News - Warzone 2 Season 2 All Confirmed Content. Warzone 2 Season 2 Road Map Confirmed

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So season 1 reloaded. Update was some of a car crash light literally nothing was working rank player was delayed you couldn't unlock the new weapons via the challenges you had to purchase them from the store for the blueprints, and even then you still wasn't able to unlock the weapons and then also with the brand new weapons you also wasn't being able to unlock any of the attachments even if you had maxed out the weapon so it was a little bit of car crash but it was all fixed and even though we had a lot of problems with the brand new update, there was a lot of good that come out of it so every time we get an update in Call of Duty the data miners always find a lot more stuff more things come available to be found in the files.

So you won't miss a single article in the future. I'm giving some away. Let's jump right into today's article. In regards to leaks and everything like that, there is a lot of interesting stuff. Now one of my favorite most recent maps that has come out in the modern era of Call of Duty is Dos House, and that is going to be returning from Vanguard.

Now this was leaked by somebody called CeX Leaks over on Twitter. He's actually leaked a lot of stuff. He's one of my main two guys to find out all the leaks, so you can always go follow him. He also leaked a lot of new multiplayer playlists that are supposed to be coming for Modern Warfare 3 now: Dos House 24/7, Greece and Meet 247, Meat House 247, Rusty Meat, and 2477d.

all mw3 seasons leaked

Whatever that means, I must have accidentally put a d on the end. Rusty ship meet 24/7, ship house 24/7, ship meet 24/7. Shoot the shiphouse 24/7, and shoot the ship, so obviously we're going to be getting a lot of brand new 24/7 playlists, which is definitely good for if you're wanting to rank up really quickly, if that's ranking up your weapons to your personal level, or even if you are wanting to max out and get all the camos, so you can go ahead and get into Stella if you have not yet unlocked that, so it's very interesting that we are going to be seeing Dos House.

It is really, like I said, one of the better maps that we've had in recent years, and it is interesting how they actually transferred this over into the Modern Warfare era. Obviously, it was very good at Vanguard. I really enjoyed Vanguard, especially towards the end, like the movement system, and everything was absolutely amazing.

There's also been some leaks of Domes potentially coming about, which doesn't really surprise me as it is kind of like the New Town version of the Modern Warfare series, so potentially that will be coming back, but as it stands for deite. This is coming back to D House, and it should be coming in season two.

modern warfare 3 content road map

Like I said, it's all in the files, so it is very interesting in regards to that. Speaking of other things coming in, I have mentioned there's going to be a lot of new weapons, and now we actually did see the FN F2000. In one of the rank player images, I believe that season one reloaded was officially announced with all the kind of content that is going to be coming.

However, there's actually been leaks of all the DLC weapons that should be coming into season 2. Obviously, things can change; they can move these further down the timeline, or potentially, we could see them not coming into the game at all. We have seen that happen with leaks and stuff in the files before that never was released, especially operators and stuff like that, but the weapons we are supposed to be seeing are the Anvil B, which is the FN.

modern warfare 3 road map

F2000. AR, and HRM 762, which is going to be the Beretti ARX200. If you remember, the 20000 was a very good weapon, and that's going to be a battle rifle. We're then going to get the PM9, which is the MB PM9 9 SMG, and the M, which is the iwi I x95. SMG, and then we're going to get the sword as a melee weapon so we're going to get a brand new melee weapon which is good as we only have two so far two SMGs, an AR and a battle rifle and potentially we could still get more some of these might get changed; they might put some other weapons in season 2, like I said; nothing is confirmed, but all these are in the season 2 files.

That has been leaked, so it is very interesting to see that the likes of this are going to be coming into the game. I'm pretty concerned about them, to be fair. I feel like we do need more options in the SMG section. I don't really think there's a great option in there, so adding the two extra ones plus we've just got the HRM 9 as well puts our SMG, category very well stock, so the file size then for season 2 is J.

modern warfare 3 season 2

Well, judging from like the download size of season 1 so far. I probably would expect it to be around 30 to 35 gigs in size, so that's going to affect a load of new War Zone content, and obviously it's going to affect a load of new multiplayer. And hopefully zombie content. Zombie content seems to have dried up a little bit, but with that being said, the main battle pass operator is looking like it is going to be Lwell, so she will be Tier Zero and Tier 100, and Kate Lazell will, like I said from the campaign, be coming with black cell variants as well, so if you choose to purchase that in the battle pass bundle, you'll be able to get all the black cell variants of Lwell.

On first glance, obviously, we have actually recently seen it on the Instagram of Call of Duty. They did put out a thread of all the players and friends that were online, so ghosts were online. Captain Price was offline, and Graves was online. Laz is online, so it makes perfect sense that another fan favorite from the campaign is going to be coming and having her own operator, and then we are supposed to be rumored to be getting Melena Romanova.

mw3 dlc road map

She was first seen in the Von Dell cinematic and last seen in the Modern Warfare 3 campaign. Romanova is reportedly coming to the battlefield. As a playable operat, it's unclear if this character will be featured in the battle pass or in a future bundle, but she will be coming in, and it is looking like she is potentially coming into season 2.

There's been a couple of images floating around in regards to two other operators coming in. I'll throw them up on screen. These have been in the files for some time but have yet to be released. This is the second time she's been in the files since Modern Warfare 2. Now obviously, The Walking Dead has quite a few spin-offs, but the brand new one with Rick Gmes and Michael is supposed to be coming during season 2 of Modern Warfare 3.

The season should start on the 7th of February in regards to season 2, and then the brand new season should start sometime in mid-February. I think it's around the 21st, if I'm right, so we should be seeing some form of crossover; it was in the files alongside the boys event, so that should definitely be in the game.

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