News - Warzone Season 1: 15 Tips For Launch. Warzone 2 Integration

cod warzone

MP map by comparison. Optics for medium range also don't hurt this whole combination just gives you that ability to thrive in those medium range engagements and again most of what you'll see probably within ukan, of course you are going to have those closed quarters you're going to have those extreme, outliers of the sniper battles and stuff but for the most part I'd be kitting stuff out for magazine capacity making sure you can end up securing kills with that double Health the bullet velocity to allow those shots to get from A to B quicker on those larger gunfights, and recoil control just so you can end up controlling it and you don't have to worry about missing shots again in those crucial gunfights, now beyond that other class selection stuff that I'd recommend here in terms of tips firstly come down to perks it's going to act the same way as war zone this past year with Modern Warfare 2 you'll have four perks in a package that are immediately available upon picking them up in your Loadout or if you loot a perk package out of a box or something, that's something that'll be available all four per immediately no charge rate like in Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer.

Understanding the perk sets in warzone season 1

Understanding the perk sets in warzone season 1

Packages that are dropped can also be reloaded, so perks aren't lost after death. Sincerely, even though I was a big critic of War Zone 2 and what we saw this past year. I loved that feature—the fact you could end up dying, go to the ghog, and then come back and get your perks back. That was a huge benefit to the game-play pacing and gameplay loop overall.


I love that, so that is going to be returning, but another thing to know is that, of course, the default perks are now going to be different. What I mean is default in the sense that you're always going to have these things enabled on your player's person, whether you're jumping in for the first time or you pick up your load-out tactical pads, which will improve the sliding distance and allow for full ads while sliding, along with increasing the stamina transition speeds; the Commando gloves, which enable reloading while running; the Quick Grip gloves, which increase your weapon swap speed; the climbing boots, which increase the climbing and mantling speed aspects; and the overkill perk, which will allow you to pick up two primary weapons.

Those five perks are always going to be active, so it's going to improve the pace of play, and of course, you also won't have to sacrifice one of your crucial four perks in those perk packages. With any of those, make sure you have those base features.

Selecting the best lethals / tacticals in warzone season 1

Selecting the best lethals / tacticals in warzone season 1

I guess now, beyond that, lethals and tactical selection are also something important to know for me. I'd personally recommend the lethals. I always ran sem Texas, but if you want to secure kills quickly, the throwing knife absolutely does this perfectly.

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You can secure the kills without wasting any ammo, so if you want to clean somebody up as a teammate of theirs, maybe pushing you, you can throw that without wasting any ammo and then take that initial gunfight. For the second or third player, whatever it may be, the tactical stuns are absolutely huge, but honestly.

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Just for tactical purposes, and this might still be me and like ranked grind overdrive from season 5 smokes, I think might be more important as of the last couple of months. Getting those rotations in and out while under the cover of smoke can help tremendously with staying alive.

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Yes, you may be contested, but it is something that they may have a better yield for risk reward in that aspect, so this really all comes down to recognizing what you want: high intensity or the ability to loot up and gradually get into the action.

There with that there is no right or wrong answer; it just depends on what you feel comfortable with and what you want to do for your gameplay engagements. One thing to keep in mind is that the strongholds this time around are now going to be what they said as environmental events, so it doesn't seem like on paper, but at least you'll be jumping in and fighting for those immediately so you can find black sight keys in regular loot, so you might not have to worry about those strongholds nearly as much.

Recognizing the change in gameplay pacing in warzone season 1

Recognizing the change in gameplay pacing in warzone season 1

Now the next thing is to recognize the game-play pacing. The big thing that a lot of people take away from what we learned as of yesterday, or depending on when you watched this a couple of days ago, is that War Zone ended up lowering the player count from 150 to 100 on Ekan. Of course, I would absolutely prefer and love to see 150 with this kind of stuff, but it is interesting to note because they're also those sort of counter features that are often overlooked.

The map itself is 20% smaller than that of Alaz, so there's not as much combat space; there's quicker circles with matches lasting only a maximum of about 20 minutes as opposed to previously, which lasted 25 to 27 minutes, so you may end up actually seeing a relatively decent and even pace with that of, say, if there were 150 players, so recognize the game play pacing here; make adjustments where necessary in the early, mid, and late games; and keep your head on a swivel ; and speaking of which, recognize rotations.

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Recognizing rotations & map flow in warzone season 1

While it's not something that we have a ton of information on how you'll end up being able to see the circles work we haven't really gotten any sort of patterns just yet on how they'll all work recognizing rotations is something that we can talk about all the way going back to the introduction of the initial war zone because you have those zones that do come in, often times you might not want to be in the dead center of the Zone maybe you like to play on those outskirts not necessarily riding the Zone but you can pick off players that do Ride The Zone here those people that think they're going to be sneaky they think they have a clear path into the next Zone really you could be waiting for them know those rotations, set up power positions to hold those that may have to come towards you and then you dictate the gunfights.

Knowing when to engage & when not to in warzone season 1

Knowing when to engage & when not to in warzone season 1

From there and also know when to engage and when not to engage with that in mind, because sometimes it's not worth it to take a gunfight if you just want to go on a rambo killing spree and your team just got wiped and you're the only one up. Yeah, it'd be great to get revenge for your team and wipe out a squad of four, but think about it logically.

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