News - You Have To Use These. The Final "broken" Meta Update. Warzone Best Loadouts Season 1

I like it. I was loving it, but then I built my own, which I think is even better. So if you've been struggling with the WSP Swarm build, go check out my article over on the third channel. That one is gold. I'm thrilled, and the gameplay is aesome to go along with it, but the gun that I think most people are still sleeping on, and I see people trolling me when I mention it.


They're like Isaac the MTZ; it got nerfed. That gun is terrible. Well, listen, I understand it's no longer a two-shot head shot anymore, but it's still. Unbelievably powerful, and the fact that you get 20 rounds in the ability with one head shot to do like. 145, Damage: You may not be two shooting people, but you can one shot chest shot chest shot or like two shots to the chest anywhere on the body if you're playing in a squad.

I'm telling you this: out of all the guns in the war zone right now. I still think over the pistol over anything that we've covered over any of the zero-zero recoil stuff over even the SVA single fire, but it's actually a double fire. This is still a problem, and a lot of people are still begging for it to get nerfed.


I understand it is an attack rifle. Understand, I think snipers belong in the game. I like one-shot snipers, but this gentleman is still just an absolute problem. Keep in mind that these are the bots that don't have three plates, but it's just what they're so powerful at: range, like one head shot and two body shots, and you can just spam and spam and spam, and the fact that you can just peek your head up once and all your plates are gone.

Just, it's straight up not a good time, okay, and if you're not using it, I really don't want you to use it, but if you need to sweat, if you need to, sweat. Pull it up, gentlemen, and pull it out. I used to rock the Aries clear shot. I think it's kind of a cool sight because it allows me to see down range really far with a really clean dot site.

warzone 3

It's got strong aim assist; it basically turns this thing into a mini sniper. Most people end up rocking the coro's Eagle's eye take your shot as you know for what you want we have the Blackthorn Barrel which you already know helps out with the damage range bullet velocity Spirit fire helps out with that recoil control heavy support grip we already know how good it is with horizontal, and then the 20, round mag ladies and gentlemen if you guys are taking a screenshot of any of these build real quick tap that screen drop a like drop a subscription because we're going to have all the news that you need to know about war zone it finally feels good to be excited to play war zone again there's a massive skill Gap in the game there is so much to learn and I have so many guides storyboarded out in the works but it has been a crazy.

Month, over at the household with a 9-month pregnant wife with some family issues and some stuff happening that I'm not even going to get into, but life is good, the game is good, and we have so much content coming down the pipeline, so make sure you are subscribed and here for that. If your passion is taking it to the next level, make sure to check out the sponsor of today's article repeat.

warzone 3 best loadouts

Gg, get in there; it's free to play, and who knows, if there's enough interest, maybe the academy will have their very own cash prize tournament in the future. Shout out again to them for sponsoring today's article. Make sure you check out my perfect WSP Swarm build over on the third channel. If you missed my previous Load Out article, there are some amazing builds for The Pulim Yacht for the cat and so many more.

Check out all the content I've got to offer. Okay, I hope you guys enjoy this one.

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