News - Warzone 3 New Movement Guide. Pc/ps5/xbox - Controller & Keyboard Settings

How the game has changed.

How the game has changed.


this will be a movement guide for both new and returning players to War Zone 3 we're going to cover all kinds of different things because the game has changed in a lot of ways, whether it's how slide cancelling Works whether it's how the aimd down sight while sliding works and how you can incorporate, that in your gam playay how the various Zips have changed whether it's in the edge of a building or redeploy balloon we're going to cover all these different things and kind of explain the nuances of them so you know how and when to use them and when they're going to be more effective or less effective for you in different situations, you want to practice any of this in a private match you would want to make sure you put on the overkill vest with the Tactical pads and that pretty much gives us three out of the four perks the only one we'd be missing is the climbing boot so I've loaded into ground war primarily, because I have a stamina bar and I want to go ahead and kind of explain how the stamina bar works with movement.

New stamina system (hidden in warzone 3) combined with slide cancel

Because this isn't available in War Zone as a visual. Hopefully they add it in later on, even though it exists the same way, so when I sprint, you can see it uses the entire tactical sprint; if I just sprint normal, it doesn't use any of that green stamina bar at the bottom. You'll notice that if I tap Sprint and then slide, you can see it stops and waits to regenerate.


A little bit beforehand. If I go ahead and jump. You can go ahead and see it stops as well, and which would make you think maybe you shouldn't do any of those things but with the way the movement works in the game it's actually faster to Traverse the map while slide cancelling and more specifically, long slide cancelling for movement so you can use slide cancelling for both movement and for combat in this specific case we're going to be using it for movement so we'd move it we could slide you actually slide pretty good distance and then at the end of the slide to make it a little bit faster you're going to go ahead and implement the jump button so to slide It's usually the Crouch button on controls that's going to be Circle or B and keyboard and mouse that's typically the C button so you're running you can slide, boom and then at the end of the slide or any point in the slide you can cancel it by pressing the jump button so pretty much you can run slide and then jump and then you can see it kind of gets you out of the animation a little bit quicker you go ahead and slide jump.

Slide jump and the reason you want to go ahead and get the full length of the slide is because how fast you move with the slide, is actually pretty good after they've made the changes so you get actually more use of it if you just Spam it you're going to kind of St stagger your momentum you're going to burn up all that stamina bar rather quickly so in this case if you want to goad and Traverse faster you would utilize your Sprint slide go ahead and come out of it tactical Sprint slide, out of it you go ahead and get that Sprint all the way back you can go ahead and still slide while you're doing this if you wanted you still get a decent slide out of it and then as soon as you get it back you tactical slide, eventually I think they'll go ahead and modify this because I don't think they want people slide canceling as much so hopefully we get faster regen andless things stop that refill of that bar so now we have slide cancelling for combat if I want to go ahead and come up to here you can go ahead and utilize this cover and slide cancel into it and you can see I slide.

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And then I cancel it with the jump, so slide is the crouch button.

New ads slide + slide cancel + intro info-gathering

New ads slide + slide cancel + intro info-gathering

Or you could be tactical sprinting, and on top of that, slide canceling is even more fluid. With the actual addition of the ads while sliding, in this game we get this by default, and you can kind of see how this works, so if you're going to go Ahad and SL slide, you can add ads. And you can actually slide cancel while in ad animation, so in this particular case you can go ahead and run out slide and then I can stop it right there you can utilize the whole slide and come all the way out one of those could throw off the enemy it depends on how close you are to cover if I already know someone's around the corner here I can go ahead and utilize this and slide out.

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And already be pre-firing without canceling that slide, or if I want to go ahead and kind of break the angle a little bit, maybe cause a little bit more DC sink. I can come up, and I can actually stop the slide right at the edge of the wall, so you can actually practice both of those if you want. And you can see I get right to the edge of the wall where I come out if maybe I felt like I want a corner Peak shoot I got Intel and then I can get back to cover you can utilize that one that way so it would be something more along the lines of here slide you stop and then come back through I saw the intel if you're going to hard commit you can actually go all the way through without the slide cancel , so you can actually come out and get that Intel that way and that goes kind of tied into to what our next topic is which is gathering Intel, a lot of times what you want to do is you can shoulder Peak like we're doing here I see the guy up there maybe I would go ahead and shoot him whatever.

Shoulder peeking + crouch spam

Shoulder peeking + crouch spam

Come, on so I go ahead and mount up and shoot that guy, but you can shoulder-peak here. That guy's been missing me for the past two minutes here, but you can kind of shoulder-peek here and get the info. The other way is like I just mentioned: you come through, you stop there, you peek back in, and then you're back into cover.

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You don't want to overexpose yourself; you can actually stop and get back into cover. It'll feel like you get a little bit of fatigue, or it's slow. I don't need to reposition as much, so this could be a good way to go. If the guy was up there and I had a better line of cover, I could actually peek at this.

Snaking + more info gathering explaination

Snaking + more info gathering explaination

They did this in Modern Warfare 3, and it's still pretty good. Obviously, your timing could be a little different, and this one's great because if you put in plates, you can go and kind of do that motion while you're doing that stuff, and you can kind of go through and do your plate motion while you're doing it, especially if you have it set to Auto.

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