News - Warzone 2 - Fast Trophy Hunt Farming Guide (new Mastery Fast Unlock)

Single fastest method to get all trophies for the event

Single fastest method to get all trophies for the event

You do need to have a Building 21 axis key card, but they've buffed it, so all you have to do is have one of these key cards, and you'll be able to go into Building 2 for an unlimited amount of time.

So now that we have this one key card, I can keep going into Building 21 for an entire weekend, farming a bunch of these trophy coins. Now, what makes this method even better is that they just buffed Building 21. You can see I loaded in without a backpack and without armor; it just gave us free Tier 3.

mw2 mastery operator

If you load into building 23 with no weapon, you're going to get a finnick that's got attachments; on it, you're going to get a large backpack and a tier 3 vest, so almost all players are going to be on an equal playing field regardless. Of the loot they have now once we've loaded in game we're essentially just gonna hunt down enemies because yes you, you can get trophies from Bots but, it's fairly rare now you can do this method solo and I've done it solo a few times and I've still got a lot of trophies but it's way easier if you're able to play with two other players that way you've got a squad of three because even if you go into Building 21 solo, it doesn't mean that the other teams you're gonna run into our solo if you go in Solo you might find multiple other teams of three and it's gonna be really hard to go up against that but the strategy is super simple you, load in you rush find enemy teams take them out get their coins deposit.

The deposit station in Building 21 is going to be in the middle of the map. From the buy station, they've got to be able to shoot you, and you're in this middle area because the Wilsons can see that the bots are going to be able to shoot you, and you're in the wide open, but all you've got to do is go from the buy station to the other side, which is where you deposit them, or you could just wait till the x-fill spawns.

mw2 season 3

The x-fill spawns in about five minutes after the game starts, and most of the time we've done this, we've been able to get 12 tokens for all three players in the game, and around the same five minutes it takes for the x-fill to spawn, so what we were doing was going in as a team of three clearing.

The entire map got all of their coins deposited. Then we would just go and farm bots until the X will spawn in, we take the x-fill and leave all, three of us would get about 12 coins and take about five minutes, and we'd rinse and repeat doing, this is by far faster than you'll find in any other method, it's also going to get you a lot of XP to level up, and it's also going to help you get your character and get a lot of perks for them in DMZ, so I recommend spending this weekend grinding out Building 21 because come Monday, this strategy is not going to work this is the fastest strategy but it only works, three days out of the week now for the fun part we've racked up 212.

Using the trophies

Using the trophies

Of these trophy tokens, let's go ahead and spend it on one of these items and showcase it, and let's be honest, out of all these items, by far the best one is going to be this blueprint, so we're going to see if it looks good with camos, and we'll test it out in game. It's for the M13B, so if you haven't unlocked this yet by playing DMZ, you could also get it this way.

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It's also tuned for ad speed, sprint to fire speed, and it's got the canted laser side as well.

Event blueprint in-game

First, let's see what it looks like with Camos. That's kind of sick, and it might look sick in the game, so we said it well. I got some bad news; at least Mastery camo is not the coolest-looking thing on this.

mw2 season 3 event

I think some solid camo and solid camo don't look that great either. That event camo is kind of cool. Now, for the real test, let's see what it looks like in game in a little firing range action. It looks pretty reflective, you know, for a free blueprint that you can unlock completely. For free, it's pretty good looking; it's not the best blueprint in the game; it's not going to blow anyone's socks off, but I'm glad I've got this because once this vent goes away, you'll probably never be able to get it again.

I don't want to say lame, but I'm waiting to get the operator skins, and we've got 60 tokens left, so just from the farming we've done today, we can already get this as well as buy another item. You know what? There are still 30 items left. We'll buy another item. There we go. I think we can still get another item.

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We're just getting all the cheap stuff at this point, but who cares? There we go. That's four items done for this event. We're getting close; we're not quite halfway there, but we're going to get that master operator very .

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