News - Warzone 2 Armory Unlock System Is Being Wasted

cod mw3

the store bundles that were in Modare 2, like just the weapon or just a calling card that was in a bundle, because sometimes they do release cool cooling cards and emblems that you think I'd want, but I'm not paying 2,400 card points to get specifically a sticker or something that I think is pretty cool, right?

You're not going to do those loading screens as well. Why is that not a thing? No, why are they not in here? But they could take the already-made store bundles that were in Model Fare 2 that you don't know about in the game or that aren't even being released anymore, and just take them, put them in this, and allow people to unlock them for free.

Now, yes, of course, people might moan and say, Hey, look, I bought that store bundle back in Modern Warfare 2; why should everyone get that for free? I get that, but that game is done right. The year of Modern Warfare 2 is done. The weapons that we're using in Modare 2 are done. Let's be honest, they've been ported over.

cod mw3 rant

I don't personally use them. I like using new stuff. I kind of got bored of us using the TAC 56 and all that for the whole year of Model Ver 2, so I kind of don't use that sort of stuff. I think it' be a great idea to have you know these ported over, and it doesn't even have to be the 2,400 Cup point on there was obviously store bundles that were 800 Cup points and had like some Tac 56 variant or some other variant and allow people to unlock those for free in this game because again they're not making sales for them now they're probably not even in the store.

I don't know how many store bundles are actually from Mod Warfare 2 in the store because I don't really check the store that often, but you know people could have the option to go into the armory system and pick that weapon blueprint or, may Master Gra or whatever it may be called, and unlock it for free from those 800 Co.

modern warfare 3

It might be something that has a yellow and red stripe on it or something like that; who knows? I think it'd be a great idea to add this sort of stuff to the armor lock system and make more use of the system we have again. It could make the game more refreshing; it gets people playing the game more, so from a developer's point of view, you're getting more people playing the game, and at the same time.

I think people would feel more rewarded for playing. You know, right now I'm getting wins for nothing. You know, every win I get, yes, gives me XP. I guess a little bit more and stuff. I'm not actually unlocking anything again. I've got a calling card, an emblem, and some sort of sticker that I don't really care about because I don't have the choice.

I don't have a choice of anything to unlock right now. There is nothing for me to unlock. I could be overreacting here, though I could. I do feel like I can't see this being a wasted feature. At least, I'd hope not. I'd hope that Sledgehammer has something planned, because I do feel it might be something that, hey, maybe when the re-season one reloaded update comes in, maybe there's going to be more stuff added, because this does look like something where stuff's going to get added more and more throughout the year.

modern warfare 3 rant

I'd like to hope so anyway, so I could be overreacting, and maybe they do have something planned.

Final thoughts and opinions

Final thoughts and opinions

They could be doing more with this; they could be releasing old store bundles that aren't, you know, being used; they could release camos, weapon blueprints, etc. It doesn't even have to be the most amazing-looking stuff in the game; it just has to be there as an option for people to unlock.

I don't see why. Of course, I understand not giving away skins, like actual skins, like, for instance, the Doom characters and all that stuff, the Doom, shotguns, and things like that. I can understand not being in there, but with all the store bundles that people didn't buy, why would we not put them in the armor lock system?

It's such a simple idea. I think it would go down great, and I don't think it's going to be that hard of a thing to do again. Camos whatever it may be, and add new stuff, of course, every so often. What do you think of this idea?

MW3 Armory Unlock System Is Being WASTED! Hope u enjoyed today's video discussing the armory unlock system in mw3 being wasted and why I think the mw3 armory unlock system is being wasted and how it can be fixed and improved in modern warfare 3 and get the most out of the armory unlock system in mw3.
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