News - Cheating Is On The Rise Warzone 2



As you can probably guess by the title thumbnail, we are going to be talking about the rise of cheating in Modern Warfare 3 because, yes, it is on the rise. I've noticed it a lot more in my games. This is something that I wasn't personally coming across. I know it existed, of course, and I'm not going to pretend that it didn't.

The anti-che, of course, is here in Modern Warfare 3 and War Zone, and it's supposed to eliminate this issue, and I've noticed this week in myself from playing. That right, the cheating has kind of become a little bit more rampant, and that's what we're going to talk about, like the different types of cheating I'm talking about here, because it's not just the simple Aimbot wall hacks and stuff; we're talking about wall breaches and stuff, which are mainly glitches.

You know, it's people abusing certain glitches and stuff that gets discovered by people in the community, and then people make articles on it, and then people find out how to do these glitches and then abuse them and use them in pubs and stuff, but I've noticed the rise of cheating this week in Model 3.

I kind of want to talk about it because, recently, I saw a thing about how they changed the anti-che, or, you know, they do this thing where they update. I don't know why they do this; it's fun and gimmicky as it is, but it doesn't really solve the issue.

Mw3 anti cheat isn't doing enough to stop mw3 cheaters

Mw3 anti cheat isn't doing enough to stop mw3 cheaters

So for instance, I saw this tweet about what they did with the anti-che and the model fefre devs announced in November. A new anticheap method to stop people from cheating, which mainly affects war zones like this, wouldn't be available or helpful in multiplayer whatsoever.

So I'm hoping they're doing stuff for multiplayer because this isn't helpful whatsoever, but a new feature called Splat and what Splat is Splat is simply a way that people will, once they go to drop in from, you know, the top of the map, etc., from the helicopter plane, whatever, they will hit the ground at a thousand OD miles per hour, and just Splat, that's it.

You know, they'll take full damage and die as soon as they jump off of a ledge, or, you know, even walk off of a ledge or something; they will fall. Splat hit the ground hard and then need to be revived and go down and stuff, and as great and as fun as that is to mess with and troll the cheaters. This doesn't really solve the problem, to be honest; it doesn't kick them out of the game; it doesn't boot them; it doesn't stop them from cheating, you know, and I'm wondering how much Anti Che is actually helping stop the cheats currently in mod Warfare 3, because I did a article about this in mod Warfare 2 because I managed to run into a hacker who sold the cheats on Tik Tok.

I haven't tallied or seen those streams as much, but I do know they exist if you didn't know, or if you've never used Tik Tok, you go on Tik Tok.

Why reporting mw3 cheaters means nothing

Why reporting mw3 cheaters means nothing

And the guy explained to me that even if you report these people, it doesn't actually do anything, like they never get banned, and if they do get banned, they just get more accounts anyway, so when they put out these tweets, which say. You know, 22, 000 accounts were banned for the month of November or December, etc., they're never actually banned.

Okay, I always take it with a grain of assault; these people are still playing the game and still cheating. Of course, it will affect those who just play or want accounts and buy cheats from a cheat provider, etc., but, essentially,. I've played game modes like 24/7. TDM, domination you know, fun playlists like the Raygon Playist have not run into anything so far, but this week, when I've been playing Ground War, specifically Ground War Only, is where I've managed to find this happening.


I don't know if it's just because it's the bigger mode, and this is where the cheaters are flocking to. This kind of happened in MW 2019. It was quite famous for it, like not other modes; other modes were perfectly fine, but if you went to Ground War, you'd find a cheat in another game, and we're kind of getting the same pattern back, so I've noticed a lot of people using wall hacks and aimbots.

Headshot only—you name it, it's been happening. In the ground war, I should realistically have saved the clips, but I didn't, unfortunately. But if I can and I will, I'll make a follow-up article showing the clips of it going on because it is pretty easy to run into a game of it happening the moment with it being 32 vers 32.

There's so many chances of finding a cheater and stuff, and it does seem to be happening, and there's also the occasional wall breacher that I've also managed to find, which is more of a glitch that you know someone is abusing, like I said; they see a article on how to do it, and then they go in there and use it.


It's probably in a space where you need to find a way to get in there, but by the time you find a way to get into that space, that person will kill you anyway. I don't know whether you classify that as cheating or not. I'm one of those. I'm a bit on the wall on it; it's one of those It's like, yes, it's the dev's fault that you know that they can get into this space that's kind of unkillable and stuff, but at the same time.

Do you think W breaches are kind of a type of cheating? I kind of think they are, but also. I understand it's kind of the developer's fault; you can't really ban someone for being their fault, but most of the players who do W breaches do understand what they're doing, and they know that they're kind of cheating the system a bit for those cheap nukes and stuff, but, yeah, so.


I know for a fact again from discussing with a cheater in Modern Warfare 2, and if you haven't seen that article, that article is on the channel if you want to check that out. You can listen to what he has to say, but he tells me fully in depth how it works when it comes to reporting people and stuff, but your reporters don't actually do it; you get rid of the cheat, and even if you do, you get rid of that account.

For whatever reason you know they might actually ban the account, that doesn't actually ban the cheat; it never has done and it never will. So. I wonder what the anti-cheaper actually does sometimes because yes, like I said, having gimmicky things like the Splat thing and stuff and making people disappear for the hacker to kill and stuff, it's all well in that being fun, but that doesn't really stop the cheater from doing it.

You know, it'll be annoying for them, but ultimately they're just going to realize they're cheating. I'm just going to switch to another account, and that's the problem I have here, and I think that's half the problem with the anti at the moment. It doesn't mean we don't get people permanently banned, and I don't know why we don't get permanent bans half the time.

CHEATING Is On The Rise In MW3! Hope u enjoyed today's video discussing cheating in modern warfare 3 and why I believe it on the rise and discussing the different types of cheating happening in mw3 such as aimbot, wall hacks, cronus users and macros in mw3 and what needs to happen to prevent this and why the current mw3 anti cheat doesn't prevent this mw3 cheating issue.
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