News - Warzone 2 Secretly Added This. New Overhaul - Season 3

You can now stay in lobbies

You can now stay in lobbies

Now I want to go over something that actually got confirmed many months ago, and a lot of players, including myself, thought that it just got added to the back end, but there was never really any proof behind it. But now we know the feature actually wasn't live at all but is slowly being ruled out by a number of different players.

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That is the ability to stay with the same lobby after your match ends, this is a very basic feature that we saw in many older Call of Duty titles where a game would end then you'd go back into a lobby with the same people if those people had backed out then that's what would happen but if the players didn't back out then you would essentially be in the same Lobby and you'd be able to vote for the next map that you'd want to play, now ever since I want to say Modern Warfare 19 maybe even a little bit before that there's been a reoccurring theme of just being backed out of that Lobby right when your match ends, and it refreshes the pool and you get placed with some new players and that's probably in line with the way the new skill-based, matchmaking, does work it's actually more like engagement, based matchmaking as we talked about in a separate article many months ago Activision went through a lot of extensive detail on how the matchmaking Works in Call of Duty now, and especially with the war zone era but it looks like after you finish matches of multiplayer for MW3.

You may get a prompt asking you if you want to stay in the same lobby; this won't pop up after every game that you play but could pop up, which I think is a cool step in the right direction. I just wonder how this shakes up skill-based matchmaking or the engagement-based matchmaking this game offers.

mw3 season 3 content

Because it's not popping up after every game, does it mean that the players were really at your skill level and were on par with your performance to the point where it's allowing you to keep playing with them, or did it notice that there were players in that lobby that shouldn't have been there and it won't give them the prompt to stay in that lobby?

New matchmaking announcements

New matchmaking announcements

I really wonder exactly how it works, but funny enough. Call of Duty put out another statement a couple days ago saying that they have some separate articles planned in regards to matchmaking that they'll be posting over the course of this year. They have one about ping, and essentially, it says ping is king.

Secret changes you probably missed

But what's also really cool when it comes to War Zone is that the variable time of day feature for rebirth isn't something that's going to be added to Resurgence. Right away, based on the crater call, Beox made it clear that that'll be a feature that's added to rebirth lockdown. Which is a mode coming.

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I believe, right before the midseason or during it, so I think it's cool they can experiment with new changes like that in a mode other than Resurgence so it doesn't upset a lot of Resurgence players out there, but if the variable time of day updates get well received, they will in fact incorporate those into Resurgence later in season 3 or some point after that.

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I know we had the eclipse over in Rebirth as of yesterday, which was really cool to see if you guys haven't checked out my Beast Glove review inside of MW3 in War Zone. I also wasn't aware of the ability to track challenges in the menu. It wasn't a feature that worked for the war zone. I guess it was just multiplayer when that guy added in last season, but now you can go head and use that feature over in War Zone, which is cool.

Amongst the biggest features that I still can't believe finally got added is the ability to clear team pings. It won't fully get rid of their ping on their end, but in terms of your HUD, you can clear your teammates ping so that you can go ahead and have more clarity, with your mini map or just with your environment altogether.

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So that's something you can find on the scroll wheel on d-pad, or whatever key you use over on keyboard and mouse and I think the war zone quality of life updates just keep getting better and better, and some of the things we mentioned in this article of course got buried in patch notes you might have missed them or you might have known about them but still want to go over a lot of these changes for those that didn't know, and then some other really cool ones right we have a new stat board that you can see when you pause your game in war zone you can hit start and you'll see a stat board with detailed statistics, as to what weapons you're using, you know how your performance is we already have something like this over in multiplayer.

That again took a little bit longer for War Zone to get, but I'm glad that it's a really shared system across the board where if one mode gets a really powerful quality of life update, it may take half a season or two, but the other mode is also going to get it. You can also spot multiple enemies in Smoke, which is awesome for those who abuse the smoke meta.

mw3 season 3 meta

If you throw a spotter grenade, it will not just stick to the player closest to the spotter but to every enemy within the smoke, which is awesome and something you can also withstand. I think one stick from a sex grenade if you're running the EOD perk is another pretty cool change for the war zone experience. Now I do want to wrap up by mentioning some other minor updates that I think still change the game quite a bit, though first off the ability to skip seasonal cut scenes.

Big xp bonus & skip cutscenes.

Big xp bonus & skip cutscenes.

I think you guys out there might consider this a bit of a minor change, but in all honesty, right when a season begins, if you get spammed with that seasonal cut scene that gets repetitive and pretty frustrating, that's not what I meant when I said that this is a pretty cool change for the future, the ability to have extra party bonus XP.

mw3 season 3 patch

So depending on how many players are in your squad, for two players, you get a 25% rank and weapon XP. for three players you'll get the same deal but with battle pass XP but then for four players you're going to get a 30% rank weapon and battle pass XP bonus that's actually pretty crazy especially considering there could be a double or triple XP event happening at the same time stack that with this party bonus which I believe does work, and that's a lot of XP you're going to be grinding through now even if that doesn't stack with an XP event that's still an opportunity to go ahead and level up your character or weapon or even battle pass faster when there isn't an event going on which to me is an awesome way to maybe catch back up if you're a little bit behind on some of your leveling, but don't forget within season 3 we're going to be seeing a new Party Collection.

For the bundles, that's going to feature a series of different skins themed around circus clowns or just creepy freaks, and if you guys actually run any skins from that collection within one party alone, there will also be an XP bonus tied to that, so I'm pretty curious if that's going to stack with some of these other XP bonuses I mentioned. But that likely will be the case, which is going to be crazy if you guys out there just want to level up even faster, but that is about it.

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