News - Warzone: New Content Update & Gameplay Changes. Weapon Bugs Finally Fixed, Free Rewards, More

modern warfare 3 update

We just didn't get a chance to cover them since they weren't available. So the first part of the latest content update within Modern Warfare 3: War Zone and Zombie is Warhammer 40K. For the Emperor event, which is actually a two-event, although I'll explain why things are a little bit odd here in just a moment, initially with this, this is more so just a standard XP-based event for the next 2 weeks, so you've got plenty of time to go through and actually complete this essentially for certain amounts of XP that you earn, you'll end up getting a new reward, like, for instance, the first reward here is going to be a new weapon sticker, the second one's going to be a new calling card, then we got a battle pass token in case you haven't gone through and completed your season 2 pass yet, a new weapon charm a new weapon sticker a new emblem a new stun grenade skin, basically, which is kind of interesting; they call it a weapon.

They probably should go through and update that there's a new animated calling card, a new animated emblem, and a new loading screen. a double XP token, and then lastly, here you also end up getting the righteous storm weapon blueprint for getting just over half a million XP, and in two weeks, that's very doable.

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This is for the WASP 9; it comes equipped. If it wants to load, maybe we have to go through and back out again. There we go, because why would it work the first time? It's a new Warhammer 40K-themed weapon skin and blueprint for the WASP 9. Of course, if you change the attachments on this, it's probably going to lose some of its look, which is unfortunate.

modern warfare iii

But I do want to bring attention to the fact that when we saw all of these season 2 leaks, there was specifically a new camo that leaked out that was tethered to the Warhammer 40K event, and that's nowhere to be seen in this current event unlock like and reward list right now. The fact that this is a two-event kind of makes me wonder if next week on Wednesday with the standard update maybe we see part two of this event go live or something and we get some other additional rewards meant for like specific challenges and whatnot there, so we'll have to keep an eye out on that maybe it was scrapped or maybe it's going to be pushed back for something else. Of course, if we see any updates there, I'll be sure to keep you guys in the loop, so just stick it here for that and.

New warzone & modern warfare 3 aftermarket update (now fixed)

New warzone & modern warfare 3 aftermarket update (now fixed)

Stay tuned now. We also saw the week six challenges drop; as I alluded to earlier, they were just partially bugged because the reward wasn't working at the start, but we now have seven challenges for multiplayer, seven challenges for zombies, and seven challenges for War Zone as well to go through and break down, so multiplayer I found to be extremely easy.

I was able to unlock the backsaw kit very quickly. It took like three games to get all of this done, actually, so get 15 operator hip-fire kills with a recommended assault rifle. Just build it out for hip fire. You're going to be good. That's super easy, like the small mat. Mosh Pit Get 10 operator hip-fire kills with the recommended LMGS.

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Get 30 operator hip fire kills with recommended SMGs; get 15 operator point blank kills with the Hoger 556. Specifically, get 20 operator kills while aiming down sights with a recommended shotgun. Get 20 operator tack stance kills with recommended lmgs, and get 10 operator double kills with recommended SMGs.


It's very straightforward, and like I said, it really will only take a couple of games if you're on that small map called Mosh Pit for zombies. Get 250 kills in full auto-fire mode if they recommend battle rifles. Get 250 critical kills with a pack-a-punched recommended weapon. You could, in theory, do those in one Get five special zombie-critical kills with a recommended weapon.

Get 250 kills with a silenced recommended battle rifle again; that's one you could stack on top and do more of a three-in-one if you wanted. Get 150 kills with a pack-a-punched Longbow; get 250 kills with the Haymaker at Epic Rarity or higher; get 300 kills with a pack-a-punched Hore. And then for Battle Royale, pretty standard here this week, the first four are going to be the open chests and fortunes kept in the various different regions, so the North Region.

mw3 new update

West Region. Southern Region, and East Region are very straightforward. Placed in the top 10 five times, complete 15 contracts, and get 40 kills or assists with a recommended weapon as well, so overall pretty straightforward. It gives you the Jack backsaw kit for the Hoger 556 and also gives you one more tier in your completion towards the rotten Inferno camo as well, which will be available once the week eight challenges drop.

New warzone playlist update is here␦ and it␙s bad

New warzone playlist update is here␦ and it␙s bad

And then lastly, as of today, for whatever reason, this is why War Zone's update focus has shifted more towards Thursdays.

We have our new playlist update live for the next week, and I'm not going to lie, I'm a little bit disappointed here, basically for the past week since they dropped season 1 of Reloaded. The entire community has been saying that the Resurgence playlist rotation stinks. I digress for this week's playlist update.

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We've got ranked play trios on Fortune Keep, and that's never changing. Plunder Quads is still live on Zikan. For Battle Royale and Zstan, we only have solos, trios, and quads because Von Del Battle Royale has duos this week, so you can get n contracts in either one of those maps. Obviously, Von Del is just limited to duos, and then for Resurgence, we're back with this: every squad size gets one map, and it's just crap rhyming.

mw3 patch notes

Solos get Ersan POI rotation. Duos get Von Dell trios. Ashika Quads get Fortune's Keep, so if you really wanted to play Fortune's Keep this week, I hope you have four stacks. I hope you enjoy random Phil, or I hope you enjoy playing at a disadvantage, because that's the deal that we've got this week if you're a solo player and you were really looking forward to continuing playing the newly updated Fortunes Keep with the bunker buster and the new POI.

Well, good luck to you if you're a big fan of the Ersan Poi rotation and you love playing that with the homies. Well, good luck because you can't play with any homies this week because it's just for solos. It's such a weird playlist rotation. I don't understand why they're doing it, and it flat out stinks, so I'm very disappointed that they actually kept with this and didn't adjust it based on community feedback, but anyway, that is going to wrap things up for this one.

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