News - New" Max Damage Zero Recoil Kastov-762 Loadout Warzone 2. 0. Kastov 762 Best Build W/ Tuning



General loadout

If you're trying to skip around and see one or two things in particular, feel free to check that out; it'll make it super easy for you to do so. As far as your secondary, your tactical, and your lethal are that sort of stuff, This is all kind of preference-based, but for me, I love running the p890 at Kimbos.

Things are ridiculous. You've probably seen people using them by now. I like being able to toss them out; this is again just a complete preference; your lethality really doesn't matter; you could run a semtex, a frag, a thermite, a drill charge, or whatever you're feeling that day; you can kind of just run; but the recon package, which I highly recommend for your perk setup, will give you double time, making it so you can sprint around the map quicker, tracker.

If you're running behind an enemy and they're trying to run away from you, or if you're fighting in a building, whatever the case, you'll have a little footprint trail that you can follow to find them. Focus is huge for this reduced Flinch when you're aiming down sights; this makes those range fights so much easier, and bird's eye will give you a bigger mini map—not a bigger one, but it'll zoom it out so you can see more of the map on your mini-map, and also your UAV and radar pings will reveal the enemy's direction that they're facing when it pings them.

This is obviously insanely useful late game, so overall, this is my favorite perk package in War Zone 2.

Kastov 762 build

Kastov 762 build

I highly recommend it. But getting into the gun itself here first, we're going to go to the muzzle, and we're going to grab the Castovia, the dx90. This will give us bullet velocity, recoil smoothness, and recoil control. There's a lot of good stuff here. I've tuned this a little bit and almost all the way towards bullet velocity.

The tuning is something you can kind of play around with yourself and see exactly where you like it to be, but these are just the numbers that I have on mine; you can feel free to copy them over or, like I said, play around with it on your own. Next, for the underbarrel, we've got the phase three grip, which will give us hip fire accuracy, and the big one is the recoil stabilization.

best kastov 762 class

You won't really be hip firing this thing much unless someone's really running you down, and, in that case, they probably have an SMG or a Kimbo pistol. You're probably not going to win anyway; it's really for the recoil stabilization. But, for the tuning on this, I've tuned it once again towards recoil stabilization and aiming idle stability almost all the way on both but not quite all the way again.

Play around with it if you want. Next, of course, we're running the 40-round magazine. Just getting as many bullets in the magazine, not just for solos but especially for like trios and quads when you're going to be fighting teams, makes able to take out more than one person at a time, which is absolutely vital in some situations.

and this just makes it easier for you to do so for the optic, we're running the Schlieger 3.4 Times. This is my favorite optic in War Zone 2 right now, and for the tuning on it, we've tuned a little bit towards Ad Speed but not too far, and fully towards the far eye position. If you've probably heard people explain this by now, if you tune all the way towards the far eye position, it gives you less visual recoil when you're shooting.

The gun is kicking the same amount, but it's bouncing. Less on your screen makes it easier to see what you're aiming at when you're actually shooting, and, last but not least, for the rear grip, we are running the demo X2 grip, which just gives us more recoil control. Lastly, for the tuning on this.

I've tuned it almost all the way towards recoil steadiness and almost all the way towards aiming idle stability, just making this gun as much of a laser beam as it possibly can be overall, so yeah, with that being the setup. I hope you guys enjoy it. For those of you who want to see this gun in action, feel free to stick around till the end of the article and see the gameplay.



I'm sure that you're going to love it. My, that's a lot of people. Please, for the love of God, give me a gun—and a good one too—that works. My, how did I not hear him?

He didn't like to walk in, did he? Yeah, I'm going to make the safe decision that my safe cracker is pushing me towards—I'm just going to leave. I love dropping domes, but sometimes you just get like that many people and it's insane, like I saw at least six or seven, and you know. I dropped at the edge, so surely I didn't even see all the people who dropped there.

I'm just going to take all this money from the safe cracker and use it to go and buy our little cast-off setup up here, all right, a UAV. Don't Mind If I do, I'm going to go hit the third one before I go to buy because it's really close. And if I get up to $10,000, I could buy things like my fennec or a sniper or something with it, and I could have two guns instead of just one.

best kastov 762 class mw2

I obviously would not complain about that in the slightest. It seems like there was fighting over at that bus station, though, so it could be, you know, eventful. There are my three plates as well. Man, we got 13K; that is just unreal. It's absolutely time to go and hit that buy station and get not one, but two loadouts of weapons right off the bat here.

I know that there were people fighting in this area. Wow, what the hell, I wasn't ready for that. All right, he had a gas mask, a revive pistol, and a fennec. Someone drops a Precision on me. Oh, I thought that the ceiling was open in that part of the building. I don't know; I haven't been in here before.

best kastov 762 class setup

I just saw these openings on the other side that scared the hell out of me. Where's this guy pointing at me? Then, you guys wait and fight me like after I buy my AK; that would be dope; he's camping; what did he have? The mx9: did I just miss a lot of shots? He shot me. While the positive side here is that I did get, the positive side of this is that I did get to keep half my money, which means I still have enough to go and buy my cast off as soon as I drop back in, so all I have to do is win my Gulag here and we should be fine, but yeah, welcome back to Warzone Solos, where people will airstrike their own building and camp in it.

There are three of us; where's number four? We're all chilling here. He doesn't have armor. I just hit him in the flesh. Okay, there we go. Sometimes in the gulag, you just have to do all the work yourself. You just gotta keep it cool, calm, and collected and not rush in and start popping off at the other guy until you know you have an advantage, then you rush in at the end like I did, but here is the beautiful gun.

In this video, I'm going to show you how to set up the Max Damage Zero Recoil Kastov-762 class in Warzone 2. This is the best build for this gun and I guarantee you'll love it! If you're looking for the best Kastov-762 build for Warzone 2, then you're in the right place! In this video, I'll show you how to set up the gun for the best performance possible.
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