News - Warzone 2: Replace Your Rpk Now. New Best Ttk Sakin Mg38 Loadout After Update. Warzone 2 Meta

That said, if you want to make this potentially even more lethal over long range, you could add on the high velocity ammo option here to make it feel even more consistent in those, you know, 60, 70, 80, 90, and beyond gun fights, which is never a bad decision, and if you want to go for that. I'd recommend dropping either the edge 47 or the g305, rear grip.

new meta warzone 2

I just want you to test it out and see how it feels. drop the other see how that feels whichever build you like more run that again for that comfortability with the high Velo on there but a couple of different setup options here either way the second is, going to be an absolute Beast. Probably one of my favorite guns in the game right now based just on how it feels right now and how it performs against those other top meta options But with that said, that's going to wrap things up for this one.

I'll catch you guys later, in

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