News - Warzone: Season 2 Battle Pass Revealed. New Weapons, Blackcell Upgrade, More. Warzone 2 Season 2

Mw3 & warzone season 2 battle pass detailed explained

Mw3 & warzone season 2 battle pass detailed explained

We are, of course, seeing all the usual seasonal updates. This means new weapons and new operators, new content, gameplay changes, and updates galore, and of course, per usual, a brand new battle pass. The season 2 battle pass is coming up. We've actually already seen several major reveals for a lot of this season 2 battle pass content.

Of course, there are various different versions of the pass itself. You've got the free sectors, or the free tiers. This includes things like the new weapons that anyone can earn. You don't have to spend any money; it's simply based off of playtime in the game, so you just go through log some hours, get some tokens, and redeem those free sectors for those rewards.

modern warfare 3

You've got the standard battle pass, which gives you the pass. Basics: basically, you get all the standard content in the paid tiers; you also get the free tiers, which you can go through and just rank it up as you play; and then, of course, there is the black cell upgrade, which includes some extra special rewards.

The mw3/warzone season 2 blackcell upgrade content

Some upgraded operator skins have different blueprints. The various tier skips and even some bonus Cod points, so getting into the fullon, details, here of the Season 2 pass First, let's talk about the Black Sale because it is a little bit different this year in terms of the content it's offering, especially with season 2 right now.

There are some extra bonuses apparently with this season's content in particular, so Call of Duty did post saying hello, John Doe, that's going to be our black cell operator. You may recall that John Doe was actually an operator or character back in Blackout—sort of a zombie character. It is very basic that they named him John Doe, but it is what it is, and that's going to be our main black cell operator.

modern warfare 3 season 2

It has, of course, the black and gold theme. So for all the various operators that are in the battle pass, we'll break down some of those here in just a moment. You're also going to get bonus black cell skins for those that do feature that black and gold sort of color theme there. You also have a reactive decay effect as you get more kills, so that's actually something that's unique to this battle pass and this black cell in particular.

That reactive Decay is going to be somewhat visible in the game, probably more so for other players than you since it's first person obviously, but it's still there nonetheless. You also get six alternative, reactive weapon blueprints for this season as well, so all the standard blueprints that are in the battle pass, you'll also get the black cell versions there that are reactive, you get black cell weapon Tracer, and death effects that'll obviously be themed around like this whole zombie season, you get the 20 tier skips or the 20 tokens that you can just spend outright, and you get 1,00.

Cod points are a bonus, unfortunately. You can only buy the black cell with real money, which stinks; you can't use COD points to get that, and I think that's a pretty stupid system, but nonetheless, that's the general black cell rundown. Now let's.

New season 2 weapons, aftermarket parts, & operators in the battle pass

New season 2 weapons, aftermarket parts, & operators in the battle pass

Focus on the standard content. Some of the free stuff and some of the paid stuff that you'd get if you just got the basics, like the regular version of Pass Itself, are by far the most quoted. unquote The valuable stuff coming from the battle pass in season 2 is going to be the new weapons.

We've actually got a couple of these dropping in the battle pass this season—only two—which is down from some previous seasons, but nonetheless, it's free weapons. They'll likely be in the meta because they want you to go through and unlock tokens and get to these tiers and play the game for their retention stats, but the first one is going to be the BP50.

modern warfare 3 season 2 battle pass

This is a free assault rifle that's going to be available in the battle pass sector B7, and yes, this is the FN2000. We've seen this a couple of times throughout Cod, most recently in Vanguard, where we had the BP50. They say this is a modular bull pup chambered in 556, tear down the competition with a high fire rate an exceptional, accuracy for dominating at Mid to Long ranges so you'll be able to go through and earn this completely for free, if you do have the black cell you'll be able to start at a different tier obviously in the pass and get to it a little bit quicker if you're just playing for free or have the basic battle pass it is going to take a few extra tokens to actually get to it and unlock it but nonetheless anyone will be able to earn that if you just simply play enough the second new battle pass weapon is going to be the ram 9 and this is actually an SMG, and it's going to be available in battle pass sector B6.

They say this is more maneuverable and agile than its assault rifle counterpart, the Ram 7. Obviously, this bull PFF SMG chambered to 9 mil is lethal at close range, and again, because these are battle pass weapons, each of these is probably going to be relatively competitive in the overall meta to entice you to play the game more and go through and actually do those tiers and those sectors in specific to unlock them.

modern warfare iii

Another new thing this year with the battle passes is that some of the sectors and some of the tiers actually include aftermarket parts. Currently, we've only got one of these confirmed for the battle pass. We may see some in season 1 added in, like a secret sector or a classified sector, but that's much further down the road; we only have to wait and see for that.

As for launch, we only have, like I said, one; it's known as the Jack burnout, and you'll be able to unlock this again just by going through and getting to this sector and completing the tokens for it. This is going to be an aftermarket part for the hogre 26 lmg, and it gives the hogre a select fire mode called the Jack burnout that provides a dramatically increased fire rate but can overheat and expand the barrel, introducing spread, a.k.a., bloom.


Which is not good, so while this is going to be accessible via the battle pass and it might sound cool ultimately if it's introducing Bloom, it's not something that's worth using because it's adding RNG into your gunfights, and anyone who's using a weapon that doesn't have Bloom, which is everything but this and the double barrel for the AR9 or the Jack Eden kit, whatever it's called, everything else doesn't have blooms; they're going to be instantaneously more accurate, so it's gimmicky; it's going to be in the battle pass.

It's not something that, in my opinion, is actually going to be effective by any means. It is always really appreciated, and much love to everyone who takes the time to do so, but aside from the weapons and the aftermarket parts in the season 2 pass, we're also, of course, getting some brand new operators.

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