News - Vondel Is Back. But For How Long. Plus The Best Primary Warzone

You've got to just go and hope, fingers crossed, that you get across. You can't buy back 3v2 situations. They might be in the water. Wait for 3v3 situations. We just got spicy. He did not buy me back. Okay, let's see what Trix does here. Trix should just live-ping. Trix should not land in; he should just live ping for a second and give his teammates the information.

best vondel class setup

One teammate down, he's going to go push this, and he's going to get fried out of the sky, guaranteed. 3 2 1 Maybe not, maybe not. We might be in business here; there's one 2v2 situation, Straight ahead, cancel your reload. No, cancel that. Reload a teammate's still alive. Silent killer, come on, clutch this.

He's pushing up. Watch your right side. Watch your right side. Watch your right side. They're pushing they're pushing they know where you are. Bud, no, they don't. One V1 One V One V one live ping live ping live ping If he lives in there, he can literally sit in the bush and shoot the guys. That's why Li pinging is so important.

Get in the habit of doing that. I hope you found today's article helpful. As I always say, let's get better today, and I will see you.

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