News - How To Fight Smarter Warzone


Today I'm going to be showing you how to fight smarter on rebirth. I've got you with a 36-kill solo quads live commentary where, as I'm playing. I'm talking you through why I'm doing what I'm doing as a 4K player, but throughout the game, at certain moments. I'm going to prompt you with a choice to see if you can make the right game-sense decision.

I hope you learned something. Okay, so as I said, today we're going to be really focusing on how to fight smarter, on rebirth. Look, when it comes to rebirth, it's a smaller map with a lot of Close Quarters engagement; pacing is a little bit quicker, so you know a lot of our decisions are going to be, you know, do we push this, do we not push this, do we challenge with momentum, do we back off and re-engage, do we reposition and find a different angle?

You know we're going to slow down and play positioning a lot of different things when it comes to changing that pace and making decisions throughout, so you know at certain times we're going to pause. I'm going to give you some options. Let's think through what you would do, and we'll really break down why you made the right decision or the wrong decision.

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We're starting off in control here, and this goes for a lot of different buildings, especially the smaller ones. The really, really small ones—you know what it is all about: anticipation and centering. This goes up, and this goes up immediately. We push to watch that guy there. Watch this guy here.

Knock, Thirsty, I need to get it. Let's be really careful here. I'm going to sit in this corner for a second, but jump down. Anticipate that way. Nothing let's break through these doors here. Just be really, I got a UI. Wait, there's a throwing knife here. Glitch, back off. Yeah, we have to go.

We have to go. We have to go. We have multiple enemies around us, but we have broken the line of sight. Do we keep finessing down the hallway, or do we re-engage? We're going to re-engage, but instead of just pushing back in, we're going to play a little bit of patience and positioning. The biggest reason we're going to re-engage is because we're full plates and we're in a great spot to catch someone off guard.

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See if one of these guys is going to push through here or if they're both going to push. Through this guy's above me here, let's quick reset. Here now, I know he's going to be there's two up here, two different teams. I got to back off this. I wanted to get up there so bad. I was in such a good spot too.

I think that's his cluster. Wait, there's still another one up there, though definitely still another one up there. We're caught in a tough spot here. We're CAU Reload, and Snoop Dogg is pushing. Do we rechallenge or disengage in the hallway? We only saw one enemy, so we're going to rechallenge here.

We're going to finish reloading as we break the line of sight, which keeps him guessing, but watch how I preemptively use movement to take less damage by drop-shotting. Chow this fre Chow straight to a drop shot. I can't see the level because of those freaking stairs. Maybe I'm going to keep an eye on that side and then push right back through here.

how to get more kills rebirth

Drop shot again, another one, and I'm going to keep clearing through. Here, I need to load out. Down here in a second, we have multiple enemies still in control of us. Do we keep clearing control and try to find them, or do we get loaded out? Down, get loaded out. This is one of the most important lessons I can teach you when you and your squad have enough cash.

Make the smart play. Stop fighting for just a few seconds. Buy your load out, throw it extremely far away, and then you can get right back into the action, but at least you set up your I'm not giving you any choices on this one. What's your thought process here? What's your next move? A lot of fighting smarter is about remembering information and acting quickly on it.

Remember the enemy that shot me just before this? I want to get rid of and notice that, as I'm plating, I'm working in that direction so that I can engage quicker. Just wait, was he further back? No, he was in there. I did not anticipate that. Well, where are we at 13? Here you got a load. I want to get rid of this.

how to play smarter in warzone

I want to get rid of that. I don't want that HRM. This has quick fixes and combat. Scout, so that allows me to get live ping and puts me in a position to be careful around this corner. Here, these guys are pro I think these guys are up above me. Let me throw this down for throwing knives real quick; that's huge.

Shots Let's challenge this immediately. We have one more enemy on our level. This is absolutely an immediate challenge. Always take your 1V fights, but do we push left or do we push right? We push right. Watch the mini-map here, specifically where he is moving. Don't chase him; think ahead. Meet him at a spot and anticipate that he's pushing up the skinny side.

I got 40 rounds; I'm good to challenge this. What do we have here? 16 i mean, we're just that's just information, okay, let's go ahead, let's grab, we have a, yeah, we do have I'm going to leave that load out there. it's this is going to I'm going to slow down for a second here, but I'm going to leave that load out up there strictly because it's going to stay in zone longer.

how to play smarter on rebirth

Let me go and pop this real quick. Okay, we're okay here. Let's grab the load. Let's immediately hit zip and get back in the mix here. Where is the mix? Let's see where it is. Mix, mount, and up. No wait This is a second enemy UAV being launched. Come on, wait, he's above me here. One enemy down, one enemy left.

Do we challenge or disengage? We're going to challenge you here. There's not really anywhere for us to disengage, and there's only one enemy left. The most important thing though is that we're going to take control and push him; we're not going to let him push us quick stem, and we go, but I challenged that because I knew it was only two.

That's the only reason I challenged the idea the idea that if I had a feeling that was multiple, I would back off. Let's fly over this way here. wait, two up top. Me Wait, one left side there. Think about the situation that we're in right now. Do we back off, or do we keep playing? Shacks, we have to back off here.

how to play smarter rebirth island

We're in between two teams; we can get shot at and pushed from multiple angles, and we are barely on the edge of the zone, so let's back off and find a better position. You got to be really careful here; this is two teams for. Knock, I stole that. Just be careful. There's got to be a play. My cover here today is all about playing and fighting smarter enemies on the roof of prison, and they know that we're here.

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