News - M13b The King Of Long Range Warzone 2

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1 M13 was apparently the M13 from Wars, and one was kind of ridiculous. Now let me give you three builds. SMG sniper support and a long-range laser beam for the M13B, with tuned screenshots after every build phase. The recoil of the M13 is already very low, but if you try to do this on the range, the gun gets to a point where you feel it.

You want to keep it on a little slope that goes from left to right, and you're having a hard time really doing the laser beam. Let's do the sniper support first, then go for long range, and then build the SMG for this sniper support. The ironside is kind of okay, but if you can't handle it, update Chrono Mini Pro and tune that towards far and also a non-side speed with the barrel.

You only have two to choose from; one is for an SMG, and the other is actually perfect for sniper support and long range, but you're also going to make them work here in this case for damage range, which you can actually tune all the way around, and Rico's steadiness, which kind of caps at plus 40.

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The barrel is supposed to do a chunk of recoil control; it doesn't do that though, and we've got to say, yeah, that kind of makes it straight to her; it feels very good, but we're still noticing obviously some horizontal. Not so happiness, good thing is that though the gun has very low caliber, the actual vertical bounds are not there or at the muzzle, so just go with a komodo heavy for horizontal recoil stabilize, that's a wee bit more gun kick control on top with cheese and cream, and then we should have almost a perfect straight line obviously, the gun kick control is pushing it a wee bit down.

We're now trying to do these longer-range shots that were wiggling all over the place. That's easier than ever now that we only have 30 bullets, and as magazine choices, we have a 45-round and a 60-round magazine. The 60-round magazine you definitely want to have for the long-range choice, but the 45-round magazine fits perfectly for the movement version of the support, so now the recoil is very good.

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The ads' timing is good, and the movement is fine. could go for bonus bullet velocity, which is always a good choice because we never have a problem hitting Reich at any distance because you want to also do these 50-meter shots, then whip out your sniper rifle. This gets tuned towards Rico's steadiness, and why do we always tune this towards recoil steadiness instead of taking a grip here?

It's very simple because you're getting 40 to 50 percent of bull velocity plus, and then we get a little bit of Rico steadiness on top, plus we can't increase the damage range until the effective first damage falloff goes away, and that now in total leads us to an absolutely straight laser beam on any distance that you can perfectly pair together as, sniper's support now, long range, wants to reproduce this as well, but even straighter technically.

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One could say, "Well, this has been working very well on the short range with no recoil; why don't we just put on the maximum magnification, like the VLK 4.0 uptake, and then tune this to its far and aim down side speed?" This should right away work if we're now doing the very long-range shots realistically.

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Yes, sure, you could just do that, but we really want this to have as little recoil as possible, and there is a wee bit of unruliness happening, and for that. I would definitely put off the high velocity rounds. That seems weird; why would you keep the high-velocity rounds for sniper support but not for long range because the bullet velocity is A-?

Okay, Enough you might just have to lead a little bit more, but it's just a good attachment for a sniper support because the grip doesn't do much more. We swapped to the 60-round mag because we want to have unlimited beam now. I will be looking here for an underbarrel where we have had 20 or more before.

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Stability might not be needed; it could just be the stabilization at the end to really get the last bit of horizontal together, and the perfect grip for that could be the demo clean shot, the demo firm, or phase 3, which just goes straight up. By barrel-wise slapping that on the phase 3 grip and tuning this towards aiming idle stability, which is a very good thing because we want our gun to have no overrides in the recoil pattern, naming stability reduces that slightly, and then we also get recoil and stabilization, which helps it to get more together horizontally.

Now if we're trying to find a spot still on this wall, you do notice it is a wee bit more straight, and there's a wee bit less shake in the side, making this even better on the long range. Yes, there was some recoil we got from the ammunition, but you really want to be able to hit all your shots at long range repeatedly, over and over and over again, and that's where we're having the no recoil that we have been looking for now.

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I promise you three. So what about the SMG? For that, we put on the SMG barrel the Bruin bead that gives us movement speed and aim downside speed, making a zoom over the battlefield. can go for a wee bit more recoil steadiness because it never hurts and tune this to its aim down side speed because our first damage drop off is, okay, then we do want Sprint to Fire because we want to whoop this gun out as fast as possible for that first and foremost, the vlk azr, laser, and on the rear grip you have the Bruin flash grip which gives the also Sprint to Fire speed and aimed down side speed, and you can even tune this further towards Sprint to Fire where there's kind of like your reach the maximum, and you can get a wee bit more Rico steadness if we need that first and foremost, and then we'll go through for more ads and then we'll check out what we have now, 60 route.

Mac can go off because I think 30 should be enough tops. 45 is what you want, but that would also impede the movement speed again, and with these three attachments so far, things already move plenty fast. I mean, we're just zooming. In the ads, it just flies into your hand; what does it shoot like also?

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very good and concise. I mean, there are some bounds in the gun, but nothing to really throw us too harshly, especially when we're using an SMG. I'd say the bit of a horizontal is something we want to be looking at and want to address without reducing the ad time too much for that we could be checking an under barrel, and finally we might actually introduce the shark fin again, and the shark fin can be tuned towards aim and walk movement speed.

Yes, you can actually make a wee bit faster movement, and then you can also put on stabilization. Now, to get that little bit of horizontal under control without costing as much ad speed. I would almost check the under barrel and look for the phase 3 grip that we actually have also on the long range.

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