News - Warzone 2 - 10 New Camo Challenges. Final Camo (season 2 Reloaded)

These challenges sound super simple if they have shipment 24 7. You can finish most of these challenges in one game. You can get about 50 to 75 headshots per game and shipment, so most of these are only going to take a couple of games. But I have a feeling that once this goes live, they're probably not going to have shipment 24 7.

They're probably going to have 24 7 of the brand new map, so it's going to make it take a little bit longer.

Warzone challanges?


It doesn't say if there are going to be Warzone versions of these challenges because doing this in a war zone would be a lot harder than doing this in MP if it's getting 100 headshots with SMGs.

That's obviously going to take a lot longer to do in Warzone; it's still doable, but it's going to take a longer amount of time. The other thing they didn't say is if all these camo challenges are going to be available at launch time with the Path of Rin event.

Path of ronin event rollout

Path of ronin event rollout

There were only four challenges available at launch, then a week later they allowed two more, then the next week they allowed two more, and the week after there were two more, meaning it took almost two weeks after the launch of the event to be able to get the grand reward, which was the crossbow.

So, we might not be able to get this camo and this charm until the entire event rolls out. We just don't know exactly how they're going to do it at this time, but either way, I'm really happy they're doing this. Modern Warfare 2 desperately needs more events like this.

Mw2 needs more events like this

The original path of the Ronin event was kind of boring; there weren't any crazy rewards.

But being able to unlock a bunch of new camo and then a mastery camo for doing these challenges sounds cool. Super exciting, and I want to see more events like this going on in the future of Modern Warfare 2. Stuff like this gives me a reason to play and gets me excited for people to wonder about the crossbow.

New crossbow challange


Since they're getting rid of the path of the original challenges from Ronin. You won't be able to get the crossbow that way. They're changing it. So now you can unlock the crossbow by getting 50 long-shot kills with Marksman rifles. So if you didn't have the chance to get the crossbow, don't worry, you can still get it for free once the update hits.

You've just got to get 50 long shots with Marksman rifles, and you'll have it on your account.

New dlc weapon in season 2 reloaded

New dlc weapon in season 2 reloaded

Then we've got the new season 2 reloaded DLC weapon. The Tempest torrent is going to be on the M4 platform, meaning once you unlock this and all the other attachments you've unlocked for that platform, they should work on this right away. Is going to be a marksman rifle; it's got a base capacity of 20 rounds, meaning you can afford to utilize its fast fire rate in the heat of battle, however.

It's going to have a decent amount of recoil, but it's predictable recoil, and it's going to be a two-shot elimination, unless you land a headshot up close, making it a one-shot kill. If you're accurate, it sounds like this might be pretty ridiculous. We'll just have to wait and see next week when we can use it, and.

How to unlock the tempus torrent in mw2

modern warfare 2

They even tell us exactly how you unlock it: you've got to get 25 five-double kills with Marksman rifles, or you could obviously buy the store bundle of 25 double kills with Marksman rifles. It sounds kind of difficult, but honestly, if you're playing a small map. I feel like you could get most of that done in one game of shipment; finding a game of shipment is going to be the hard part, but I'm excited to give this a go and start earning camos on this next week.

Shuriken got delayed

unfortunately the shuriken got delayed. This was supposed to be part of the Season 2 update, but now it's not coming in Season 2 at all. It's going to come after that. You've only been able to use this if you've played a Chica Island Resurgence; that's the only way to use it, but it's supposed to be coming to custom loadouts too; this is what it says in the blog post; however, the shuriken lethal equipment piece will not be available to be used in custom loadouts until after season two, so I'm assuming that means at some point during season three or maybe season four.

I'm not quite sure why it got delayed because it definitely matches the theme of this season, but yeah, it's not going to be usable in our DMZ until after season two, when they give us more information.

New shredder bundle

New shredder bundle

On the new shredder bundle Yes, it is now confirmed that the promo yesterday was about Shredder, but that was obvious if you watched it. They give us some backstory about Shredder, as well, but you probably already know that they talk about what's going to be in this bundle. You're going to have a blueprint for the brand new shotgun from the battle pass.

Yes, the spammy one, and then there's also going to be a blueprint for the new assault rifle from the Battle Pass, the iso Hemlock. And there's going to be a new blueprint for the new melee weapon, the Kadachis.

New steel claws melee skin

These. I assume, are the steel claws, which I assume are going to look something kind of like this, and I love when they take melee weapons and make blueprints for them that completely change the way they look.

mw2 all cdl rewards

That's going to be really fun and exciting to use. I'm more excited about the steel claws than I am about the shotgun blueprint or the AR blueprint. Hopefully, they come with some sort of cool Tracer Fires, but we'll just have to wait and see what comes next; we've got a St.

St patrick's day bundle

Patrick's Day bundle and event here.

The bundle is a tracer pack bundle; it looks kind of cool.

Warzone st. patrick's event

Then there's also going to be some changes in the game Legend, which has it in the middle of March for only a few days the rivers of Al Mazda flow green; some say a rainbow can be seen over the land with the Legend of, something truly treasurable if only for a single match on the other side.

So it doesn't sound like a massive event, but there are going to be some small changes to how Mazda operates. There may be an Easter egg or two that we'll just have to wait to see.

Nuke operator skin 2.0

Nuke operator skin 2.0

Then we've got some other bundles here. I'm not going to read these off; I'm just going to show the promo image because no one cares once they're Again, this is using the background of the nuke skin for the third time now, this being the Tracer Pack bow and Chiller bundle, and no joke, this is the same hood that we just got a few days ago in the same hood from the nukeskin, except now he's got a gold face.

I wonder how many more times they're going to reuse this nuke skin then.

Unlock farah operator without vault edition

We've got this bundle here, and yes, this is a way to get Pharaoh if you did not get the Vault Edition prior; you could only get this operator by buying the Bolt Edition now. You could buy this bundle if you don't have it, and you'll get the operator.

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