News - Warzone 3 New Movement Guide. Pc/ps5/xbox - Controller & Keyboard Settings


The Bunny Hop's great because it makes a headshot a little bit harder to hit, and you can actually hip-fire spam. And while your mo mobility is higher, while you're in the hip fire if you aim down sight you typically move a lot slower so it's less effective you can still Bunny Hop off of higher distances like if I fell off a building I can actually get a little bit of a bump out of it but nothing will ever match war zone 1 I think they have intent to kind of improve this to make it a little bit more versatile, but right now you can kind of still use it I don't even I wouldn't even call it a baby bunny hop and I still think some of the other Mobility options are a little bit more impactful a little bit more effective, depending on the situation so we'll focus on the dive now which kind of has two main functionalities.

When and how to use the dive

When and how to use the dive

One is to kind of get away from gunfire, so, for example, in this case, if I were getting shot in the back. I could actually dive here behind cover, and then maybe I would do a Crouch spam or maybe I would snake. That's kind of the main utility of diving: you can get kind of behind cover, and maybe I go ahead and peek the corner or something like that.

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That's the main way that you'll utilize it; it's not really used offensively.

Important pc/ps5/xbox - controller & keyboard settings

movement guide

Because even if you dive it takes a while for your gun to come up in a lot of instances, you'll probably be dead by the time you can fire those shots at least if you're going against a competent person and there's gaps like this where if you were able to dive you can cover them whereas normal jump wouldn't cut it so something to make the movement feel a little bit smoother is going to be automatic tack Sprint I'm going to actually use automatic Sprint to show off that it is possible to do these things it just might require a little bit more input automatic tag Sprint is just by far easier and smoother, when it comes to some of these movements to help in addition to that is to single tap Sprint.

So that you're in control of when that is, and you can go ahead and press that. It's as easy as one tap, so you don't have to destroy your controller. So the general best practice is to go ahead and take a couple of these and start incorporating them slowly into your game. And once you feel like they're at the point where they're muscle memory, you go ahead and start adding a little bit more to the repertoire.

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