News - Warzone 2: Top 5 Meta Smg Loadouts After Update. Warzone 2 Best Setups

modern warfare 2

It's got a great TTK throughout but also a much better range than a lot of the other SMGs, so it's definitely deserving of the number two spot. It's actually a really unique gun. It has a really unique build here, so first up, because we're focusing so much on mobility everywhere else. I do use the lockshot kt85 muzzle here to give me some decent control, and I just tuned for better gun kick control and recoil stabilization here, nothing really out of the ordinary.

I'm also running the seven milliwatt laser again per usual tuning for the faster ads and Sprint to fire to capitalize on the stats we're already getting there from the attachment itself. One thing I will say is that the drawback of the PDSW and the P90 is the iron sights, which I'm not really a huge fan of.

That's all personal preference, of course, so I go ahead and use the Chrono Mini Pro with the blue dot for this type of fast-reach shooting. On the tuning, if you like the iron sights, which are on the P90, then the PDW, which is the P90, is the PDW, the AD, the PD, and the P90. Stock up here for the better Sprint speed, The CQB stock for the better ads You've got some other options, but I don't really like the irons behind the face cam.

modern warfare ii

I've got the TV package, which has better ads than Sprint. I'm tuning to maximize the ads a little bit more, then also the better aim locking speeder strafe, which is nice and convenient, and then lastly. I go for the q900 rear grip again for the better ads and Sprint to fire tuning, to maximize that once more so highly.

Warzone 2 best mp5 (lachmann sub) loadout after update

Warzone 2 best mp5 (lachmann sub) loadout after update

Highly underrated SMG, here, and way better than I thought it actually was highly recommended, trying this one out, and then my new number one spot previously what was number two, then the fennec was number one, the MP5, the lockman sub here. This is by far the best and most desirable SMG. After this update, in my opinion, this thing is good for control and good for close range.

Mobility It's very fast and very aggressive. It's also super easy to use and has a phenomenal TTK. So initially, I got the TCG 10-rear grip. This is for better recoil control because, frankly, the grip selection here is not nearly as good as the other subs, which were kind of obsolete, so TCG is really the only option here.


So you just tune for the inverse. You go for the better ads and get Sprint to fire, so you're getting control. Mobility from this one attachment is a nice little added bonus. 40-round extended mag: 50 is a little bit too slow for me. If you're okay with that slightly slower reload and movement in ads, you could always use that, but 40 to me is totally sufficient for duos, trios, and quads seven; milliwatt laser yet again, no surprises; here's tuning once more for the faster ads; and Sprint to fire.

I've got the Locker Precision on here; you could go a handful of different ways with your under barrels, though. If you wanted to use the shark fin, you could do that; if you wanted to use the drop grip, you could do that. I use Locker Precision because this is also really good for the hip fire as well as the recoil, so if you're transitioning a lot, which oftentimes with 75 I do, you run up close range and start hip firing transition.


In the ads, this is a really solid option for that, but there are certainly plenty of other good under barrel options as well for what it's worth. Then, of course, we're going ahead and tuning that for the faster ads, the slightly faster hip walking speed, and, lastly. I go for the Falcon Barrel, which not only sounds awesome but it helps out a ton with your movement, so it's going to absolutely be a super fast option and a super aggressive option for close range gameplay.

Just really stacking onto the pros of the MP5 in the current meta. I tuned here for the better ads and then I went slightly for the steadiness if you wanted to go for the straight if you could do that as well. I just liked some of that consistency there for the mid-range engagements, but overall, the MP5 now feels really, really good, and that being said, those are the new top 5 SMGs in Warzone 2 Season 2.

That's going to wrap things up. Peace,

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