vasim just because I'm an SMG player trying to main. Sometimes, I'll pull the attack, but overall, I'm going to be using the vasim because I am an SMG player.

I love doing them, like when I was recording this while I was recording gameplay before, and then I didn't really like talking and playing, so I just wanted to play and then just talk after. I actually enjoy these way more, so that's why you guys will probably see me. You'll see clips from, say, the stream, or you'll see me doing voiceovers and stuff.

best m13b class setup mw2

I just really enjoy these the most. In the gameplay for the MGBs, first off, you've got to be better than the lobby, then after that, you've got to win all your gun fights, and you've got to be able to predict where the enemies are going to be. Call of Duty is a game of predictions, and it's just about pacing, and you know, playing at the right pace, and you start to understand those things when you start to focus on them, and you just play a lot, like in ring play, where I noticed I was dying a lot because I.

I wasn't really pacing myself that well, like, you really need to look at the kill feed if your team gets four kills, then you guys can hop on the control or hop on the well; you guys should already be in the hardpoint, but you can play very aggressively and we can get to a better location if you kill for the enemies.

best m13b loadout mw2

Say you see your teammate kill two of them, and you kind of know where the enemies are spawning, you could hold an angle and wait for those two guys to run up on the battlefield. So that's a part of the paces: just looking at that kill feed and knowing how many enemies are dead and alive, and then you can base your movements off of that.

It gets very important when you get to those upper leagues, like when I got to Diamond. That thing's sweaty. Diamond sweaty, even though I've already been playing in Diamond for a while because I've been plotting them for a bit and most of my friends are already in Diamond and Crimson and stuff, so I'm used to these lobbies, but it's just.

Oh my days! It's crazy, like going from plot to diamond night, and on to day pla. I can maybe drop a nuke diamond. I could maybe get 10 kills in a row. I can't really die from behind over here. I do have the advanced UV, but I'm going to wait a second. I want to get the maximum number of views out of my advance.

I don't really know where that guy is, so I just call it in right away. I didn't call them before because I kind of knew where the enemies were. I only use my UAV or the advance when I'm really lost and don't know where the enemies are, and right here I'm just going to let the enemies funnel into me.

best ranked play classes mw2

This is an AR; you can Rush with it, but you know it is an AR, so you got to let the enemies push you; that's where it's going to excel. This is like a very good medium-range weapon; it's very good at long range too. It just has so much mobility to where I can pop off like rushing with it, but I think it has like the best damage range in the game right there.

I don't know where I got shot from, but I got shot, and since I didn't know where from. I'm just going to go to a whole different location and run around with my knife because it adds a lot of mobility and I can run from point A to point B a lot quicker, although you know you don't really have a secondary, and in the ranks, you know you always just want to run the knife.


Over here, we're just playing them using that advanced UV. Like I said before, Call of Duty is a game of predictions. With the advanced review, you don't really need to predict the enemies, which makes it very easy to predict them. You just know exactly where they're all at. I think we're about 10 kills off of this.

This setup is very good for regular public matches. It's just that sometimes in the public matches you can, for example, use a laser, or instead of getting a little bit more recoil control, you can get more mobility, like if I'm going to be reusing this set in public matches. I'm going to be swapping out that phase three for the shark fin so I can play a little bit more aggressively in ranked play.

I guess you know that for every other gun that is good in ranked play, I'll give you guys a ranked play setup, and for every other gun you know, let's do a regular setup over here. You guys can see we are piecing, we are beaming, and we are putting these guys together like a puzzle too. It's freaking easy, and then the game actually lasts a long time if you want a lot of kills in your match.

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Play hardpoint or headquarters, and just have the enemies capture the objective a lot and have yourself capture the objective a lot, so then the time never goes down, it's just scoring, you're going back and forth, and then you let the time run out on top for that. That's how you can maximize your kills.

You'll probably get better at the game, and I'm almost at my 100K subscribers, so, you know, if you want to help me get that plaque, that'd be cool. Also, a like is appreciated by my grandma. She's very happy when likes are on the articles. One day she told me she's from Argentina. She's like Sebastian, no, likes, and I was like Grandma.

It's not about the likes; it's about the viewers experience, and she's like, "No one likes okay." Grandma I'll ask for likes, so if I can get one, that would be amazing. And I believe we will almost get a double nuclear blast. Sorry if I'm moving a lot. I'm like tweaking over here in the camera.

m13b class setup

I'm just taking off my socks because, you know, this gameplay is getting pretty sweaty. The socks are off, and we're in the little hobbit house, and we die sadly. I think we're going on one or two more streaks. We die one more time, and then I call him the MGB, too. I think it's very good. Maybe they can switch up the names of the ranks, but I don't think that's kind of unnecessary.

The only thing I don't like is that there are a lot of hackers, especially when you get to Diamond rank. There are tons of hackers, and a lot of people are like, "No, no, you're just making excuses; there are no hackers or anything." But there are a lot of hackers, and they're all 100 percent. Just because you know the Ricochet anti-cheat doesn't really work and there are so many types of hacks and it's so easy to get hacks in your account, I totally don't have any.

m13b loadout mw2

I'm serious i actually don't have any up here. This is a very good spot when you're on this when you're in that tent, but you have to use a railing to get up there. You have to hop over here. I ran out of bullets. I missed a couple of shots. I think this thing is a four- to six-shot kill at range, which sounds pretty slow, but it has an insane fire rate, so it does make up for it being one of the metal weapons.

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