News - Warzone 2: What Is Actually Happening

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We are just a couple of weeks away from Modern Warfare 3 season 2. That being said, season 1 as a whole has been pretty interesting, especially the most recent season when we loaded updates on some things raising eyebrows, such as the operator skins in the game, as we make our way into the second season of Modern Warfare 3.

If it weren't for rank play, I don't think I would be as invested in Modern Warfare 3 at this point. If this is your first time here, welcome, and if I return it, welcome back as you go along. Let's talk about operator skins in Modern Warfare 3. Modern Warfare 3 rank players call for skin restrictions to make matches more competitive.

Modern Warfare 3 players are calling for skin changes in rank play as they claim that certain skins are giving players an unfair advantage. Despite a rocky start to Modern Warfare 3 season 1, reloaded with several bugs, and the disappointingly late-to-rank player release, players are finally able to enjoy the update stress-free.


Rank play has been added to Modern Warfare 3 after a slight delay, and while many are enjoying the competitive multiplayer experience, some feel that certain operator skins should be banned from the mode, so I thought this was going to be the case anyway before rank play launched, because there are some skins in the game that are just downright hard to see and essentially give a competitive edge to whoever is wearing the skin, for example, the group skin.

I know that really early on in the game, developers made some adjustments to the skin just as a courtesy of competitive integrity, which I thought was a good move. That being said. I kind of just assumed that skin in particular would not be available for use in rank play, but as of right now. I don't think there are any operator skin restrictions at this point, but they may make some changes in the near future.

A Reddit user put up a post in the Modern Warfare 3 subreddit that asks why this skin is even allowed to be ranked, while also sharing a clip of the skin in question. In the clip, an enemy player can be seen hiding on the bomb with the silver IO operator skin, which the OP struggled to spot. They explain further that the game would be so much simpler if we just used the ranked skins in black and white.


One comment disagreed with the OP, as they claimed they could easily see the enemy and that the OP needed to actually look instead of blindly turning. Pay more attention to your surroundings. Despite the disagreements, there are many players who like the idea of Modern Warfare 3 rank play only allowing certain skins; they should make it all CDL skins.

To be honest, one player and another agreed. CDL operators should be the default skins for everyone. We'll have to wait and see how Moder Warfare 3 rank evolves, as it's only just been released, so I'm going to play a little bit of Devil's Advocate here. We've all been there where an enemy was right by us, and we did notice it, especially in those one-on-one situations that can be kind of intense, and you might not be thinking as clearly as you would, maybe if you have a buddy or two up with you, but in this particular situation,.

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Yes, that skin did Cam FL pretty damn well with the bomb and structures on the floor, but what I really think the main distraction was here was the B bomb icon. It is way easier for that to catch an eye than anything else in the room. This is why it is important to go ahead and dial in your interface and color customization settings.

There could have also been other factors, such as the monitor, how far they sit from the monitor, etc., and realistically, your eyes can only focus on one thing at a time, and I get it. Yes, you should be skimming through everything on your monitor, especially in Search and Destroy, but as far as the skin itself, I don't see that skin in particular being a problem competitively.

It absolutely could have ended, unfortunately, but at least he won the round and the match. I also want to add that Skid Row is kind of just one of those maps where it is a bit tougher to see, and I'm sorry, but I do have to put one of my guys on blast here so he knew where I was generally on the radar, but he didn't have a clue that I was literally right in front of him, and I am wearing this year's rank-place skin.

cod mw3

Just for a little more context, I'll show you guys a clip of this [__], Match, all right where you are at mik. One skin I do think is putting players at a competitive disadvantage is this newly added rubber duck skin. These stick out like sore thumbs in rank play, but let's see what the community is saying.

Modern Warfare: 3 players divided over pathetic rubber duck skin The Modern Warfare 3 Community has been split over the new rubber duck operator skin in season when reloaded, with many feeling it's unrealistic for a game like Call of Duty. The Call of Duty Series has released tons of skins for players to buy over the years, from classic characters to high-profile crossovers.

In Modern Warfare 3 alone, we've seen the boys operators, as well as Paul Atri from the Dune franchise. As you would expect, not all of these skins have been well received, as some have disrupted matches by being hard to see, while others have caused controversy for seemingly not fitting the aesthetic of a game like Modern Warfare 3.

cod warzone

The latest operator to divide the community is the bath time skin, which arrived following the season 1 reloaded update. It arrives as a part of the rubber duck bundle and sees Coro wearing a bright yellow duck mask during matches. A Reddit user shared the image of the skin with a sarcastic caption:I love that Modern Warfare 3 is back to adding realistic soldier skins again.

Plenty of players responded by calling out the dumb rubber duug skin and urging the game to go back to its roots. I can't decide what's a bigger pathetic joke these skins or the people that actually buy them. I got to say it's pretty close, said one reply, another post stated. I just saw this, and I thought it was sad what was happening to this game.


Others felt that Modern Warfare 3 is stuck between a realistic military shooter and the more arcadey style of Fortnite, so the developers should double down on one side or the other if Cod wants to be a full-blown arcade shooter. That's fine, but they should have Nicki Minaj, Rubber Ducky, and Sergeant Kitty on the cover instead of ghosts, or Price should have added another player.

No more historical settings when you're just going to add laser guns and celebrities. But they won't do that because they try to appeal to both crowds to get more sales, so as far as aesthetics for Call of Duty, I am on the side of keeping things a little more grim and militaristic. We can absolutely have some pretty skins without them going way overboard, like with the rubber ducky skin and the Nicki Minaj skin.

We are just a couple weeks away from Season 2, That being said, season 1 as a whole has been pretty interesting, especially the most recent season 1 reloaded update.
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