News - Meta M13b Warzone 2 Class Setup - Best Mw2 Class & Tuning

best m13b class setup mw2

We're talking about the M13, the metagun of Modern Warfare 2 (or MW2). Trust me on this one. It's meta it's so good that I leveled it up and maxed it out in an hour at 40 kills a game. 30 kills a game was crazy. It's as fast as an SMG. If you set it up right and it does more damage, has a high rate of fire, and has a better range, the gun's broken.

It was broken in the first season of Modern Warfare 2 a couple of years ago, so if you don't know how to unlock the M13 or how to get it, or if you do know how to get it but can't get it done inside the DMZ, check out the article right there at the top of the screen on YouTube to find out how to fix it and get your M13 in the DMZ easily, without even having to kill the chemist.

This is just breaking news, but War Zone 2 is great. Not only that, but there are campers everywhere. How do we deal with that? Well, we got the new M13, and that just rocks. I told you I was going to kill you. So, there are two ways to set this up. Really, what it comes down to is your personal preference.

best m13b loadout class

You want to set it up for a hip fire or ads speed for Team Deathmatch, and it's going to depend on your play style. That's the way I prefer it. If you prefer to set up for ad speed, you're really going to need the stock for the Bruin Flash V4 as well as the flash grip. Now, if you want to set it up with the grip in the stock like I just said, you're going to need the battle pass gun buffer, which I do have but haven't maxed out, so I didn't really set it up like that.

If you did max that gun out, you could use that grip and stock and set it up with this laser right here at seven milliwatts, which will give you all the speed you need, and then all you're really going to need is the Harboring D20, which is right here. You won't need to worry about anything else for the most part: the grip in the stock, the laser, the muzzle, and then you can set it up with either an underbarrel or a barrel at that point.

best mw2 class

I would leave the barrel and the underbarrel alone, and I would just like to leave it with those four attachments. Since I don't have the basp leveled up, I'm going to set it up my normal way, which is going to be the hip shot L20 for hip fire accuracy. Under Barrel, we're going to go ahead and set it up with the Merc 4 grip, as the Merc is better than the pineapple grip without getting into all the details; it's better on the hip shots, and it's definitely going to give you better vertical recoil control, so we're going to set it up just like that, like I said, muzzle harboringer D20 unless you want a little extra speed, but it's not worth it especially for the hip fire, because you're going to be able to hip fire almost immediately, so that's how I would set it up right there with my first three attachments since we're setting up for hip fire.

We can get away with the R90 factory sometimes; I use it, and sometimes I feel like it's really not doing a whole lot, but it does help out a little bit with recoil control with this setup. Want to run the Brew in Echelon there's no doubt because we're not advertising, we just pure hip fire. This is the best way to set it up.

best mw2 class setup

Let's go ahead and show you exactly how I'd set this up for all recoil steadiness and damage range on the muzzle of the D20 for all recall smoothness. The bullet velocity of the Merc 4 grip is all hip control and hip fire accuracy. On the stock, we're going to go with aim-down sight speed and aim-walk speed.

You can see the ads' speed is a little slow, but hip fire accuracy and damage it only took nine bullets to kill someone up close. Perfect for your team's death match, let's go in and set up the war zone. We're going to take away the laser and the Merc 4 grip and the stock under, and the barrel is going to be f-tac.

Also read:

Ripper, we're going to go ahead with recoil stabilization, aiming idle stability all the way up the optic; there's nothing else that would run besides the VLK (actually). I take that back; there's one other one, and that's the forge Tac Delta IV; they're both very, very good, although I do prefer the vlk for the vlk; it's going to depend on your gun fights; I leave it in the middle; you could run more ads, more Flinch resistance, or more Flinch resistance.

cod warzone 2 m13b loadout

Resistance is up; we're going to go ahead and put the 60-round mag in your war zone. Loadout, you come in here, you see the ads, and the speed is not that slow. You'll see that hip fire is still pretty decent; you still get about an eight-round kill. Let's go ahead and see what this gun can do. There's almost no recoil whatsoever; it's a very good gun

META M13b Warzone 2 Class Setup - Best MW2 Class Tuning! In this video, we're going to show you the best loadout for M13b in Warzone 2. This is the most up-to-date MW2 class and tuning for M13b, so be sure to check it out! If you're looking for the best MW2 class and tuning for M13b, then you need to watch this video.
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