News - Warzone 2 Top 10 Long Range Meta Weapons After Rpk Nerfed

Let me walk you through the tuning of recoil steadiness with an eye toward stability. Aim down sight and hip recoil control, recoil smoothness, and idle stability, and now you can do lasers so aiming walking speed and aiming idle stability on the wrap. That's number seven; let's hop over number six.



All right, number six, The m13b I know there are a lot of M13 fans out there, and this just got the buff, so let's take a look at this build. You're going to spit bullets fast with this build, but it is deadly accurate. Look at that one, two, and three-round recoil.

It's very easy to maintain. I'll show you the recoil pattern here. Ask that gun to shoot straight up with a little bit to the left, so that's all you're maintaining, a little bit to the left, but let's take a look at the build, all right, 60-round mag, high-velocity round, same kind of thing. recoil smoothness recoil steadiness We've got no barrels.

Zulu's 60-mm muzzle gives us the bullet velocity, just in case you're wondering about recoil smoothness and idle stability. We've got a 14-inch Bruin with recoil, steadiness, and aim down sight, and then aim OP04, and I've already told you that one, so let's go to number five. We're cruising along.

We're cruising.

Kastov 762

556 icarus warzone 2

All right, number five on this is the cast-off 762. Let's hop right in and take a look. We'll go right to the box, "foreign." The only drawback to this gun is that it does have a 40-round magazine. Let me show you the recoil pattern: go straight up to the right a little bit.

Not too shabby, let's look at the build all right, aim up o4 like we talked about the 40-round mag. I wish you had a bigger mag, but 40-round mags where it's at high velocity rounds like I said, the recoil smoothness and recoil steadiness that's where you're going to want to put that at, a T-Y-L-R-8 muzzle Now that's for horizontal recoil; that's what we want for recoil stabilization gun kick control, and we got the KS10 584 barrel.

We're going to go recoil steady on that one and aim down sight; that's your bill. Let's hop into the next one.



All right, we got the second at number four, so number four on this list, let's go right into the bots, and then we'll get to the build. This one has very slow ads, which is why it's number four on my list. I think it's number two or number three on some other people's lists, but for me it's number four.

Let's take a look at ones, two, and three. Let's reload, and let's do the recoil pattern again. Slow reloading on these LMGs is the drawback. It's a hundred rounds. Let's take a look at the recoil pattern for this. It's not too bad looking at how it slowly goes up a little bit to the left but then stops and doesn't go very much further up like the other ones did.

iso hemlock

It's very easy to manage recoil. That's why it's in the top four because you barely have to adjust your stick, so let's take a look at their loadout, all right? got the high-velocity rounds Zulu 60 got the 20-inch barrel, the Schlieger PQ Box 4, and the AIM Op04. On this one, you're going to recoil steadiness a little bit on the ads, so you lose 60 recoil steadiness aiming for stability.

Recoil smoothness and recoil steadiness are similar to before. All right, let's go with our number three build here and.



Number three for me is the RPK. This was number one for a hundred days. As I'm making this article, let's look at the new build and how it looks. It's definitely different, but it's still viable. It's number three; it's just not number one.

A little wonky up, a little bit to the left, and then a little bit up, let me show you the new build for the RPK demo X2 grip with recoil steadiness and aiming idle stability. Aim op04 High-velocity rounds, lock-grip precision, and your Zulu 60 That is the new RPG build, but it's not the meta anymore; it's a top-three gun.

It's a good gun, all right. That's number three on the list. You should still be using this in Almazra and Anashika Island, but now you have, in my opinion, something that you can use.



I'll show you the build. I'll show you against the bots. It works great, is solid, has nice hits, and has easy recoil. Easy recoil Let me show you the recoil. Straight up, real slow group pattern, real easy straight, a little bit to the right—let me show you the build and aim. OP04 like we talked about gauge 9 mono for the muzzle recoil steadiness and aiming idle stability with f-tac Ripper 56 on this one, or recoil stabilization and aiming idle stability for high-velocity rounds again with smoothness and steadiness in a 60-round mag.

That's your top two guns right there, number two on the list, the TAC 56. Let's roll into.


The number one all right your number one your number one gun that you should be using in a Mazda or an Ashika Island is the new ISO Hemlock. This thing is a laser. As you did see earlier, they did nerf the 300 Blackout round, so those are not hit scanned, but this is the number one gun for long range meta on either field, so let me show you what it looks like against the bots.

iso hemlock mw2

Good ideas good ads, easy to manage recoil Let me show you the recoil pattern: up and a little bit to the right, then it just stops. You don't have to adjust much with this gun. Let me show you the build. All right, we're going to go 45-round mag. High-velocity rounds recoil smoothly and steadily, and you should have a theme.

Here in Section 40, what we're going to do is for recoil stabilization and gun kick control. Fielder's t-50 Barrel We got that recoil steadiness and aiming down sight, and then the aim of OP-04, as you know already, and that is your number one bill. Take your screenshots. That's the one you should be using in Almazara.

All right, that is your number one build you should be using in our Mazda and Ashika, Island for Resurgence again.

In this video, we're going to take a look at the Top 10 Long Range Meta Weapons after the RPK nerf. These weapons are all still potent and can be used to take down enemies from long distances! After the RPK nerf, long range meta weapons are still some of the most important weapons in Warzone 2. This video will show you how to use these weapons to your advantage and take down enemies from a distance.
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