News - Warzone: New Top 10 Best Meta Loadouts After Major Weapon Update. Warzone Best Setups

warzone 3 best loadouts after update

Rival 9 feels really snappy and aggressive, but I still love that its mobility is phenomenal. And the MCW 6.8 it's looking like the best Marksman rifle post Interceptor Nerf now it's got bigger ammo, capacity which I need to update on this specific load out but also you can spam it a little bit faster as well so it's a tad bit more forgiving so initially the 30 round mag is sufficient it's already better than what the Interceptor offers, but why not jump up to the 60 round drum there that's all the ammo in the world makes it feel like you can just spray and prey forever and you're going to be doing heavy damage while doing so ruin heavy support is especially important here because while you're getting the better control here when you're spamming, it also helps out with stability, so you're going to have you know less sway which is super important, on semi-auto.

warzone 3 meta

Guns Spirit fire suppressor yet again 2.5, times optic then I go for the assault stock which just straight up better recoil control across the board and a decent amount of that for only a 3% increase to ads so that's a really good payoff for very minimal cons there and then for the Rival 9 setup not too much change in here this thing is just like I said super aggressive so I find it pretty easy to use I go for the shadow strike suppressor in this case the bw4. Hand stop, is just going for better Mobility across the board movement speed ads, speed General, strafe speed and Sprint to fire all get bumped up that's a clutch attachment for an aggressive play style build 40 run mag you could also jump up to 50 if you're okay with being a tad bit slower, the Rival Vice assault grip is going to be basically free control yet again only hurts your idle sway not a huge deal in the close range then lastly I go for the tactical stock which is better Mobility yet again only hurts your gun kick a tad bit which is not a huge deal once more so this thing allows you to fly and Fry after that we got another really solid Marksman rifle the KVD, enforcer also sort of stepping up since the Interceptor, has been nerfed now so this is one to keep your eye on as well it is a bit more limited in emmo with only 20 rounds and it's fast its fire rate's not as fast as something like the MCW 6.8, it's still really good though and if you're familiar with the Interceptor you'll be able to do just fine with this as well 2.5 times optic again that said with the under barrels.

Warzone best kvd enforcer & striker-9 loadout

Warzone best kvd enforcer & striker-9 loadout

Obviously, as we talked about with the 6.8 MCW, Run Heavy is great for stability, and whatnot, so is Ripper 56. I think there's no wrong answer between these two, so I did want to sort of feature each of them in a loadout. If you're looking for some alternatives here, this also helps out a ton with reentering and stabilization, which is clutch, again on a weapon like this Spirit fire suppressor.

No surprise there, then I go for the mod Barrel, which is better velocity, better range, and better control, yet again that nice 3 in 1 combo, so this thing for mid- to long range is basically an Interceptor 2.0. And I pair this with the striker 9, which is also really snappy and aggressive, and a really solid SMG up close got that fast, ttk.

warzone 3 meta loadout

I don't love the irons here like I do on the Bas Striker, so I just go for the ELO site. No real, you know, drastic change there. If you're okay with the irons throwing a laser on a stock, you'll be nice and set with that 40-round mag again. Feel free to jump up to 50 if you're okay with being slower.

The choke-angled grip is pretty solid here. It hurts the vertical control, but this gun doesn't have much of that helps the horizontal, and you get mobility stats out of this too, so that's a nice, you know, double.

Warzone best holger 556 & lockwood 300 loadout

Warzone best holger 556 & lockwood 300 loadout

Best of Both Worlds double Pro there if you will we also got the shadow strike here easy to use so I don't really have to worry about anything there then the Recon long barrel just extends that damage range a little bit the better velocity, this actually works really well in the mid-range too so it's a very versatile SMG I love that about it now the hoger did get a buff with season one reloaded although it was mainly for its close range but over range it's still one of the better rifle options the only downside here is that it's really Limited in ammo it's realistic, ttk is phenomenal because it's so easy to use this is such a low recoil option but only 40 rounds so you don't have a great damage per mag but if you land your shots which is not hard you're going to have a really good ttk, especially within the rifle category in specific.

warzone 3 meta loadouts

25 times optic yet again, I go for the Cryo 6 match barrel, better range, better velocity, better control, and better pizza. I got the angled underbarrel in this case; this is another good option; it again helps out with horizontal control similar to the brewing and heavy wood; it just doesn't give you any cons to your ad speed, so that's nice to see there; the vertical control penalty is not a big deal on a gun like this; and then once more, a Spirit fire suppressor.

warzone best loadout

As always with the muzzles and then, unfortunately, the secondary. The Lockwood 300. As we know, this was vaulted a little bit ago because of this sucker right here, the Mel Storm dual trigger. Well, it's back, they unv it, and they didn't nerf it, so you're back to one-shotting with this thing within like 9 meters in the war zone, and it's a problem, so hopefully this gets vaulted again because it's definitely going to be dominating the close range meta now, but it's objectively. A great meta weapon and so we got to include it in this article I got the high stock mod on here for all the better movement 7 m laser for the better ads and Sprint of fire the 812 barrel for the better range helping out with that potential to one shot within 10 m then also the 1.3, choke for the better damage range as well if you miss one shot you're probably going to die but if you land one shot you get the easiest kill of your life this thing's definitely a little bit busted now the Bruin did catch a Nerf as well with season one reloaded but it's still one of the best mid to long range options and the vasnev is now one of the few MW2 SMGs post update that can hold its own the iso 9 got nerfed which is super stupid and super unfortunate but the vasnev, is right behind that this thing's actually very impressive, in the close and midrange range so initially I do go for the Sonic suppressor here just because this is such an easy SMG.

Warzone best bruen mk9 & vaznev loadout

Warzone best bruen mk9 & vaznev loadout

I like getting that extra range to extend that faster. Up close and hurting, that control is not a huge deal. I also go for the Cass one barrel; this is going to help extend that range yet again, so pretty self-explanatory. There's an Olay laser for the better ads, and the Sprint of Fire 45-round mag is the extended Max here, so of course you're running that.

The true Tac rear grip does help out with ads, and the Sprint of Fire makes it a little bit more aggressive there, so surprisingly, it's a competitive MW to SMG, and paired with the Breu, there are no real changes to this setup here. 2.5 times optic, the 60r mag really makes it feel like a rifle, and of course you want to be running that for the versatility.

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