News - 10 Tips You Need To Know To Improve Your Warzone 2 Rank Season 2

10 tips you need to know to improve your rank in future seasons

Season 2 of Modern Warfare 3 rank play is almost upon us, and in this article. I will be sharing 10 tips and tricks on how to improve your game play but also how to strategically boost your rank based on how the SR system works throughout the article. I will also be showing in-game examples and how each one of them reflects on certain tips shown in this article.

Without further delay, let's go. Starting off with some general information for any new players out there, with the introduction of season 2, your division will be dropped back three tires, with the maximum division you restart being the diamond. This brings us to tip number one, so those of you who are looking for a head start, make sure you hit that new division or tire before the end of each season because all those points you have earned while in any tire will be for nothing.

Let's do an example of this: imagine you are a platinum three player currently at 5,300. Sr, and you only need 100 more Sr to get promoted to Diamond. If you fail to do this before the end of each season, then the extra Sr you have earned, which in this case is 500 Sr, will be gone, and you will be resetting from the minimum Sr value of gold three.


Coming up next is tip number two, which is going to be increasing your HPR as much as possible until the end of every season. If you have no idea what this means, it's a hidden rank in terms of ASR, which is determined by how well you individually perform against other players. All you have to do is simply hard scope and wait for the enemy to peig and yeah that's the break coming up next is tip number four which is going to be taking advantage of gut spots, we are all aware of different skill gaps in Call of Duty mostly due to differences in gun skill, however there are a couple of spots on every map such as insane head glitches, which make it almost impossible for you to get spotted or being killed and as a result this gives you a huge advantage on every gunfight no matter the skill level but also allows you to control objective points therefore by knowing how to get to these positions as well as controlling them you can outgun, pretty much any player moving on to tip number five which is playing slow and avoid sprinting all the time competitive Call of Duty is all about teamwork, communication, and knowing when and where to push at the right time.

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Sometimes it is necessary to just hold down a specific line of sight for a long time. There is no need to keep spawning and pushing, because if you end up playing against a pretty good team that has setups You will get killed most of the time now when I solo Q. I usually control a specific position most of the time while at the same time watching the mini map to see where my team is as well as the kill feed.

This is because the kill feed will signal you when you need to push and play aggressively or when you need to play slow or rotate early for the next hardpoint. Let's give an example of this. In this case, as you can see, we're playing hardpoint on Terminal. I am with a team, so I do have communication with them, but even if I don't, I can look at the kill feed, which will then signal me when to push.

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So currently all of my teammates are away, so I'm just playing my life and waiting for them, and as soon as I see that we have two dead in the kill ping and two enemies dead, then now is the right time to become aggressive and break this. Hill, again, this is example number two. I have just spawned in with 35 seconds left in the hard point.

That's a lot of time, but if I check the kill feed, it seems that my team doesn't need any help, so I rotate early because the next heal is a money kill, and I play my life until my teammates arrive, hard points are compromised, and I secure the area. Next up is tip number six, which is going to be tricker discipline, which refers to the unnecessary firing of your weapon.

This is mostly used to avoid detection by multiple enemies, especially in Search and Destroy, where you are behind an enemy but you don't have a clear shot to kill him, so basically, this gives you a tactical advantage that allows you to outplay your enemies. Here's an example: I am currently playing Search and Destroy on Skro.

how to get more sr in ranked play

As you can see from the mini map. I already know there's a guy behind me on the god steps or tunnel steps, but also there's a guy in front of me, so if I try and kill the first guy in front of me, that will give away my position, and the second guy behind me will likely kill me. So what I do is wait patiently for the tunel steps guy to push towards the building, and then I take both of them out.

Moving on to tip number seven, which is trading with your teammates, especially for those who are playing solo, try and be near your teammates in order to get trades, break hardpoint heals, and capture control points. If your squad happens to die at any time, make sure you try to stay alive by not pushing and giving enough time for your teammates to get back to you so you can all again push together to retake the objective.

improve your rank in mw3

Next up is tip number eight, which is going to be team performances. Now for those of you who don't know, apart from individual performances, a large amount of the overall star you gain per game in rank play can be earned from the overall team performance, especially in higher divisions, but basically what this means is that winning games by and large managing in the score line corresponds to a dominant and therefore good team performance, and as a result, the game will reward you with more Sr, which will eventually help you to boost your rank and future seasons faster.

Tip number nine is going to be improving your centering as well as your rotational aim assist, which leads to better gun skill overall. Centering refers to the fact that you obviously are keeping your aim or cros here at the center of your screen, but most importantly, you anticipate where enemies are likely to appear by pre-aiming common angles.

I like to describe centering as your first line of defense in Call of Duty. Now, when it comes to rotational aim assist, this is a feature designed to assist players in maintaining accuracy and tracking targets while taking rotational movements with their sticks. specifically moving your left stick left and right while aiming leads to a much longer game instead of just standing still.

mw ranked play season 2

A good way to practice this is to go into a private match against bots. I recommend choosing maps that are in the rank-play rotation so that you can kill B by looking at the common lines of the s side on those maps. Additionally, something that has helped me improve competitiveness in Call of Duty for the past six years is watching the pros play against each other.

This video covers 10 tips on how to improve your gameplay and strategically boost your rank in Future Seasons in MW3 Ranked Play! Enjoy.
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