News - Video Game Easter Eggs #116 (cyberpunk 2077, Warzone 2, Sons Of The Forest & More)

Let's end today's article with Call of Duty. Modern Warfare 3: Now one of the most iconic scenes in Call of Duty history is the death of General Shepher in the original Modern Warfare 2 after betraying Ghost, and the team shepherd finally gets what's coming to him in the form of a knife to the skull.

Of course, this year's Modern Warfare 3 is a reboot, so in this universe, Shepherd didn't suffer the same fate, but there is a reference to his gruesome demise on the rust map you can find. This, so hidden in the sand, is a skull with a knife embedded inside of it. Of course, the final confrontation with Shepherd happened in a location not too dissimilar to rust, so this is definitely a reference to the end of Modern Warfare 2, which I think is really cool.

easter egg

So, that's it. Be sure to subscribe for more Easter eggs and details from your favorite games.

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