News - Top 5 Warzone Meta Loadouts After Update. Warzone 2 Warzone 3

Bass b

Bass b

The fifth and final loadout I have for you all is the bass B, and I think the biggest downside of this battle rifle is the magazine size. If it had a 60, I mean, this would have been perfect, but we're going to work with what we got, which is the 45.

Once again, the best underbear for these long-range weapons is the FTE-Rer 56. The same exact muzzle we had on our MTZ, the spirit fire suppressor once again, you get another increase in that bullet velocity damage range; it's just going to be so strong at long range gunfights. We then have on the Brewing Venom long barrel, we get another increase in bullet velocity in range, and on top of that, more gun kick control and recool control.

My final attachment is the same optic we've had on all of our other long-range weapons, the Coro Eagles. 2 and a half times, so you can see the trend with a lot of these builds and some of the same attachments. This right here, man. I mean, it is just like an AR but stronger, and you're going to see.

best assault rifle warzone

I mean, a little bit of kick to it, but if you can control it similar to the MTZ, these dummies right here have three plates on, and I'm making them look like they got one, unbelievable the bass. B, probably the best weapon that is not an AR It is ridiculous that you're going to wrap this up. Today's top five best loadouts after the Modern Warfare 3 war zone integration.

The weapon you see on screen is the striker 9; it's my personal favorite that I'm so excited to use on VL in a few days. A huge update. It's crazy it gives me some gameplay as well, so make sure you guys are subscribed with those notifications on, and you'll be notified the next time I post. You guys all stay safe, have a great day, and I'm out of peace.

best assault rifle warzone 3

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