News - Top 5 Ranked Resurgence Loadouts Warzone 3. Mtz, Hrm9, More


I've tried using the underbarrels on this; I've tried the xrk, which is the movement; I've tried the ftac, which is a little bit more of a recoil-based underbarrel; I've tried the dr6, which is a faster adsorption underbarrel; and I initially was using the dr6. For the first day of ranked play but after the first day when I started getting into the higher ranks I found that I was losing a lot of gunfights, and I felt like my gun seemed a little slow and so I took off all of the under barrels I was trying and switch to this barrel and this Barrel is it now the dope thing about the thorn Barrel is it's going to actually help with that ads speed it's going to also help with your Sprint to fire speed allowing you get the first bullet and on top of that it's going to boost your overall Sprint speed so not your movement speed but the actual ual speed at which you sprint I found for me this felt significantly, better than using the dr6, which does kind of something similar, it does ADS speed and movement speed as opposed to ads speed and Sprint speed I found that I noticed the Sprint speed bonus on this way more than the movement speed bonus I got on the dr6. So this right here is the HRM 9 that I would highly recommend you guys all use, and I think the only other gun that I can think of that some people would like to use in rank play that might move a little bit faster than this is maybe the AR 9, which I'm also going to be showing you guys right now.

Amr 9 loadout

Amr 9 loadout

All right now, we're going to be talking about the AR9, even though it's not as popular as some of these other guns that I just kind of mentioned. Technically, paper kills the fastest. There's a ton of different builds that I've tried with this, and this is the class setup that I found to be the best, so without further ado, we're going to start it off by chucking on, you guessed it, the 50-round mag because this gun shoots insanely fast and we need all the ammo we can get.

If you guys have tried the Amor 9 with iron sights, you'll know that the iron sights on this gun absolutely stink, so you are unfortunately going to have to use one of your five attachments. On an optic, some people use the Slate Flex CT, and for me personally,. I like to use the nidar. I think the Nidar for the SMGs is just the best overall optic; it has the cleanest sight, and for some weird reason, I feel like it gives me less recoil when I use it.

amr9 setup

I could be bugging, but I don't know. Just try it for our third attachment. We are going to be chucking on the dr6. This gun does aim a little bit slower compared to some of the other SMGs we just talked about. Look here; it has a base speed of 285. Milliseconds which compared to some of the other subs they're closer to around 200 so we're going to be making up for that by adding the dr6 under Barrel which is going to knock off 25 milliseconds of that ads speed to help us kind of be more competitive with the other SMGs for that muzzle we're going to be chucking on the same Zen 35, compensator, just because again helps The Recoil helps keep you up Min map now for the fifth attachment this is where some of the builds start to vary a lot some people like to Chuck on a stock I've seen people use for example the DAV 15 light stock I've seen people use the pipeline I've seen people use the demo LTS, a little bit faster EDS but I really don't like these they don't feel good or they add too much recoil, but I found to personally be the best attachment to add for attach at number five was the amr9.

hrm 9

Commando Pro Barrel the reason for this is it's going to put our movement much more in line with some of those other SMGs that we get because it's going to boost our ads speed it's going to boost our Sprint to fire speed our movement speed and our Sprint speed this attachment for lack of a better word really is a jack of all trades when it comes to the movement and just boosting everything that's already good about the SMG, nice thing about this also is that it has very low recoil, so I know you guys might be asking right now just looking at the setup it looks really weird where's all the recoil attachments, and I'm serious you really don't need it I don't play on keyboard or Mouse literally ever but I it's very easy to like Snap between these you can tell that like The Recoil is pretty much non-existent.

hrm 9 ranked class

I will complain a little bit about the reload speed. The reload speed does kind of stink on this compared to some of the other subs, but again, it's gotten literally no recoil, and it's very easy to use, especially from far away, and like I said before talking about this class setup, it technically kills faster than the other subs that I mentioned, and all three of them are very good and viable for their own specific reasons.

Those are all the secondaries that I would recommend using. I wouldn't use anything besides the HMR 9, the RAM 9, or the AM 9.

Ram 7 setup

Ram 7 setup

hrm 9 setup

And so now let's go ahead and just jump right into the primary guns you should be using and could be using in resurgent rank all right so let's start off the primary Guns by talking about the ram 7even those of you guys that may not know the ram 7 caught a pretty big Nerf, with the last update kind of to be expected I guess though because this gun was The Meta primary for pretty much a month I will say this though the gun is still very much usable and a lot of people including pro war zone players are still using this to be honest with you it just doesn't kill as fast anymore as some of the alternative, guns which I'm going to also talk about and show you guys I'm going to kind of speed through this class set up really quick I just wanted to touch on it again because there are a couple of different attachments people are using and some people are still going to always prefer this because it just has zero recoil so we're going to start off by using the 60 run mag we're going to use for the stock the HS, 3.4.

For extra recoil control, it's going to help that there's no recoil feel underbarrel. We're going to be using the same brew and heavy support grip again for that recoil control. It's going to slow down your ads, but you have to kind of use it for that zero recoil feel for the barrel. We're going to be using the same Cronin head when long barrel just because it helps a ton with the bullet velocity and damage range for the muzzle.


Nobody is using the Jack BFB anymore because of the Jack BFB. Also caught a Nerf so you'd be using a nerfed gun with a newly nerfed attachment, it's not the wisest thing in the world to do I've seen some people using the spirit fire suppressor I've seen some trying the Sonic I don't recommend using any of that stuff what I recommend doing is just using the Cassis break muzzle because the Cassis break muszle is going to help remove, any sort of horizontal recoil that you get using this in combination with the other recoil attachments that I've added and damage range attachments that we've used this gun is going to have an insanely fast bullet velocity allowing you to basically point and shoot while maintaining that zero recoil feel it this doesn't kill as fast as it used to anymore cuz they reduce the damage to get the fastest ttk, gun we're going to be talking about the MTZ.

Mtz 762 class

Mtz 762 class

And it's going to smooth out our recoil pattern by 15%. It's only going to slow down our ad speed by 3%. It's going to reduce our movement speed by around 1%, give or take, and so you're basically getting a ton of recoil control for basically free. For our third attachment, you should be using the 30-round mag or the 40-round mag if you still have the blueprint saved.

Unfortunately, I saved the blueprint of the 40R mag, and so I no longer have it. They fixed the glitch, so you can't get the 40R mag anymore. The only people who have it are the ones who saved it. Have it great use it if you don't use the 30 you need the extra ammo for our fourth attachment we're going to be chucking on a barrel we're going to be using the MTC.

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