News - Warzone: New Top 5 Best Smg Meta Loadouts After Update. Warzone Best Setups

If there's a different optic you like to use more of, go for that. If you like the iron sights, you can go for a stock for mobility or a laser for mobility. Something like that could also help out and speed things up.

Warzone 3 best striker 9 loadout

Warzone 3 best striker 9 loadout

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warzone 3

Going into some of the mid-range areas is really aggressive, and at the same time. I think a lot more players are going to be using the striker 9 this season, especially with some of the changes that we saw obviously to things like the ram 9 and the amr 9 and whatnot. Again, we've got the Z35 Compensator on here.

I do go for the long barrel in this case; it just extends that solid ttk out to an even greater distance, which is already really good for SMG in specific, so it just makes it a bit more versatile. It's going to slow you down a little bit; it's not too crazy, but if you want to go all in on mobility, you could swap this for a Dr.

6 hand stop. I don't think there's necessarily a wrong answer there either 50 round accent mag very basic nidar again don't love the irons in this case so I just prefer my accuracy there and then once again no stock for the maximum mobility benefits They're making this thing super snappy and super aggressive, but still, all things considered, pretty easy to use, especially in the close range where recoil is not going to be too noticeable.

warzone 3 best loadout

If you know what you're doing and you know the pattern of this thing, this is a really good option. This is probably the gun that's benefited the most from some of the SMG changes this season , and then, no surprises at number one, we've got the HRM.

Warzone best hrm-9 loadout

Warzone best hrm-9 loadout

This building specific has movement; there's no drawbacks to this thing right now essentially, so z35 and dr6 hand stop on here. I like the Thor 9990 barrel for the movement base build.

If you want to jump up to the princeps to get the better iron sights into to extend that range, that's a viable option too. It's just going to be a little bit slower, but that's just up to you. If you want the gun to feel like that 50-round accend mag is very basic, then I go for the light stock on here again, which just speeds up the movement a little bit for what it's worth.

I would actually run no stock as well in some cases if you jump up to the long barrel just to, you know, keep some of that mobility there, but again, that's just all coming down to if that build is comfortable for you, if that's the goal you want when you're making that build there, if you want the clean irons but the really, really good movement and whatnot.

warzone 3 best loadouts

Again. I don't think there's a wrong answer here just because the HRM is so versatile and so consistent across the board, but that being said, those are the new top five SMGs here in War Zone after the various recent meta updates. That's going to wrap things up.

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