News - Black Ops V Reveal Has Been Announced And Warzone 2 Zombies Big Update Is Here

I am still fairly excited about the content that is still coming to Modern Warfare Zombies because I honestly don't think it's going to be the end of this game mode once this game is over. Not only is the New Black Ops game rumored to be launching with two round base maps, but it's also rumored to have its own outbreak, open-world zombie mode, which could be just Modern War Fair zombies, but with its own new operation set in a new location, it does kind of seem like the route that they would take to me.


It seems like it would make most sense just because it's all going to be located inside the same app and everything's running on the same engine. I feel like it would be very easy for them to do with whatever the next war zone map is going to be. The rumors have it that it's going to be for dank, which I think would be pretty cool to see like an outbreak-style mode on that OG version, map.

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