News - Warzone 2i Multiplayer - Early First Impressions. Mw3 Review


Or people who do know they might still use them regardless because they just prefer to use them, and therefore they're not being rewarded for the objective; therefore, they may not even play the objective, so I wish they just had score streaks by default, and on top of that. I do think we should be able to loop streaks in the same life, meaning we should earn more streaks.


Again in the same life rather than just earning them and then not being able to earn them again in that same life, and also we should be able to use two streaks of the same value like if a if two streaks cost you know four kills or whatever, we should be able to use both of them at the same time it should not you know Force us to use separate streaks that have different you know kill amounts, no reason for that just let us use whatever streaks we want in whatever order, that would be great another big issue with this game is this new Armory unlock system when I first heard about this I thought it was a fine idea because I thought it was only going to be for the aftermarket parts which was cool it was like okay a couple different attachments, you have to do some challenges to get it sure that's fine.

And then I thought. Okay, when I saw that they're actually adding more things to it. I was like. Okay, maybe there's just another way to unlock these items, so there's a gun available in it; apparently there's attachments, streaks, perks, and a bunch of stuff that's available in the armory unlocks.

I was like, okay, another way to unlock them. That's fine you know we still can still get them just normally by leveling up right apparently not the items within the Armory unlocks except for some attachments for some reason some of the attachments you can get regardless, but some of the guns some of the kill streaks actually a lot of the kill streaks in the game you can only unlock through the Armory and you might be wondering okay well what do I have to do in the Armory what do I have to do unlock them is it a simple challenge?


Well, for most of them, it's to complete three to five daily challenges, and that in and of itself is not that hard to do, but the problem is you don't get unlimited daily challenges, which means you are time-gated. Due to the amount of items you are allowed to unlock from this thing, you can only get really like one or two items a day because there's only that many daily challenges available.

So I have to come back every single day to get a new item. It's not it; it's it takes away what Call of Duty used to be where you just grind it. You just grind the game. You can do it however you want, however fast you want, whatever, but forcing us to wait for data just doesn't make any sense to me.


Like, why would you do that? That doesn't make sense; there's no place on earth where this system makes any sense, and I think this is honestly one of the worst things that we learned about this game, like most of the other problems that already existed in the beta that I mentioned. But this is something that's new for launch, and I think it's a really dumb system, and I really hope they change it because it doesn't make any sense if they want to have this armory unlock system.

Sure, but give us challenges that we can keep doing; do not give us daily challenges that we can only do; you know, whenever they actually give us the daily challenges, it should just be unlimited amounts of challenges, and that's it. So I consistently complained about not having any deaths on the scoreboard within the beta, and they did actually add this stats feature where you can scroll over with the right bumper.

While you're in the menu while you're looking at the scoreboard, you can see your stats, which do show your deaths, but that does not solve the issue because I do not want to have to go all the way to the right side of the scoreboard every time I want to see my deaths; it should just be right there on the scoreboard itself, or at the very least make it so we can have an option.


If half of the new maps were or half of the launch Maps were Moder Warfare 2i maps and the other half were brand new maps, and I'm sure it was simply because Slammer just did not have the time to make them and the ones that they are making are just going to be thrown in for DLC of course and I'm really excited for those new maps but I do feel like it just takes away so much of that enjoyment, because I play the maps maybe once or twice I'm like okay this is cool they're a little different in terms of how they look and you know have some new areas like I said like minor changes, but in general I've played these Maps before I played them probably a million times at this point so it doesn't have that same, launch day feel that Call of Duty usually has where you launch in and you get to try out like a bunch of new maps remember vanguards launch I know people do not like that game but remember how exciting that was there was like 14 new maps plus the two remakes.


We were so excited that we were just constantly trying to find games on the new maps, like I wanted to try out this map. I want to see this map. That's exciting, but this is not that exciting because I've already played these maps and I already know I don't like a lot of them, so I do think not having any new maps has significantly negatively affected this game, but that's just my take.

Peace out.

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