News - A First Look At Warzone 2's New Vortex Event Coming Later Next Week. Multiplayer Event

Will there be any content for warzone an zombies in the vortex event?

Will there be any content for warzone an zombies in the vortex event?

cod mwiii

Here's the hoping , so beyond that, that's the stuff we know of that is coming along with the vortex event, but will there be anything for War Zone or zombies, which is a great question and unfortunately undefined? there's a part of me though that considers not so much outside of just progressing the events because like I said it kind of seems like this is going to be an XP reboard where and other stuff you'd have tailored content or at least challenges to progress through if you had those again challenges in the event across Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer zombies and War Zone, this very much so seemed like when talking about it and discussing it at the studio preseason 1 that it was a very Sledgehammer, based event it'd be cool to see some sort of zombies elements to it for the event overall or bringing zombies to MP or something but who knows right now I'm not really expecting a whole ton, another thing that makes me think that we maybe won't get content in zombies or war zone for this is that it's not necessarily.

One of the longer events here for this season. One Reloaded, kicks off on January 17th, which is also when it's mentioned the vortex event will end, so there are only 2 weeks to play around with, so I'm not entirely sure that they drastically alter any additional large-scale items beyond what we have in those multiplayer maps, but I mean, again, who knows, stranger things have definitely happened for sure.

Personal hopes for the vortex event in modern warfare 3

Personal hopes for the vortex event in modern warfare 3

But that's a first and a brief look at the new Vortex event coming and what you should expect. Just the turn of the new year personally, I'm looking forward to it again. I really enjoyed playing all those new variations of the maps, and I do really hope that we can play those in genuine 6v6 modes, maybe 10v10 modes, but honestly, with Rust having that tetus variation.

I doubt they'd put it in a 10 V10, but I mean, if they did, I'd be there for the chaos. But anyway, that's what we're going to call it. I just wanted to sort of round into the holidays here with you and let you know what you need a little later on down the line into the future for the early next year events happening in Modern Warfare 3, so that said, that's what we're going to call it.

What do you guys think of the vortex event ?.

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cod warzone

What we've seen so far, what you've heard about, and if there's anything in particular, like reward-wise, you're looking forward to. I'd love to have you again. Happy Holidays to all who celebrate. I hope you guys have a great time with your friends and family and have a healthy holiday season as well as 2024.

Thanks so much for the support over the past year. I love you all to death, but for now, that's what we're going to call it. Take care.

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